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Pokemon Conquest - What Do You Think?

Dec 29, 2011
Here's the trailer that machinima just released

What do you guys think? Looks like there's going to be completely different gameplay than what we're used to in a pokemon game.
Has a more RPG playstyle to it. Do you think this is good change or do you prefer the old style of pokemon?

Jun 14, 2011
For me I don't think the video shows off the gameplay very well. I guess if I played the game I'd get a better understanding of how it works. I am tempted to get this game due to the fact that it is a Pokémon game. I hope Europe gets a release date soon.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I have never been as excited for a Pokemon spin-off game as this one. It reminds me of the Mystery Dungeons series in a way but with an additional feudal Japanese Fire Emblem touch. I think the legendary Pokemon the game is trying to highlight are also amazing. I haven't watched too many videos regarding this game, however, from what I can discern it as well as Black and White 2 should make for a great send off for the Nintendo DS. I personally believe it's healthy for a franchise to alter its style once in awhile. Pokemon is especially wearing itself out with annual RPG installments for four of the past five years.
May 5, 2012
I'm really curious to see how it will do. To be honest, I don't think it will do very good because its different; or maybe i'm wrong and different will be good. Nintendo must be trying to get some new Pokemon stuff out because the Pokemon games are starting to get repetitive. We will have to wait and see.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I have never been as excited for a Pokemon spin-off game as this one. It reminds me of the Mystery Dungeons series in a way but with an additional feudal Japanese Fire Emblem touch. I think the legendary Pokemon the game is trying to highlight are also amazing. I haven't watched too many videos regarding this game, however, from what I can discern it as well as Black and White 2 should make for a great send off for the Nintendo DS. I personally believe it's healthy for a franchise to alter its style once in awhile. Pokemon is especially wearing itself out with annual RPG installments for four of the past five years.

That's how I see Pokemon Conquest to be! It reminds so much of Fire Emblem for some reason! :P
May 13, 2012
That's how I see Pokemon Conquest to be! It reminds so much of Fire Emblem for some reason! :P
It should as it's based on Nobunaga's Ambition. In Japan it's actually called Nobunaga Cross I believe, so I've been watching this game for a while. I really look forward to the tactics based play, and especially being able to start with an Eevee.

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