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Rate the Siggy!


Sage of Tales
Inspired by the Rate the Avatar game. Give your personal rating on a scale of 1-10 (1/10 for worst, 10/10 for super deluxe awesomesauce) of the signiture of the person above you at the time they posted.

This can be images, simple text, quotes and such, or both.

I'm contemplating changing my avi annd sig soon, so mine is to be rated while it can. Currently, my sig contains a self-created image of the Master Sword, some weird personal philosophy, and website links.

Since there's no one above me... uh... Nice job, ceiling?
Aug 18, 2009
I swear Mr Boiler that is my favorite banner of yours so far. Deduction only because it's not Zelda related :)

Lol, hey thanks. I made that myself...looking at that 9 sure lifted my spirits, guess I am not bad at siggy making after all.

I'll give yours a 9/10 as well. It's very good, Zelda related but perhaps if only one of them had been Zelda and the other someone else, like Rad, maybe a ten would of been given. :P lol
Dec 11, 2009
I'd give it a 7/10. The picture really doesn't spark any interest to me. Its just... so empty.

As for the text, well there's a short part to a Zelda Quote, and I am fond of Mario games, but your forum hasn't sent me an e-mail confirmation XD


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
It's a very adorable picture that is just emphasising cuteness.
It is cartoon in it's right, which it is meant to be, so I have no complaints. Though, the background has something to be desired,


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
well, my siggy has a funny link in it but LOZ fangirl is making me one but her computer broke so my siggy is bad, but follow the link!!!!
Xeldimus 9/10, i like it a lot!
Oct 26, 2008
2 out of 10, nothing there captures my interest...it's got 4 small smilies and 4 lines of text. It's very bland and plain...


Sage of Tales
6/10. It's cute to use something from a classic board game and it's a nice scan... however, I must deduct points because I've *been* to jail and it's not fun! To explain: I had a relative who had a little prison stay for a while and I used to visit him with my family. Let me tell you, talking and snacking in a yard with razor wire all around you on the high fences is a bit surrreal. You've all seen the talking behind glass on a phone in movies and TV... that's more for county jails and a certain level of security... with Minimum Security at the place my relative was, they'll actually let family out into a park-like yard, so, yeah, essentially, I've been inside a prison!

So, I'm collecting my 200 dollars and passing Go, durnit!
Nov 20, 2008

The image is a little bland, but The quote is nice, and I've followed both links and love your artwork and fanfictions!
Aug 18, 2009
The signature is a good one. I like the way Link is looking back and the colors in the background, however, green words don't look too well, they should of been yellow to compliment his hair. 9/10

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