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Rate the Last Game That You Played

Hero of Pizza Time

Pizza Parker
Aug 22, 2018
Human Spider
Persona 5 Royal


  • Interesting characters.
  • Nice presentation and art style (it's like an interactive anime!)
  • Half JRPG and half life simulator.

  • Excessively long.
  • Some of the gameplay systems take some time to get the hang of, though they ultimately work very well.
  • Maybe a tad bit too political for a video game?
Oct 6, 2016
Manly man
Kaze and the Wild Masks: 9/10. An excellent homage to the DKC series, although really short with there only being four worlds; I would've liked atleast one more. While it's not touching DKC2 or TF, this game is a must play for any DKC fan. It has fantastic level design, clever bosses(what little of them there were), and a great OST that sounds alot like the work of David Wise.


The one and only.
Forum Volunteer
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Super Mario 64: 7/10
I whined and complained and griped and raged all through my playthrough, but it was really a good time. The camera was bad, but overall it was really fun, even tho I only got 70 coins, I didn't like it that much.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Team Sonic Racing

I think it's fine and all, but it just feels like a step down from Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed. I'm not just talking omitting Sega representation [which I'm still peeved at], but the course layouts aren't all that great, and they limited themselves to 4 themes for some reason, which I don't get. Like if you're just gonna stick w/ Sonic, why not go all out w/ the fanservice? Why give us 4 casino race tracks and only pull from 4 games?

characters are a bit odd too, they booted Cream the rabbit from team Rose and put Vector alongside the 06 team? and why in the HELL are Sega trying to push Zavok so hard? he's a nothing character and I don't want to see him on here, SEGA STOP

decent game but fairly disappointing


and thus comes the end of an era
Staff member
Jun 16, 2020
Crossbell State
Scarlet Nexus

Great new IP from Bamco. Fantastic art direction, dope music (that final boss theme chef's kiss), and slick, responsive combat make for a consistently fun action RPG experience from beginning to end, nitpicks aside.

Overall, Scarlet Nexus excels more in its presentation and gameplay than narrative (though I found that to be fairly solid as well). The plot isn't anything particularly novel (still good regardless), but I found the characters to largely be very charming, and their interactions equally so. And the dual story paths gives a nice bit of replay value (I've spent almost 22 hours on Yuito's story alone).

If I had to gripe about anything, I'd say that the story has a few things left feeling unresolved (though that may very well be addressed by playing both storylines) and the camera could be a bit wonky in some enclosed spaces.

Other than those minor criticisms, I was very happy with the game. Would recommend.
Oct 6, 2016
Manly man
Touhou Luna Nights

Short but sweet Metroidvania. Would've been sweet if it was longer, but my time with it was pretty good. Great use of the time mechanic, a good soundtrack, and some great bosses made it a solid, enjoyable time. 8/10.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
Paper Mario (64)

RPGs are generally very hit or miss for me. While I adore Pokémon and Star Wars KotOR, I downright can’t stand games like Final Fantasy or Xenoblade.

Fortunately, Paper Mario is one of the better RPGs I’ve played, and it’s on a system notorious for not having any good RPGs. I thoroughly enjoyed this game. Every single boss has a fun gimmick, and I ended each chapter with a smile on my face.

But then the chapter ended, as did my enjoyment of this game.

They just had to include these stupid stealth segments with peach, didnt they? They aren’t engaging, they aren’t particularly challenging, they aren’t fun. They single handedly bring this game from an 8 or maybe even a 9, all the way down to a 7.

On top of that, a lot of things here are just a slog. Some of the world design is incredibly tedious and takes far too long (Flower Fields in particular is a big offender here), and this is one of those games where everything needs a cutscene to explain exactly what just happened, though this isn’t so much the games fault in particular and more so a product of the era of gaming. On top of that, all of the companions here have abilities that don’t help in anyway outside of an arbitrary point where you have to use them, which is a big pet peeve of mine in gaming (I like to call it Twilight Princess Syndrome). Luckily most of the companions have abilities in battle that are really helpful, though I primarily stuck with Goombario just in case I ran into an enemy I hadn’t encountered before.

This game isn’t particularly difficult. Outside of a few battles where I went in with low health already because the nearest healing box was all the way at the beginning of the dungeon and I didn’t feel like making the journey, I didn’t struggle with the battles very much. Of course that could be just because I prioritized defensive badges over ones that gave me new attack (I had three HP+ badges equipped, the close call badge, and the badge that reduced damage taken by 1), but even then I was never struggling in levels. Just by playing normally I had maxed out both my HP and BP. This isn’t a bad thing necessarily, I think it’s nice to have a rather easy game from time to time, but it is worth noting.

