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Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Spider-Man: Far From Home

Nice to have some relatively low stakes again after Infnity War and Endgame. The movie was really fun and dare I say funnier than the first film, but my biggest problem with it comes in the form of Mysterio. Through the first half of the movie, his character was really cool and the revelation that
he worked for Tony Stark and was jealous of him and all the attention Iron Man received, along with the fact that he helped design Stark's BARF technology
was actually pretty cool. But I thought by the end, he had become quite bland. I don't think they really took his character in the right direction and it made the entire third act suffer as a result, though it was definitely nice to see a lot more Spider-Man action than the previous instalment. Tom Holland stepped up his game for this film, and as much as I had issue with his character, Jake Gyllenhaal put on a fantastic performance. Zendaya is also killing it as MJ, and she has a lot more character than she did in the first film. Jacob Batalon is also a strong actor, but his character was so criminally underused in this film to the point of being borderline pointless.

In terms of plot, the twist was very predictable, but some of the stuff after it I really didn't see coming. Peter Parker has a lot of growth in this film, which is nice because I felt like his character went backwards a little bit between the ending of Homecoming and Infinity War. The mid-credits cameo was funny and unexpected, but I'm not sure how I feel about how they ultimately ended up handling Nick Fury's character.
The revelation that he was working aboard the Skrull's command ship the entire time and that his Earth form was just a skrull in disguise was certainly interesting, but I feel like it could have been handled a bit better. The post-credits scene wasn't that great in my opinion as Nick Fury himself has never been the type to lay in the sun, no matter how fake it may be, for even a few minutes.

Criticisms aside, this was a good movie, and a decent followup to Endgame. I have only my initial viewing of it upon which to judge so I may feel differently upon further viewings. But for now, I'd give it a 7.5/10.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Spiderman: Far From Home - 8/10

I am always up for seeing Spiderman films, whilst my interest in a lot of the Marvel films has now decreased this was never one I was going to miss.

Mysterio was a character I only knew about from the Spider Man 2 game on the GameCube and he was one of my favourites from that. So I was glad to see they brought him to life for the film though I thought it was odd that they made him from an alternative universe and gave him powers similar to Dr Strange and made him a good guy this time
I was pleasantly surprised that they stayed true to the character and revealed him being a fake with no powers at all. Although I thought the plot twist would be he was secretly a villain I did not realise the extent of his fakery. I really enjoyed the way they pulled it off. Shame they attempted to do a similar twist with Iron Man's most powerful foe, The Mandarin, having him be a British actor called Trevor. That was completely wasting a good character from the comics and of course a great actor (Ben Kingsley). With Mysterio though, it is absolutely in character and the twist was not a kick in the bollocks
Jake was the perfect actor for this role and he performed it very well. He really came across as a new mentor figure for Peter after Tony Stark's passing.

This film also did a good job of showing peters struggles with balancing his superhero life with his normal one and although the stakes were lower in comparison to the threat of Thanos if there is a more personal threat to the hero and those he cares about it doesn't matter.

The mid credits cameo was the best! I am so glad they decided to bring that actor back to perform that role. Nobody else could do it so well. And hope he returns in Spider Man 3.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Excalibur on.... *****ute.


8/10 classic


LOL forum censor thinks I have a potty mouth :crylaugh:


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The Lion King (2019) - 8.5

The king of animated films becomes the king of live action remakes, equally uplifting as the original while also stripping itself of some of the more enthralling aspects. As a result of using realistic animation to each of the beasts, the facial features were sadly downgraded to be less expressive and some of the dialogue changed to reflect the grittier nature of the Pride Lands. Yet for all of the regressions, the adaptation is still a faithful retelling of the events, simply with a more realistic edge so the cartoony omissions are arguably justified. That being said, the visuals are masterfully done and the soundtrack is still as wondrous as it was back in the day; so it's the lack of emotional showcase that docks a few points to an otherwise fantastic nostalgic experience.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Ladyhawke 9/10 would cry sappy tears of joy again

Rutger Hauer, Ladies and Gentlemen.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Aladdin 2019 - 8/10

Aladdin is one of my favourite animated Disney films so I was looking forward to the live action remake. I'd say this is definitely one of the better ones and I do remember it was one which critics gave average scores to but audiences loved. I'm on the audience's side with this one.

Will Smith as Genie is the best part about the film for sure despite that being most people's biggest worry, he is different from the original but it's done in a very good way. I'd say this version of the film is overall even funnier than the original. It made me lol for sure.

Aladdin seemed like a decent casting choice no major difference between his character and the original but Jasmine was a definite improvement over the original. My second favourite character after the original. Naomi Scott's portrayal was great. Jasmine was a strong and likeable character and I really felt for her situation. I must also say I enjoyed the new song she got to perform for this remake that doesn't feature in the original. It was a good addition.

Unfortunately I can't say the same about Jafar. Whilst he is a fantastic antagonist and my favourite character in the original cartoon. He is far from it in this. The character is not movie ruining as such and it wouldn't put me off rewatching but if he had been done well I'd have scored the movie higher as it would have been a better film because of it. Live action Jafar is a definite downgrade. The Jafar of the original was great, he had a very distinctive voice and was tall and imposing the Jafar of this film had a very soft spoken, non menacing tone and just generally didn't look or feel menacing despite still dressing like a pantomime villain. The captain of the guard looked more like Jafar should look than Jafar actually did. I felt they should have gone with an older more weathered looking actor. This version of Jafar apparently spent 5 years in some terrible prison yet he looks incredibly well for someone who went through that experience.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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Spiderman (2002) 8/10

I loved this movie as a kid and I feel like it still holds up compared to the new Spideman films. The new film strays from the comics a lot, if you're looking for something a bit more in line with the original comic material, this movie is for you. Everything isn't the same, but enough is for it to be satisfying. I recommend it if you haven't seen it!

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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Avengers Endgame: 9/10

Just bought it yesterday and watched it twice. After the excitment from seeing it at the theater months ago is worn off, I think it still holds up. It's a fantastic film all around. I've been seeing people who liked it initially starting to turn on it a bit, and saying Infinity War was the better portion of the connected story. I disagree. I think the reason people are kind of disliking it now is because of the changes to the movies it has brought, and people are soaking it in and probably wishing some changes weren't made.

Tony Stark dying, The Black Widow dying, merging the Hulk and Bruce Banner, and Captain America being too old to fight anymore. I think the biggest bummer is now that original Avengers group can never be reunited.

However, I applaud Marvel for not shying away from making big changes, and sticking with them.

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