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Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
Anya Taylor joy was a terrible casting decision and the character of peach was assassinated in this movie
How was the character of Peach “assassinated” though? If anything she felt a lot more awesome and enjoyable than her game counterparts, and she actually did a lot of stuff to help, and she was fun and bounced off of Mario well.
Jan 23, 2022
watching some stuff on Tubi tonight and this weeiend

the 1998 Avengers movie
Death to Smoochy
Matrix Resurrections
Hoodwinked 2
and Stay Tuned

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Blue Beetle - 7/10

I enjoyed the story about family at the heart of this movie. The line about one character's family having a lot of stuff and the other character's family having a lot of love hit hard. The finale was also surprising emotional with an unexpected backstory for one character. It's too bad that some of the zingers against capitalism rang hollow and some of the humor felt overly forced.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse


I bought the movie today after having watched Into the Spiderverse a few weeks ago. I've seen visual development art from these movies for the last few years, but never had context for how the art related to the story. I've watched trailers of the movies too and always thought they looked cool visually.

When I watched them finally it was like a feast for the eyes. Especially Across the Spiderverse which utilizes so many different visual styles, from oil painted looks, to watercolor, comic art, etc... It's like you don't want to miss any frame because each one is so well crafted. I loved little touches like how Spot still has an underlying pencil sketch describing his anatomy beneath his character render.

Overall I enjoyed the story of Across the Spiderverse slightly more than Into the Spiderverse too, and I cannot wait until Beyond the Spiderverse releases.
May 21, 2023
Had watched Inland Empire recently…man, what a trip. Have had some time to mull it over and still not sure on it. Mostly I’m glad to have watched it, however it feel’s its the one work by Lynch I don’t think I have much of a grasp on. Twitter n Peaks has been analyzed to death, even the Return now. I feel like I’ve at least got some satisfying headcanon for Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, Eraserhead. But this is just really out there. I suppose it’s to its credit that it feels real close to a waking nightmare in how it pulls you in.

On a brighter note, I also watched Kiki’s Delivery Service and found it extremely enjoyable. Haven’t watched many Ghibli films but have been working on it. Spirited Away was my first so it’s a bit special to me, it’s certainly got the most imaginative imagery. Grave of the Fireflies was much more grounded but I kind of have to take into account its based on real events. I’d watched Princess Mononoke after hearing about how it has parallels to BotW, and I wasn’t disappointed at all. However, I think I enjoyed Kiki more for giving itself plenty of room to breathe between the action scenes. There’s a lot of heartfelt moments that would not otherwise work I don’t think. Probably an 8/10 for me.

Azure Sage

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Barbie (2023) - 10/10

Genuinely one of the best movies I've seen in years. The humor is extremely good and well-timed and the serious moments are perfectly quiet and poignant. Some of them even got me choked up. It does a fantastic job portraying real struggles that people face, whether as a woman under the patriarchy or even as a man under the patriarchy. At its core, it shows a very human experience that's relatable despite whatever your gender my be.

Paraphrasing some lines from the end of the movie here: "Ideas live forever. Humans, not so much. Living is uncomfortable, and that's why we make things like patriarchies and Barbies; to make it less uncomfortable. And then we die." "I want to be one of the ones creating ideas. I don't want to be the idea." These words were deeply impactful for me. This, and the scene where Barbie is sitting in the park just watching life happen and quietly crying at the beauty of it all.

This movie is a pink pastel fever dream that encapsulates the human experience, and takes your hands to tell you it's okay to be ugly and ordinary and imperfect. This movie wants you to break your chains and realize that you are enough, whoever you may be. And it has John Cena in a mermaid costume.

I haven't felt this much about a film in quite a while. It was a truly great experience. Can't recommend it enough. (Can't recommend it KENough.)

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Sound of Freedom - 9/10

This is a very chilling movie about child trafficking that hits hard with amazing sound design and a few quieter moments that really drive home the emotional message.

I know that some people criticize the affiliation of the creators with some conspiracy theory groups, but the film does an excellent job tackling a tough topic with tact.

My only complaint is that the action scenes are short, but it makes sense given the small budget.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
The Equalizer - 7/10

This movie started off very slow. A lot of Denzel Washington's character, Robert, going to his job and bonding with his community. But it sets the stakes for the later confrontations when the community starts to get involved in the action. I'm not a fan of some of the jarring cuts, and the big explosions are too CGI heavy. Thankfully, the final fight absolutely delivers in terms of setting and pacing and truly nails Robert as a one man killing machine.
Jul 18, 2023
The Wonder - 9/10

I watched this without knowing a single thing about the movie. Glad I did.
Luckily this is not a horror movie. It actually could have been PG-13.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Thor: The Dark World

Not sure if it was called that because there was a dark world or because a lot of it took place in England.

I get this is generally regarded as the worst MCU movie, and it wasn't just amazing or anything, but it never felt actively bad.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Thor: The Dark World

Not sure if it was called that because there was a dark world or because a lot of it took place in England.

I get this is generally regarded as the worst MCU movie, and it wasn't just amazing or anything, but it never felt actively bad.
Hey!! England has sun!!!

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