I can definitely see why this is a fan favorite title, and it’s by far the best Mario RPG out of the ones I’ve played. Still, I dont think I can go as far to say that I loved it. It’s a fun game, but one that I’m content with saying I beat and moving on. 7/10

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
Yo-Kai Watch 7.5./10. Battle system is definitely underwhelming, with it being an auto battler with this gimmick called a Soulmate which is basically a mini game on the bottom screen that you play and when it’s finished, the Yo-Kai does a powerful attack and some have different effects. It’s kind of boring and tedious, and most of the time, I just did nothing while I watched the Yo-Kai defeat the enemies. Sometimes, you don’t even need a strategy. However, what is a really good thing that the game did was the world. There are side quests everywhere, and while sometimes tedious, I just had fun exploring the world. Each Yo-Kai had different personalities, like how Wazzat can make you forget stuff, Dismerelda will make you a downer, or how Jibanyan will make you want to go fight trucks because of how he saved his owner from a truck and died in the process. The fact that there were Yo-Kai everywhere and you interacted with them was just engaging. I couldn’t stop playing as I was invested in the world. The story is not deep and pretty basic, and the twist villain the end was brought up at the last minute, but it’s hard to put down as I couldn’t help but explore the world, befriend the Yo-Kai, and do side quests. It’s a pretty fun game.
Jul 16, 2021
Recent games I've played or playing out of 10

Scarlet Nexus - 8
Deaths Door -9
MS FLIGHT Simulator 9.5
Skyward Sword HD - 7
Ace attorney chronicles 9 so far but early in.
Samurai warriors - 7.5


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

at about 30 hours, I can safely say this worked out better than the original Tactics for me; I really didn't like the law system since often times it just gets in the way of battles rather than having you try to experiment or think more strategically, which I assume was the intention behind them

the law system is basically you enter a battle and you're not allowed to use certain abilities, weapons, or attacks, or you get penalized

Otherwise I loved everything else, I only wish the game would be more specific on how to obtain certain classes. Though I think some concepts of the story could've been more fleshed out, since its about a group of modern kids getting magically transported into the world of Final Fantasy/Ivalice, and everyone except you wants to stay there b/c they like their fantasy lives better than their real lives. The game only highlights this every now and then, and heck one of the kids we don't even see again until 3/4 into the game. Either way it's a solid game overall, even one of the GBA's best in my opinion


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind

such a great chilling story, they went all in on the atmosphere and soundtrack, it doesn't quite go to the same heights as the Missing Heir did in the final stretch, but progression felt way more simpler, I definitely wasn't stuck as much as the last game

I want more, ha, I know there's the broadcast satellite game so it'd be awesome to see that remade and brought over, I just want to see more from this series in some way, especially w/ this visual style


The one and only.
Forum Volunteer
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Miitopia: 8/10
This game was amazing, a memey RPG where anyone could be anything and I really pushed the limits. *Looks uncomfortably at my Fab Fairies*

It did drag on a bit, but it never really felt grindy, just got a bit tedious in the second half, but it was so quirky it never really got old.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
had a visual novel itch after the Famicom Detective Club games, so I decided to play through Trace Memory (or Another Code Two Memories for the PAL folk), it's more of a point and click adventure but still centers around a story

I thought it was great, the pacing in how the story unfolds b/w the truth behind Ashley's missing parents and D's family past and all the puzzles in b/w worked pretty well. Though this game had that early DS gimmick thing where you have to do stuff w/ the system to solve a couple puzzles, like closing the system to get the woodprint from the top of the screen onto the bottom. That one I thought was clever but there's this other one that has you just barley close the system so you can look at the reflection of both screens to figure out a code, that's probably the worst puzzle b/c of how obtuse and stupid the idea is

its overall short but sweet w/ a great ending, funnily enough, like Famicom Detective Club, this was also a game where the game's trophy description in smash had me intrigued to want to try it out one day (the Ashley Robbins trophy in brawl), the time to know the origins of both had finally come to pass


and thus comes the end of an era
Staff member
Jun 16, 2020
Crossbell State
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

I hate that it took me so long to go back and finish this one. It's an amazing Zelda game, and a fantastic game, period. I had a few gripes with it, mostly with dungeon and boss design, like Great Bay and Gyorg, as well as the time limit making the dungeons more stressful than I'd prefer. Regardless, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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