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Official Suggestions Thread

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
This is more of a quality of life thing for me, idk how many other users have trouble with this. I just recently added an embedded link in a thread I made and I find it very hard to determine the dark green text from the black text. Is there any way we could make the links maybe a little brighter or stand out more? This isn't an issue on all the themes I imagine but on the standard, Dungeon v.22 theme it is really hard for me to see. (Yes I could switch themes but I like this one) here's an example from the thread I was referencing.
Screen Shot 2019-02-02 at 7.30.31 PM.png
It is a lot easier to see in big text in the image, but you will see if I do the same thing with just a link to the main ZD Forum site here, it is a lot harder to see. again, I don't know if I'm the only one who has trouble seeing this, I know I have bad eyes, but if someone could look into it that would be great. :D

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
This is more of a quality of life thing for me, idk how many other users have trouble with this. I just recently added an embedded link in a thread I made and I find it very hard to determine the dark green text from the black text. Is there any way we could make the links maybe a little brighter or stand out more? This isn't an issue on all the themes I imagine but on the standard, Dungeon v.22 theme it is really hard for me to see. (Yes I could switch themes but I like this one) here's an example from the thread I was referencing.
View attachment 39233
It is a lot easier to see in big text in the image, but you will see if I do the same thing with just a link to the main ZD Forum site here, it is a lot harder to see. again, I don't know if I'm the only one who has trouble seeing this, I know I have bad eyes, but if someone could look into it that would be great. :D
I agree, it's hard to see.
This isn't exactly necessary but...

I've noticed a lot of food threads popping up from both myself and other active users and most of these threads get a lot of replies on a regular basis.

I was wondering if it may be worth creating a food subforum in the general discussion forum like how we have Pokemon and Smash sub forums in general gaming.

It'd make these threads easier to find and may inspire people to fill the subforum up and get some more activity in user replies.

Just a thought.
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Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Can we get a penguin emote? (we could use the ALTTP penguins as the emote?) As a notable member has said "Penguins are awesome. Bumbling doofuses on land, ninjas underwater"


Staff member
This is more of a quality of life thing for me, idk how many other users have trouble with this. I just recently added an embedded link in a thread I made and I find it very hard to determine the dark green text from the black text. Is there any way we could make the links maybe a little brighter or stand out more? This isn't an issue on all the themes I imagine but on the standard, Dungeon v.22 theme it is really hard for me to see. (Yes I could switch themes but I like this one) here's an example from the thread I was referencing.
View attachment 39233
It is a lot easier to see in big text in the image, but you will see if I do the same thing with just a link to the main ZD Forum site here, it is a lot harder to see. again, I don't know if I'm the only one who has trouble seeing this, I know I have bad eyes, but if someone could look into it that would be great. :D

I'll hand this one over to @Satan since I am very bad with differentiating colours. He's going to look into putting in a colour or shade that is easier to differentiate.

This isn't exactly necessary but...

I've noticed a lot of food threads popping up from both myself and other active users and most of these threads get a lot of replies on a regular basis.

I was wondering if it may be worth creating a food subforum in the general discussion forum like how we have Pokemon and Smash sub forums in general gaming.

It'd make these threads easier to find and may inspire people to fill the subforum up and get some more activity in user replies.

Just a thought.

Hmm, I'm not so sure myself there is a need to further split up the General Discussion Forum given that there are only three pages of threads as it is from the past two months and the main focus of our forum is video game stuff. I'm just not really convinced at the moment that we need to further split up the "General"/everything else category.

Can we get a penguin emote? (we could use the ALTTP penguins as the emote?) As a notable member has said "Penguins are awesome. Bumbling doofuses on land, ninjas underwater"

If someone can give me a file to use as said emoji I will be happy to upload it.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
A number of people have been showing some concern about the blogs being delted™.

In the meantime once the update goes live, would it be feasible to create a “Blog” sub forum in GD or its own area where users could post their blogs temporarily? You could disable the post counts and keep the same rules.

Just a thought.


Staff member
A number of people have been showing some concern about the blogs being delted™.

In the meantime once the update goes live, would it be feasible to create a “Blog” sub forum in GD or its own area where users could post their blogs temporarily? You could disable the post counts and keep the same rules.

Just a thought.

I've been testing something like this over the past few days. I'll be sure that even in absence of a blog add-on there will be somewhere people can post their blog-style posts.


Life happens; coffee helps.
May 8, 2019
Could there be a Shoutbox option to turn the 'hit return to send' thing on and off? I keep hitting the return key by mistake and I'm sure lots of other people are too.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
It irks me that the featured Threads and Blogs aren't updated frequently enough. Like after E3 we should have had a featured thread about BotW 2 but all last month we had sheikah's thread about the sequel going full sci-fi but it was written in April, before E3.

Also, we still don't have any Blogs being featured. It's not a huge concern, especially if featuring a blog takes away from space for important threads like the competition sign ups and results.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
It irks me that the featured Threads and Blogs aren't updated frequently enough. Like after E3 we should have had a featured thread about BotW 2 but all last month we had sheikah's thread about the sequel going full sci-fi but it was written in April, before E3.

Also, we still don't have any Blogs being featured. It's not a huge concern, especially if featuring a blog takes away from space for important threads like the competition sign ups and results.

It may be because a lot of the mods/CC's have been relatively inactive recently

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