Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
They are emotes, Matt. 3 admins agreed to the deletion of the emotes. You act like we are all on some big conspiracy to ruin your fun. I get it, Matt, I really do. You don't like staff. Every little thing is power abuse. We are "censoring" you if we ignore you if you berate us for doing tiny changes. How are we ever going to get things done if we ask the community about every little tiny minor change? As long as we inform them of it, and they can give their opinion and perhaps certain changes can be reversed, I fail to see the issue. But you always have an issue, Matt. I'm tired of it, it's giving me a headache. But you'll get angry if we ignore you, right? There is literally no pleasing you. I'm done discussing this. Sorry, can't do this anymore. It's bad for my mental health.