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Game Thread Pendio Mafia XI

Jul 7, 2021
Alright, went back over the thread, here's my reads:
Higher on the list is more towny, lower is more scummy, even if both are labeled the same.

Kirino: Town - General reasoning seems towny, good vibes.
Seanzie: Slight town - High activity, good vibes.
ExLight: Slight town - General activity seems towny.
Link: Slight town - Open with opinions, reasoning seems sound
Deku: Slight town - Not much to go on, seems to be trying to keep up.
Minish: Neutral - Seems experienced, hard to judge
Fext: Neutral - Chat claim was definitely a joke. General tone is difficult to get a read on, though
Storm: Neutral - Another jokester. The colored list was quite nice.
Rag: Neutral - Not sure. Getting strong readings in both directions.
Fig: Neutral - I don't trust the role claim, but the tunnel vision and desperation feels towny to me.
Viral: Slight mafia - I like the name, but they don't seem to have said anything of substance.
Chevy: Slight mafia - Something about their activity when examined seems shifty.
Killjoy: Mafia - Something about how they direct the conversation feels shifty to me.

Chevy's in the running, so I'm good to vote for them. If all else were equal, I would vote for Killjoy.
Vote: Chevywolf30

Hey, are you town?


Staff member
ZD Champion
Pretty sure Chevy would've been lynched and PK had 1 post so neither of those things would've happened. And we aren't even 100% on Fig being doctor.
yea just went back to double check

Apparently fig was voting himself and last unvoted/voted without following the OP rules so we were at pen's mercy on what was going to happen, I guess. But you're right that he wasn't going to get lynched, it woulda been either a no lynch or chevy would've been lynched, my bad.

and I guess PK had the very early RVS vote yea :v


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Killjoy: Mafia - Something about how they direct the conversation feels shifty to me.
Can you elaborate further please? thank you.

make up your mind, Fext. please. you begged everyone during the day to vote Chevy, and the moment they do, you pussy out?
I have to side with Couch Arson on this. you begged and pleaded for a Chevy wagon and a D1 extension. You get one and stop pushing for the other. I started town reading you after our earlier interactions. Ever since you've been wearing that very thin Fext.

And I'll address this while I'm at it. Why don't you elaborate why you're following Fext around like a lost poppy?


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
General reads
  • Fig's emotional response to the last day or so of gameplay seems kind of townie to me, even if it isn't leading to fantastic play. Doctor claim seems acceptable. I won't push much harder on this today.
  • I'm reconsidering my previous theory on Fext's history. Maybe not experienced in forum mafia, but experience in other, similar games makes sense compared to what he's been saying. I don't think his push for an extension at EoD was a scummy thing like the above two do. It's really just a difference in player philosophy I think. NAI. I'm having a hard time reading him in general, due to a mix of that and the sheer volume of content. But I do appreciate having new blood with a new mindset in the game. Keeps things interesting.
  • The more I read, the more it does, in fact, feel like Rag has been tunneling Fig a little too hard. I want to look into her again. I also hate her claim opinions this game, first asking Fig not to claim until the last minute, then asking for the town doctor to come and CC day 1. I don't see much issue with her forgetting which game Aqua was from though.
  • I want to policy lynch Storm. He feels like he's holding back this game more than he's helping it. For Day 1 I want a lynch that can provide more substance, but I may try to lead one on him in a day or two. I will admit that he has made some progress, and if he keeps improving, maybe this will not be necessary.
  • As someone who enjoys scumreading Ex regularly, I am pleased to find that I still do not, which is either very good or very concerning. For now I won't focus much on him.
  • I need to go and actually read Fext's Chevy case in-depth. He does seem to be convincing people, so there may be some merit to it.
  • Minish worries me some. Not enough to lynch today, but I want to see more reads out of her that are more than just about today's main event. She's dropped a few feelings, which is good, but mostly on the side of townreading people.

I hope to provide more content later.
Overall, I think we need to lynch someone from Fig/Fext/Rag today, as that's been the main focus of the day and everyone has interacted with at least one, if not multiple or all three of them. Seems like the most bang for our lynch as far as info is concerned. And based on my above reads...
Vote: Ragnarokio


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower

Great, even

But not this exact instant yeah?

We have two days

While I agree that having 2 more irl days should be utilized, it is weird that you have been pushing for a Chevy vote with so little evidence and now you back out of the vote. At the very least if you kept your vote on Chevy, I would have not find this alarming since at least you would have been consistent about it but now yet again, you are just frantically flipping in mentality and thought process.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
And I'll address this while I'm at it. Why don't you elaborate why you're following Fext around like a lost poppy?

b/c votes were piling on chevy quickly and i didn't want him maj'd before he had a chance to come back and explain his absence.

