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Rate the Last Game That You Played

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
What is it about the 3DS version that gives it a lower score?

Hyrule Warriors, solid 8/10.
A few things, but the biggest thing is how much they dumbed down the bosses by adding obvious weakpoints, the lack of which is what made the bosses stand out in the original game. I felt like, while some of the battles themselves were slightly more difficult, I thought the bosses were more believable, and therefore more fun to fight before. I also like how there were multiple different ways to defeat each one; that was lost in the 3DS version.

Another thing is the Fishing Holes, and while lots of people praise them, I thought they were completely pointless and really added nothing to the game. On the contrary, I thought they were kind of distracting, because they didn't belong in the game. They seemed really out of place. Didn't like that at all.

The last thing is the visuals. A lot of textures are vastly improved, but some things, most notably The Moon and The Happy Mask Salesman, just look goofy and completely non-intimidating. If anything, while the Moon still looked rather goofy in the original, it was way scarier.

The N64 version was damn near perfect in my books, but they just added unnecessary stuff in the 3DS version that detracted it imo. I rate it 8.5 because it's still Majora's Mask, a game that I love to death, despite the additions that I dislike.
A few things, but the biggest thing is how much they dumbed down the bosses by adding obvious weakpoints, the lack of which is what made the bosses stand out in the original game. I felt like, while some of the battles themselves were slightly more difficult, I thought the bosses were more believable, and therefore more fun to fight before. I also like how there were multiple different ways to defeat each one; that was lost in the 3DS version.

Another thing is the Fishing Holes, and while lots of people praise them, I thought they were completely pointless and really added nothing to the game. On the contrary, I thought they were kind of distracting, because they didn't belong in the game. They seemed really out of place. Didn't like that at all.

The last thing is the visuals. A lot of textures are vastly improved, but some things, most notably The Moon and The Happy Mask Salesman, just look goofy and completely non-intimidating. If anything, while the Moon still looked rather goofy in the original, it was way scarier.

The N64 version was damn near perfect in my books, but they just added unnecessary stuff in the 3DS version that detracted it imo. I rate it 8.5 because it's still Majora's Mask, a game that I love to death, despite the additions that I dislike.

Fishing as Fierce Deity though...

Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2- 9/10

Hoooooooooooooly crap this game is good. I dont often do 2d fighters but theres a lot of content here, cool characters, amazing graphics and cool soundtrack. It also has the best tutorial of all time.

I really cant think of anything bad tonsay other than not all of the characters appeal to me but no duh in a 25 character roster.
Last edited:
Jun 10, 2017
the last game i played was breath of the wild

i give it 10 stars. 5 thumbs up. 100 points.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Horizon: Zero Dawn - 9.5/10

As someone who's played loads of openworld games and gotten tired of the formulaic approach, Horizon was a breath of fresh air. Although it still borrows elements such as tower-climbing and raiding camps from other games, the amount of stuff to do for such a comparably small map is staggering. Navigating the world was hardly frustrating (in Skyrim and Witcher 3, you had to circumvent entire mountains just to reach a destination) and the environments were gorgeous with little slowdown or preloading. Perhaps the biggest draw for me was the frenetic gameplay, where you had to choose between strong/light swings that you can't break or long-range attacks with a responsive bow. Guerrilla Games excels at this type of combat.

My biggest complaint is that some villages felt kind of shallow and it took me out of the immersion in some cases. In the beginning there was this superb festival where everyone was interacting properly, and the stark contrast later on left me somewhat disappointed. Some of the characters who joined Aloy later on were also underdeveloped or unlikable. Teb, in particular, matches the latter, especially since he is the supposed love interest and yet he's weak and timid compared to the strong-willed and compassionate Aloy. But overall I'd recommend any PS4 owner giving this game a shot.
Splatoon 2 - 7/10 (so far)

I had 3 hours with Splatoon 2 last night. I mostly played turf war and explored Inkopolis. Got up to level 5.
Havent played Salmon Run or single player yet so the rating might get ammended to a higher one soon.

The levels seemed to be a lot smaller and felt like it forced me into a lot more combat than the first one did. Though no one is OP yet because i dont think the Kraken power up is in the game (yet) so i can splat as much as i get splatted. Still, i'd rather not fight this much, it detracts from all the decorating.

It looks a little prettier than the first, no music has stayed with me yet but i havent been through all of the stages.

My biggest gripe is that i cant change the controls (or i dont know where the option is) i want to jump with X but that brings up the map, i'd rather it be B instead so i often pull the map up instead of jumping which costs me valuable seconds.

