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Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

Hangman 2017 - 2/10

This has got to be one of the most nonsensical serial killer cop movies I have ever seen. Al Pacino and Karl Urban are completely wasted in this film, in fact they are as wasted as the writers must have been when they wrote this horrible script.

Nothing at all makes sense in this film, there are random leaps in logic that don't fit together at all, nothing that happens means anything to anything, it's actually mad how much it doesn't make sense.

The film is called Hangman, the killer leaves a hangman game where he adds a letter after each kill... yet no one tries to figure out the word depsite one of the cops being able to complete crosswords in latin... okay...

This is a bloody terrible film. Not well made, not well written and not even well acted considering the cast.

I'm not even sure how this film got made... probably because Pacino wanted some pocket change.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Secret Life of Pets 2 - 8/10. Cute movie, pretty funny, cast did a good job.

Ma - 7.5/10. Enjoyed the story and the torture scenes. Typical modern horror movie with a bunch of horny teens underage drinking.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Labyrinth - 8/10

How this film flew under my radar for so long is beyond me, but it no longer belongs to the ranks of the unwatched alongside Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, Gremlins, and other campy classics. The power of voodoo--errr, nostalgia--was immensely prominent as Labyrinth took cues from Peter Pan, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, and even Beauty and the Beast, partly. I found the characters and choreography to be entertaining, but the special effects were pretty bad and broke immersion a few times. Also David Bowie played a fairly menacing Goblin King, and despite some initial qualms the glamrock appearance actually worked in his favor. All in all, a decent watch.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
IT Chapter 2 - 8/10. More funny than it is scary, it's a great remake and it didn't stray too much from the originals. The ending was hilarious.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Truth or Dare

For one of these horror films about evil games or a monster with specific rules, this wasn't a horrible movie. Definitely better than other movies in a similar genre. I thought that, for once, the characters didn't just exist to be killed. Most were fleshed out to be given some personality and depth. The fact that it had two fodder characters to convince the rest of the cast how the game worked was a little frustrating, because it was clear from the beginning who the disposable characters were. Other than that, the characters acted in a smart way to try to survive the game they were stuck in.

I also feel like this movie got bogged down by the need for these movies to explain the evil plaguing our characters. It's always a convoluted demon with a convoluted backstory and a convoluted way of stopping it. Rituals and holy sites really ruin the evil of the game and it no longer becomes about beating the game, but performing a specific set of magic babble to seal the evil.

Overall, I'd give it a solid 7/10. Mostly for the fact that the main characters acted in a believable way, and they all realized the danger of the game fairly quickly.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Round 1 of scary movie times:

Texas Chainsaw Massacre + 3D: 6/10 - Basically the same movie. Nothing spells campy like a manic giant flailing a Doomsaw around.
Blair Witch Project + BW16: 6/10 - Hard to believe that people actually fell for this back then, but the mockumentary aspect was interesting. Too bad I can't say the same for the scares.
Brightburn: 9.5/10 - Imagine if Superman spent his early years terrorizing the populace of his small Kansas town. The concept is intriguing and pays off well, if not for some pacing issues.
Carrie 2013: 8/10 - Girl with telekinetic powers gets revenge on other girls for ruining her hand-sown prom dress. Yes, it was well-deserved.
The Hills Have Eyes: 7/10 - These guys give mutants a bad name; just not the ones you're thinking of.
10 Cloverfield Lane: 9/10 - Terrific performances all around topped off by one killer ending. Also, it takes place in a bunker; I see what you did there, J.J....
It Follows: 6/10 - ...Just how did this get rave reviews calling it the most horrifying movie in 25 years? I mean, the cast was great and all, but the writing made no sense as far as fending off the "monster" goes.
Don't Breath: 8/10 - Who knew that Stephen Lang could be so persistently terrifying? Fixes the flubs of the former film and actually makes getting followed an unsettling ordeal.
Lights Out: 8/10 - Make sure to change out the batteries regularly before taking out an intangible specter from a failed experiment.

Next up is something I don't want to spoil, but suffice it to say that it's rather insidious.
Jul 1, 2018
In the tall grass (netflix)
Bit of an odd one, started off ok then got weirder as the movie progressed.

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