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Nintendo Kiddy?


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
So, one of the main complaints about Nintendo is that it's "kiddy", and doesnt offer much for older gamers. While this is obviously not true since plenty of Nintendo fans are adults...what are your thoughts? If you're 18 or older or around there, what keeps you with Nintendo? Would you like them to leave their kid friendly comfort zone once in awhile?

For me, I find Nintendo's games to be more polished than say, Grand Theft Auto and games like it that seem to focus more on the guts and blood or nudity than the story or gameplay. Also, the fandoms have plenty of adults, if I want darker or whatever I can just go look at the fan material. That's not that I would be against an M rated Nintendo title, but please...don't be M rated just to be M rated. If that makes sense...


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
What keeps me liking Nintendo? Excellent IPs that never get stale. A good 80% of my gaming is either Pokemon or Zelda. I just enjoy those series and dislike the revolting levels of unnecessary gore and/or sex pumped into games like GTA.

Being "mature" doesn't automatically mean blood, guts, and nudity. It just means having a more serious tone and less cheerful story.

And yet games like GTA are often lauded by rabid fans as being "mature" solely for those reasons. While this may not fit the abstract and arbitrary definition set above, it fits into the "M" rating for games, and I would certainly not expect Nintendo to go that route.

A good example is the Half-Life series. A "mature" series with none of the stereotypical "mature" elements. Maybe a bit of blood, but it all adds to the atmosphere. It has good storytelling and gameplay, despite being a "mature" series.

Yet another victim of the arbitrary definition mentioned above. Any game can have a serious enough plot, such as Pokemon Black/Pokemon White.

Another point, just because a game is mature, doesn't mean it has to sacrifice gameplay and story. Take a look at The Witcher. A story better than any Nintendo game, sophisticated and engaging gameplay, and very mature themes. Lots of blood and voiclence as well. In fact, it's probably one of the darkest WRPG in the past 10 years. Again, still a great game.

You just said earlier in your post that quote-unquote "mature" games don't have to sacrifice story, so either you're repeating yourself or making a contradiction.

Nintendo game have never even really been about the story. It's gameplay that they strive for.



I'm sorry


I can't hear you


Over all this story.



Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Terminus... I love you.

People mistake maturity in video games with dark, detailed graphics, and games that are rated T or M because they have a bunch of violence, gore, sex, and nudity. It's only about the story and how much of an impact it leaves on you, in my opinion. The game doesn't have to have a serious tone through the entire game. It has to act like an actual story where it gets more and more serious and thought out. I hate how bland most modern games are because they are mostly static the entire game and doesn't really build up the tension and impact of the story. It makes games less memorable. Many Nintendo games that I have played had a laid back tone at first and then slowly worked up to the serious tone with all tensions and explanations. That's what makes a story more polished and meaningful and mature. The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, A Link Between Worlds, all the Pokemon games, Luigi's Mansion, Kid Icarus: Uprising, all the Metroid games, and so many more Nintendo games have great stories, and behind the childish looks they all have seious themes added to them. Maturity in video games is that to me. They have dark/serious and meaningful themes in them that make them more polished and thoughtful. They don't go bland and get boring after the first game, or even the first few hours. This is proof that graphics don't matter at all. Games like The Wind Waker and Majora's Mask have so many serious and dark themes in them and leave and impact on you, despite their childish facade.

If that made any sense.


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
Are you really suggesting that those games have a better plot than a game like The Witcher? Are you ACTUALLY serious? That's quite amusing.

In case you didn't know, The Witcher is based on a series of full-length Polish fantasy novels. You really think that any Zelda game has the Witched beat in terms of plot? The plot of any Zelda game can be described by easily described by a page or two of text, but The Witcher takes entire novels to describe.

No, he just said they had good stories; way to change the facts to fit with your arguments instead of changing your arguments to fit with the facts.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
Are you really suggesting that those games have a better plot than a game like The Witcher? Are you ACTUALLY serious? That's quite amusing.

In case you didn't know, The Witcher is based on a series of full-length Polish fantasy novels. You really think that any Zelda game has the Witched beat in terms of plot? The plot of any Zelda game can be described by easily described by a page or two of text, but The Witcher takes entire novels to describe.

What I actually said (if you took the time to read the post before getting butthurt) is don't instantly dismiss the story of a game franchise.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
Nintendo is not kiddy. Kiddy would be things like Dora The Explorer, Bob The Builder, things like that. Nintendo doesn't really do that. What Nintendo does, is what Disney does. They do family. People do confuse the two all the time though. Nintendo is just as adamant that they make absolutely everything family-friendly, and have as broad and unfocused an audience as possible. Just like Disney does. Who didn't like Toy Story? Really? It has a wide, unfocused, appeal, and that's what Disney does, as well as Nintendo. And while it can be enjoyable (I'm addicted to Pokemon Y right now in fact), sometimes older people want something more mature and more focused to their level. Disney never, ever directly does this themselves. Though they will through licensing labels, Marvel being a recent acquisition that does so. Their movies are more mature than most Disney movies are. Nintendo only vary rarely makes such an exception themselves and does it the same way, through licensing labels, and second parties.
Jan 1, 2014
Alberta, Canada
I wouldn't really say that Nintendo is "kiddy". There is a difference between things meant for children, and things that are meant to be appropriate for all ages. I feel that Nintendo falls in the latter category - yes, most of the games are appropriate for kids, but there are plenty of things in them for adults to enjoy as well, in terms of both gameplay and storyline.

I like that Nintendo caters to the all-ages niche. They're great at making those kind of games, so it's good that they seem intent on continuing with that.
Jan 1, 2014
Alberta, Canada
Doesn't seem to be quite good for their sales. Wii U's not selling. Mario 3D World is not selling. Nintendo is losing money.

Well, the question I was responding to wasn't addressing that. But to me, those issues sound like they have more to do with Wii U's price point and the fact that it is a stationary console rather than a portable.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Doesn't seem to be quite good for their sales. Wii U's not selling. Mario 3D World is not selling. Nintendo is losing money.

I honestly don't think it's the system or the games fault. It's just that they decided to release good titles now.

So, using the Wii U's sales to prove that Nintendo games aren't worth it is illogical, because, if I recall correctly, the Wii destroyed the the last generation of consoles despite being the "weaker" system.


Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
The topic wasn't on how good Nintendo's games are, it's on if Nintendo has a tendency to make kiddy games.

Also, what good is a game if no one buys it and company can't make enough money to stay afloat?

Then why did you change the subject to how well Nintendo's games are selling... When the subject IS if Nintendo makes kiddy games. Good job. You won that argument. :yes:

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