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**please Read* and Fill Out Survey


Pure Awesomeness
Aug 3, 2010
Somewhere over the Rainbow
1. Male
2. 14-16
3. Yes
4. 2-4 hours
5. Yes
6. No
7. No
8. No
9. No
10. No
11. No

For the last four, it totally depends on the person. I know women that are gaming professionals, but I also know women that only play angry birds. Same with men. I know guys that are level 85 on MW3, and guys that hardly know what a control stick is. There shouldn't be a stereotype there, because everyone is different, it depends entirely on the persons taste.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
This strongly reminds me of my Women in Gaming thread. ;)

1. What gender are you?
__ Female __ Male __ Other

2. How old are you?
__under 14 __ 14-16 __ 17-18 __19-20 __ 21-22 __23-24 __25-26 __26+

3. Do you play video games?
__ Yes __ No

4. If you play video games, how long do you play them each week?
__ 0-2 hrs __ 2-4 hrs __4-6hrs __ 6-8hrs __8-10hrs __10+ hrs

5. Do you know of friends/family members who play video games?
__ Yes __ No

6. Do you think that the amount of women/girls playing video games is equal to men/boys playing games?
__ Yes __No

7. Have you ever seen or experienced discrimination against women playing video games?
__ Yes __ No

8. Do you think women are “hardcore” video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

9. Do you think women are “casual” video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

10. Do you think men are “hardcore video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

11. Do you think men are “casual” video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

1. Male
2. 17-18
3. Yes. Everybody on this site obviously does. :lol:
4. 4-6 hrs
5. Yes. Brothers. Lots of school friends.
6. No.
7. Yes
8.-11. Subjective BS


Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
Hi! I really need your guy's help. I am working on a research paper concerning video games and I need people to fill out surveys. I am comparing the answers of gamers vs non gamers and I need more gamers! Please respond to this post with your answers to the following questions!

1. What gender are you?
__ Female __ Male __ Other

2. How old are you?
__under 14 __ 14-16 __ 17-18 __19-20 __ 21-22 __23-24 __25-26 __26+

3. Do you play video games?
__ Yes __ No

4. If you play video games, how long do you play them each week?
__ 0-2 hrs __ 2-4 hrs __4-6hrs __ 6-8hrs __8-10hrs __10+ hrs

5. Do you know of friends/family members who play video games?
__ Yes __ No

6. Do you think that the amount of women/girls playing video games is equal to men/boys playing games?
__ Yes __No

7. Have you ever seen or experienced discrimination against women playing video games?
__ Yes __ No

8. Do you think women are “hardcore” video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

9. Do you think women are “casual” video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

10. Do you think men are “hardcore video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

11. Do you think men are “casual” video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

Thank you so much for reading and answering the survey!

1. Male
2. 21-22
3. yes
4. 2-4 hours
5. yes
6. no
7. no
8. the majority, no
9. the majority, yes
10.the majority, no
11.the majority, yes
Jan 1, 2012
1. Male
2. 25
3. Yes
4. 10+ hours
5. Yes
6. No
7. Unfortunately, pretty often.
8. Some are
9. Some are
10. Usually
11. Not that often
Apr 6, 2012
1. Female
2. 17-18
3. Yes
4. 4-6
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. Yes
8.-11. Some are, some aren't. If you want to count that as Yes everywhere...
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
Hi! I really need your guy's help. I am working on a research paper concerning video games and I need people to fill out surveys. I am comparing the answers of gamers vs non gamers and I need more gamers! Please respond to this post with your answers to the following questions!

1. What gender are you?
__ Female __ Male __ Other

2. How old are you?
__under 14 __ 14-16 __ 17-18 __19-20 __ 21-22 __23-24 __25-26 __26+

3. Do you play video games?
__ Yes __ No

4. If you play video games, how long do you play them each week?
__ 0-2 hrs __ 2-4 hrs __4-6hrs __ 6-8hrs __8-10hrs __10+ hrs

5. Do you know of friends/family members who play video games?
__ Yes __ No

6. Do you think that the amount of women/girls playing video games is equal to men/boys playing games?
__ Yes __No

7. Have you ever seen or experienced discrimination against women playing video games?
__ Yes __ No

8. Do you think women are “hardcore” video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

9. Do you think women are “casual” video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

10. Do you think men are “hardcore video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

11. Do you think men are “casual” video gamers?
__ Yes __ No

Thank you so much for reading and answering the survey!

1) Male
4)10+ Hours

I only said yes to the last four questions because both genders could be either "hardcore" or "casual".
Apr 3, 2012
This strongly reminds me of my Women in Gaming thread. ;)
8.-11. Subjective BS

I have taken a look at your thread, since I was curious if this topic had come up previously on this website. Your thread started quite a stirring in the people who posted on it.

I realized after starting the survey that i should have done a few things differently with the survey. like adding a different options to 8-11. I used them because they were more likely to be terms non gamers as well as gamers knew.

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