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Official Suggestions Thread


Staff member
I'm curious how it could be abused the original way I suggested. If you had users apply to you to create an anon alt, stating the name it would have, and you restricted it to only life advice, you would already know who controls which alt. And they couldn't troll anywhere except for life advice which could easily be shut down. I understand if it's a matter of being too difficult to set up, but I don't understand how it would be abused.

Perhaps I misread your particular suggestion before. In this particular case I'd know who is posting the thread anyway so in such a case couldn't I more easily just post it for them? The only difference would be whether or not they'd be able to respond anonymously to the responses received by the thread. I'm not totally closed to the suggestion in the format you've made it in and it could potentially be done this way on a case by case basis. If this was a very infrequent thing (with a time limit for responses so I can revoke access to the account) then it could be manageable - but if it came to that time and they still had not received any responses then that would not be ideal. If I was getting such requests very often it would probably be too much to manage honestly so I'd grant this only in a case I thought was warranted. Obviously my judgement alone is subjective but due to the private nature of such a request there is not much of an alternative.

Another thing to consider is if someone uses such an account to post something anonymously that is revealing concerning (and potentially time sensitive) information that puts me under a duty of care being the only person who knows which user it is where I may not even be able to see it or respond quickly enough in a dangerous situation. This is a situation I would obviously much rather avoid.


Staff member
There is a latest blog widget on the forum index page already but that just shows latest threads posted there.

One good option you could use is the "watched forums" feature.

Screen Shot 2021-02-16 at 6.32.29 am.png

Go into a blog (the forum which contains it) which interests you and select "Watch" at the top of the listed threads. Then you can select the following options:

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New messages (posts) or threads will be shown here:

Screen Shot 2021-02-16 at 6.31.02 am.png


Staff member
Thoughts on subforum moderators?
Due to the size of our forum subforum moderators aren't really necessary with the exception of Mafia as the timing of the games needs to be managed well so that there are not clashes or over-saturation of the number of games being played at one time. If there are rule issues in any part of ZD Forums then by using the report function it will be quickly brought to the attention of the staff. I've never really understood small or medium sized forums where every subforum has different moderators - if I trust someone enough to be a mod and apply the rules on one section then I trust them to be a mod for every section.

Any warnings or infractions are brought up in the staff chat in any case to ensure that actions are reasonable and agreed upon by more than one person except in extreme cases where an issue needs to be resolved in an instant. If one moderator is unsure about how something section-specific works then the rest of the team is there to help.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
so when there's a notice when people reply to a thread in the shoutout box, when I click on that thread, it doesn't always take me to that person's post/the latest page, sometimes it just takes me to the first page or even 2 or 3 pages before it?

wouldn't it make sense for it to always take you to that person's post when you click it?

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