The more I read, the more it does, in fact, feel like Rag has been tunneling Fig a little too hard. I want to look into her again. I also hate her claim opinions this game, first asking Fig not to claim until the last minute, then asking for the town doctor to come and CC day 1.

I usually tunnel a lot harder. I also didn't ask fig not to claim until the last minute. When you say "asking for the town doctor to come and CC day 1" it makes it sound like you think fig isn't the town doctor.
Sep 27, 2021
No part of me not wanting Chevy to be accidentally or purposefully voted early is at all inconsistent with still thinking he is a perfectly fine lynch

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
yea just went back to double check

Apparently fig was voting himself and last unvoted/voted without following the OP rules so we were at pen's mercy on what was going to happen, I guess. But you're right that he wasn't going to get lynched, it woulda been either a no lynch or chevy would've been lynched, my bad.

and I guess PK had the very early RVS vote yea :v

According to Fext's vote count, even if Fig's "self vote" was counted it still would have been Chevy. And Fig unvoted and voted Chevy before eod so it still would have been. Though funny enough Pen hasn't counted Fig's Chevy vote and Fig hasn't pointed that out despite being so sure of Pen catching stuff like that. Though Pen also didn't count the "self vote" either.

Minish worries me some. Not enough to lynch today, but I want to see more reads out of her that are more than just about today's main event. She's dropped a few feelings, which is good, but mostly on the side of townreading people.

I've actually dropped more scum reads than town reads. And am currently voting Chevy who has nothing to do with the main events. I've stated scum reads on Fig, Rag (though I've flip flopped on her), Ex, and Chevy.

While I agree that having 2 more irl days should be utilized, it is weird that you have been pushing for a Chevy vote with so little evidence and now you back out of the vote. At the very least if you kept your vote on Chevy, I would have not find this alarming since at least you would have been consistent about it but now yet again, you are just frantically flipping in mentality and thought process.

This isn't odd at all. Why vote for an extension for it just to be used for an extra few hours? It's not weird to unvote your scum read if they're getting close to maj if you still want to use discussion time.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
No part of me not wanting Chevy to be accidentally or purposefully voted early is at all inconsistent with still thinking he is a perfectly fine lynch
But if you still believe that Chevy is a "perfectly fine lynch" as you are statement, wouldn't it make sense to keep their vote on Chevy. At this point, anyone who votes for Chevy and hammers would be more suspicious over you leading the bandwagon on Chevy, especially since those people theoretically should be aware that we are at an extension period if they are reading up to this point.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
b/c votes were piling on chevy quickly and i didn't want him maj'd before he had a chance to come back and explain his absence.
The timing just seems off imo, Fext starts a bandwagon against Chevy, you agree and go along with the bandwagon, Pen announces that the EOD is pushed towards a later date, Fext unvotes after starting the bandwagon, THEN you unvote.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
According to Fext's vote count, even if Fig's "self vote" was counted it still would have been Chevy. And Fig unvoted and voted Chevy before eod so it still would have been. Though funny enough Pen hasn't counted Fig's Chevy vote and Fig hasn't pointed that out despite being so sure of Pen catching stuff like that. Though Pen also didn't count the "self vote" either.

I did mention an if-else approach in that statement and my guess is that Pen followed-up with that logic which is why both my "self-vote" and my vote on Chevy did not count. That's the only thing I can think of to why my latest votes were essentially nullified during vote count.

This isn't odd at all. Why vote for an extension for it just to be used for an extra few hours? It's not weird to unvote your scum read if they're getting close to maj if you still want to use discussion time.
I only say this as weird because at this point, anyone who votes for Chevy willy-nilly would be more suspicious than Fext who has been leading the charge on Chevy. At this point, everyone is aware we are on extension if they are reading this fair into the day. As I said, worst case scenario, this just makes Fext look more finicky and continues to act like "the wild card" in the group.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
The timing just seems off imo, Fext starts a bandwagon against Chevy, you agree and go along with the bandwagon, Pen announces that the EOD is pushed towards a later date, Fext unvotes after starting the bandwagon, THEN you unvote.

whats off about that?


Staff member
ZD Champion
According to Fext's vote count, even if Fig's "self vote" was counted it still would have been Chevy.
How so? Fig's Unvote and Vote on Chevy was on the final minute of the Day, before that it was a 3-3 tie, no?

Though funny enough Pen hasn't counted Fig's Chevy vote
you're right
I thought the wagon had 4 counting with Fig's vote but Pen didn't consider it hmm

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