I'll get used to it though.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor 8/10

Yikes!! I finally got around to playing it. Yeah this game is good. It's practically Arkham City but bigger and with a whole lot more moves and interactions. It's pretty much straight up non stop orc murder simulator and it is BRUTAL. This game can get super challenging but I have yet to encounter any situation where I was straight up boned. You can always find some way to satisfy an objective and SoM offers a lot of stealth and combat options. This game is NUTS!! I wish there were more camera settings because the camera seems to want to face in a direction I don't need it in when I'm running away or sight-seeing because of the way it auto-corrects. The controls are pretty spot on but sometimes Talion can get hung up a bit on walls or jump somewhere you don't want him to. In combat I've noticed on occasion it doesn't seem to care whether or not you pressed the parry button on time. But for Opin Walrd Orc Murder Simulator 6000 it can't get much more fun or gruesome.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
I've been playing Plants V Zombies Garden Warfare 2 and I give it a solid 8.5/10. The online is so fun but the solo play is a little weak. It's also pretty annoying to unlock the Torchwood and that zombie Goat character. I also feel like there are some balancing issues with the online play. Some of the characters abilities are too overpowered I feel but nothing too major since it's easy to counter some of them. If you overlook the nitpicky issues it has though it is a pretty solid game.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Persona 5 - 10/10

I really have nothing negative to say about this game that isn't a nitpick or is just a matter of personal taste. I had no expectations going into this game because I've never touched the Persona franchise, but I just couldn't ignore all the accolades this game had received. I was hoping for a good JRPG, instead what I got is, in my opinion, a masterpiece.

I don't know how Atlas made a traditional turn-based JRPG in 2017 feel fresh and fun, but the gameplay hooked me. It's such a quick, satisfying take on a battle system that's been around since the dawn of modern video games, and it's executed in such an addictive way that I couldn't put the game in down. The other half, more micro-management of every day life with an emphasis on characters and relationships, is also fantastic. The story was breathtaking and unpredictable, and the characters genuinely felt alive to me (if a little cliche, but there's hidden depth to all of them in the end). Add in a remarkable OST, and this is a game I'll remember for the rest of my life.

The only thing I could possibly complain about is that the graphical fidelity doesn't take advantage of the PS4's potential, but I really don't care about that - the focus is on character, story, and gameplay. It's refreshing for a game to just be a game and not try to cram as many HD pixels as possible on a screen with little care given to anything else.

I now consider myself a casual Persona fan, as Persona 5 has definitely earned a spot in my top 5 games of all time (not quite sure where exactly it is yet, but it's there). Looking forward to discovering what else this franchise I've ignored has to offer.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Planetside 2 "open beta" on PS4 - 0/everything

This game is compound idiocy. It's yet another in the long line of lazy CoD rehashes except it's one big open ended domination mode. Take everything ***ty you know and love from every knockoff CoD online competitive shooter- it's all here. From the iron sights that turn you into a war memorial statue to the 0% hip-fire accuracy. To tank controls and basic movement that moves at the speed of crawl. Throw in some good old fashioned Pay2Win and some basic Ar-Pee-Gee grind for the kiddies and you have yourself the makings of a great big pile of $h!t.


I can smell you
Aug 15, 2015
Walmart, Isle 7
Attack helicopter
8/10 DMC4

The last and one game ive played the MOST hours out of ANY/EVERY game in my collection would be DMC4. If I can sum up ALL of the hours from X360/PS3/Steam, a total of 530 hours...
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove 9/10 (so far)

Hoooooooly crap. You know when a game comes out and you think it could be quite cool but other things happens and you dont end up playing it for perhaps years, and then you finally play it and youre gutted it took you this long to play it? Well that is Shovel Knight for me right now.

I was paroozing the Switch eShop and i saw Treasure Trove, the amount of content alone looked well worth the price but golly gosh the quality of that content... its amazing.

It looks 8bit and retro but it looks modern with colour theory and well made backgrounds and sprites that dont look half there just because theyre 8bit. It looks damn gorgeous.

The controls are damn tight too. I havent played a game in ages where dying actually felt as if it was my fault. 'Yes i took that jump too early, yes i got too close to that, yes i was too slow there'. At no point have i felt cheated out of health or life. That is something special on its own.

I love the Zelda 2 vibe of the village, i love the characters. You can see the inspiration in the design but you can also the sheer original brilliance. The humour is great too and ive had a few good chuckles just 3 hours into the game.

Golly gosh the music as well. There are tracks in this game that are going to stay with me, theyre instantly unforgettable.

Cant wait to play more.
Oct 14, 2013
Dragon Quest Heroes - 8/10
Dragon Quest Hereos 2 - 8/10

Both are great games but are have different good and bad points. I would totally recommend both for any Muso/Warriors fan and for any Dragon Quest fan. Others though? Might not be your thing. I really like the games and they are very good. But not in the top teir of games ever. Cute fun.


Standing Out
Sep 4, 2017
Above the Crowd
Pokemon Sun - 6/10

Honestly I don't see why people praise it as the greatest one ever. It wasn't challenging, the post game is incredibly boring, Festival Plaza is absolute garbage, SOS battles are the most annoying thing since Fi, the lack of National Pokedex is terrible, all of the good and useful stuff from past games are gone. Honestly the only thing it has going for it is the story, and the fact that it's Pokemon. But I mean, I've played worse stuff so...


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Nier:Automata 10/10

This is one of the best games I have ever played. I think perhaps my second favourite of all time. Featuring an unforgettable cast, emotional story and outstanding soundtrack whilst at the same time being fun to play.

I bought a PS4 and this was the only game they had available in store that I wanted with it and if for some reason I never was able to buy another game for the console I'd still say it was £250 well spent.

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