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Rate the Last Movie That You Watched


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
First Man

<3 Ryan Gosling <3

I really enjoyed this film. Right from the opening, I was gripped. There's a heartfelt, often heartbreaking, personal story of a man seemingly surrounded by death who can't open up about his emotions, and weaved into that is a film that really gets into the disorienting, nerve-shattering terror of being in an unprecendented situation with only your own fortitude saving you from utter oblivion.

There are so many parts of this that had me frozen in my seat with genuine fear. It was similar to my reaction to Titanic (the part when the ship is sinking, at least). Dying at sea is something utterly horrific to me. So is dying in space. First Man does a great job of making you feel that knife-edge between life and total death. I saw it in IMAX, and I would say that definitely enhanced the experience.

I would recommend First Man with a big thumbs up. See it in IMAX if you can.

Based on the Southern Reach novel trilogy and made before the second book was published...

Alex Garland writes and directs and I love that dude, this even has Oscar Isaacs in it but dear god what a frikking calamity.

This is supposedly part of a genre that's gaining ground called 'new weird', it can call itself what it wants though because it was frigging crap and irritating.

There is a semblance of an idea here, something that is almost there. I cant speak for the books but the film doesnt come close to what it is so obviously trying to achieve.

Don't bother with it.

Last edited:
Jun 12, 2018
I really enjoyed it, although I'm slightly biased as I'm a bit of a Tom Hardy fanboy. Like others have said, the dialog between Venom and Tom is entertaining, he seems to be rather good at those voices (Bane, Mad Max).


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Assassin's Creed (2016) - 6/10

The beginning of a seemingly non-interconnected trilogy, the film takes place during the Spanish Inquisition in the 1400s...kind of? Most of the events actually focus on modern day characters with the Assassin segments featuring incessant parkour and slicey-dicey action bits stitched together by choppy camera work. Also, the Assassin's only speak in Latin, and there aren't any subtitles readily available? That said, the plot captures the atmosphere of connecting the present being to a past ancestor's mind fairly coherently, even if in doing so the premise of a decent setting is sacrificed (via bad Animus CGI). I think that the movie would have been more tolerable if they had just put "Cal" in the 1400s to infiltrate the Assassin's brotherhood and uncover the Apple of Eden (basically the Holy Grail from Indiana Jones) instead of the Abstergo Foundation's manipulating him from the real world. But the genetic memories were fascinating enough, albeit a poor substitute, and the next movies need to be fleshed out better because this one ended on a jarring cliffhanger followed by 16 minutes of credits.

As far as movie adaptions go, Jeremy Bruckheimer's Prince of Persia did it better purely because it stuck closer to the game's foundation whereas Assassin's Creed fell flat on its face multiple times.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
The Blues Brothers 10/10

An Eternal Classic :cool:

RIP... pretty much 98% of the whole cast :err:
But man, so much epic talent on one film! :D:party:


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
Hunter Killer
I had to be out the house all day so I went to see this to kill a couple of hours. It was actually fairly good, quite tense at times. There's nothing special about it, though, so I'd only say go see it if you love militaristic stuff. Or if you want to see Gary Oldman shout at people every now and then.

After seeing the trailers before the film I am quite excited to see 'Rocky VIII: Creed II: Rocky IV Pt 2'. Should be good.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
So what number film is this?!
I think even the filmmakers have lost track at this point.

Just saw this because, like yesterday, I had to kill time. Its... not very good. Like, it's not horrible, but I can't see anything about it non-fanboys would like. It's actually kind of funny and I think Tom Hardy is playing it like a tongue-in-cheek thing. No one else is, mind, but Hardy seems like he's having fun. Venom himself is pretty cringey. He openly admits to being a loser and won't shut up.

I waited for the stinger during the credits and it's the most flat sequel bait I've ever seen. They could honestly have replaced it with a big placard that just said 'Venom 2: Carnage' and given a hopeful release date. Still, it's nice to see Woody Harrelson getting work. He's a good egg.

So yeah, don't see Venom unless you get hard when someone mentions his name, in which case you've probably already seen it.
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The game is on!
Bohemian Rhapsody - 10/10

I came home from the cinema about two hours ago. The cinema in my city was live streaming the world premiere in London so they showed a bunch of interviews with cast and crew members for about half an hour before showing the film. That was a super neat bonus that I actually hadn't expected. Queen was the first band/artist that I became a really big fan of as a kid, and they've been a huge part of my life for almost as long as I can remember, so obviously this film had me excited. I went into it with some scepticism though, knowing not to get my hopes too high in case it was a flop. But no, this film was everything I could ever ask for and more thereto from a film about one of my all time favourite bands and musicians. The direction and writing was amazing and really managed to pull me into the story and feel for the characters. The casting was also one of the film's highlights in my opinion. Not only were all of the actors great, but they look a lot like the people they play too. And then there's the music of course, which is was a fabulous mix of legendary Queen songs and they helped bring both grandeur and melancholy to the film. After I got out of the cinema I noticed my eyelashes were still salty... And even now I can't stop thinking about the film and the people it portrayed. It was extraordinarily powerful and it touched me deeply. Needless to say I am incredibly happy with it, and it's easily somewhere in my top three of films from this year. If I'm not mistaken it will be another week and a half until the film starts showing in movie theatres regularly, so I'm super happy I was able to get a ticket for this showing that I went to tonight. I strongly recommend this film to anyone who is even slightly interested in Queen, Freddie Mercury, or the music of that era. You won't be disappointed.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
Bohemian Rhapsody
Day three of Killing Time with Cfrock.

Finally! A film worth seeing. I agree with pretty much everything @Pendio said. Queen isn't as important a part of my life as his, but I think they're one of those rare bands that everyone likes just due to how universal and impactful their music is. Brilliantly cast, brilliantly told.

Like Pendio said, this film is worth seeing if you're a Queen fan or not, a big music fan or not. Highly recommended to all.

Edit: I forgot to mention, the reference to Wayne's World was a personal highlight and very deftly incorporated into the film.
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Angel of Darkness
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ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
The Blair Witch project 7/10. Definitely not bad for it's time. Filmed back in 1999 and a first footage film. I actually like the acting because it's convincing. The movie itself however couldn't really keep my interest. yes the concept was cool. Definitely. Even though the suspense was building, I couldn't keep my interest a 100%. Still not bad. I've seen worse. A huge lot worse. And yes I do count movies with a lot of special effects among them.

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