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Plans and synopsis to a story

Aug 18, 2009
Hello, fellow writers/readers.

I love to write, mostly fantasy stuff. Lately I have organized the universe I had wanted to create for any stories I wished to write. The problem back then was that I at times wanted to write several stories at a time and often than not I ended up giving up on one in order to finish another, etc. I was also too disorganized and several of my stories were set in different worlds/universe. I found out that there was quite a lot of similarity between them by comparing some stuff, therefore I decided to just have one universe for all fantasy story purposes, and that universe is mostly related to Norse Mythology, mixed with a lot of my own unique ideas/creations and bits from other mythologies. I have created/chosen the races and monsters that best fit this universe, and I designed maps with quite a lot of details on it, such as city/towns/villages locations and their names on the map, and their own shield represantation. Those maps I probably won't post here, but every book I self publish will have them to guide readers. Self publishing is something I have been pursuing for a while because that's the best option an unknown writer such as myself has available to see his/her work turn into real books. I'm not in it to become rich or famous, I just want to be able to see all these stories in my own personal library and see my dream come true. I'm no professional, not even close, but I love writing what silly stories/ideas come to mind, and that's what I'll continue to do. And now, having great digital art for the book covers is something I have access to, back then I did not and this was also stopping me. Once my blog is approved I will post stuff there.

Anyway, need to say a bit more, so excuse the long post.

The members who used to sign up for my stories with their own created characters are mostly gone, inactive, but I haven't forgotten them, and in fact, I have always believed I owed them a grand story, (even though I really don't). I delivered quite a few that they liked, but I want to deliver a much better one, but not just a story, a series of I don't know how many tales, but quite a few. I hope that in the future some of them might come back, if not all of them, so that they can see where the writing road took me. Anywho, their characters are part of this universe I put together, so they will be showcased in some of those stories, some will even merge at some point in other stories. And of course, because these stories will relate to some event in the world/universe, at a certain time characters will reach their destination and will cease to exist, their story roles played.

Anyway, those are the plans I have in terms of writing.

I probably will share one of the stories here for free, once I have completed it, that is. I'm still making up my mind on which story I want to share, there are a few I could. But I am leaning more to sharing The Cijyell Stone. The name will be entirely new, of course, and the cast has been changed quite a bit as well due to the fact that I have spread all characters into this world of mine, and so depending where they are and their role to play, they will be appearing in the tales that talk about such events.

For this post, I don't want to talk just about the plans I have, but I will also share the old and new synopsis of said story. And I will commence posting the new chapters once I have finished it entirely.

Old synopsis: Following rumors of an existing magical stone that has the power to resurrect the deceased, a kind man embarks on a quest to find it in order to resurrect his dead sister.

New synopsis: Sugata is a survivor. One bad night, after his parents puts their dark plans of conquest in motion and they fail, Sugata loses his entire family and some pets that he had to a furious mob that comes storming the castle. After the whole ordeal comes to pass and settles down, Sugata emerges from the ashes and rejoins society in secret with a made-up identity, living amongst the same folk who murdered his family. Owner of a kind heart, Sugata would have just loved to forget about the attack on his home and family and would have preferred to live life in peace amongst the rest of society. But there is something that haunts him: the memory of his little sister, who Sugata believes perished without reason in that dark ordeal.
Sugata, who was born with the gift of magic, begins to research and investigate data left behind by his parents. He finds out about the existence of a certain device/trinket that is said to have the power to bring the dead back to life. Soon, the idea of bringing his sister back from the dead becomes his pledge, his sole goal, and that promise will take him through a difficult journey that reaches deep into the forbidden realms, otherworldly planes of existence said to be filled with fiends and evil creatures of all kinds where the item is believed to be kept.

Sorry if it doesn't seem like much food on the plate, but I don't want to give up the whole story by adding more details. Also, the character name I used for the synopsis is not the real one, I am still making up my mind from three submitted characters, and Sugata was just a cover up name to the real protagonist. I have the new story sitting at 10 chapters so far. If I had to guess, I am about halfway to a possible 3/4 done.

Story titles I have considered to replace the current one, which is The Cijyell Stone: The Reaching, The Seeker, *Sugata's Quest. Or it could be something else entirely.

*Protagonist's name
Aug 18, 2009
Thanks. Yes, to me it is something wonderful to be able to create something like that and just have fun writing stuff for it. About the story I mentioned to be posted here, I have been pondering lately about changing the protagonist from a male to a female. If I do, then when the story is posted that will be the case, if not, then I chose to remain with the male protagonist.

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