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Game Thread Rag's CHAOS MAFIA √−i by Ragnarokio (NOT BY STORM) [GAME THREAD]


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
I did see him openwolf last game and I remember you in fact said that he openwolfed before but that was more when he was widely suspected and he basically confessed to being scum

Actually come to think of it on D1 he seemed ok and not as tunneled without regard for gamestate but now hes falling into tunnels again


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
I did see him openwolf last game and I remember you in fact said that he openwolfed before but that was more when he was widely suspected and he basically confessed to being scum

Actually come to think of it on D1 he seemed ok and not as tunneled without regard for gamestate but now hes falling into tunnels again
I guess i stuck to my townread partly because I actually dread the thought of having hard townread two scum
Dec 13, 2019
no, you sit down and chill the **** out

this is something outta a conspiracy book he simply dropped and has been sucking town's time that should've been used to scumhunt

He has literally no evidence about something like this being in the game and is just randomly throwing this around to justify extremely nonsensical actions like voting someone that was town confirmed

the only people benefitting from this waste of a time of a pseudo discussion is real cult which we do have evidence is a thing, and mafia, because this is buying them time to stay under the radar to perform actions

This post reminds of the type of people that say they are going out and then you say "hey while you're out can you pick up some milk?" And then they get all super dramatic and act like they can't do the stuff they were going to do because they have to go pick up milk right now blah blah blah.

The reality of the situation is it took zero time away from doing other things, as all it required was a vote that had to be placed anyway to just sit and wait for a vote count while discussion could be had on any other topic.

Further I didn't vote somebody that was town confirmed. I voted somebody AND THEN they became town confirmed. My vote has to sit somewhere anyway so there's no point in moving it until I decide where it's going to be placed more permanently.

This whole post is nothing but slander. Do better town confirmed Exlight.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
maybe he's just calmer because he's truly invencible? no paranoia of being killed/mislynched

He just said a few posts back that he didn't want to do anything so that he wasn't the scapegoat everyone wants him to be when Caps asked him to actually do something. Doesn't sound like he's not worried about being lynched. Also if he weren't in any danger of not being lynched/modkill he would absolutely be doing all kinds of chaotic things. It's Storm, he would love that ****.


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Storm does not meta read me. He said that on pg 5, when I had only 3 posts, and it was his first post. He is literally just voting me because I'm considered a strong player, and is getting by with it.
He did say it again today, at this point it doesnt feel like a joke
Dec 13, 2019
do you literally have no better place to park it on rather than on my towny ass
Is there really a better place to park than your ass? :hug: <--visual representation

tbh I feel like what numbers did was too wolfy to be wolf indicative and maybe he is mechanically forced to vote for ex or something I nean why else call it self pres
Because I got jokes.

considering Dawning used fext's role to network me last night I think it's fairly safe to say this is a stronger variant of it with some backup aspects
I feel like this is missing steps. Which I missed initially too in that Fext was a networkerer (I don't recall who pointed that out originally), ie he creates networkers. I forget who brought that up. But combined with the OP mentioning resurrection shenanigans I feel like it's equally possible that Fext was rezed, networkered DW, DW networked you and then both died to the hands of lil Asterisk. Because if there are resurrection mechanics abound, why wouldn't they have fired off last night? Alternatively though I could see DW have a tracker record of Fext, self, Ex as well though. Related but a different post, because of said resurrection mechanics I don't think we can take it for granted that there is a dead chat, or at least that all the dead are in the dead chat. But I do imagine the other chat was probably some form of dead chat (either limited and targeted or a general dead for the unresurrectable).


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Wait it did say he died among DW KoD and Cynical so its actually possible he got resurrected and then died a second time

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