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Nintendo Nintendo Issues Numerous Copyright Blocks to GilvaSunner's Channel, Prompting the Channel's Deletion

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
It's the end of an era. For over a decade GilvaSunner's YouTube Channel has been the go to place to listen to music from Nintendo games.

Whether you agree or disagree with third party uploads of Nintendo music, the fact is this is the only method currently to listen to these tracks on the web. Notably, GilvaSunner does not monetize the videos posted to the channel, meaning the impact of the uploads to Nintendo are minimal – if there even is any.

Some are speculating that these takedown notices are being done for an eventual compilation of Nintendo music in some form, either in official uploads to their YouTube channel, or via other streaming services. Hopefully this is the case, otherwise one of the most convienient means to listen to the music will no longer exist.

Sadly, GilvaSunner has announced on Twitter that he has chosen to delete the YouTube channel by Friday, February 4th, 2022.

Unless Nintendo actually plans to create a means to listen to the music from their games, these takedowns are honestly nonsensical since the channel does not negatively impact their profits currently. However, they are well within their right to enforce these takedowns to protect their Intellectual Property.

It's a sad day for sure, with wishful thinking maybe there can be some kind of silver lining. Where do you all stand on the matter?
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funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
Just another nonsense decision on Nintendo's part. They've always been absurdly overprotective of their IPs, and it looks like they'll continue to be so, even at the expense of their fans.

They're never gonna stop folks from uploading their music completely, so why bother at all if it doesn't negatively affect them? I'll never understand it.


Staff member
ZD Champion
oh no :(

Hopefully something similar to the Toei situation happens and Youtube intervenes in it to make it just so it's not available in Japan or whatever countries' fair use laws the company is basing their claims at

if it's unavoidable, let's hope the game companies start their own channels to host the songs? Hopefully not an app or anything monetized, which honestly wouldn't be surprising.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Just another nonsense decision on Nintendo's part. They've always been absurdly overprotective of their IPs, and it looks like they'll continue to be so, even at the expense of their fans.

They're never gonna stop folks from uploading their music completely, so why bother at all if it doesn't negatively affect them? I'll never understand it.
Like, I could understand the decision if they were really planning on creating some official means to listen to the music, like on their own YouTube channel, or through existing streaming services. If they don't do something along these lines than this sudden strong-arming over the last few days is, frankly, ridiculous.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
oh no :(

Hopefully something similar to the Toei situation happens and Youtube intervenes in it to make it just so it's not available in Japan or whatever countries' fair use laws the company is basing their claims at

if it's unavoidable, let's hope the game companies start their own channels to host the songs? Hopefully not an app or anything monetized, which honestly wouldn't be surprising.

The issue is that when it comes to music, it's that much harder to fight back as it's directly attached to the creator/corporation, which is why even in the west you get immediately DMCA'd as soon as a world-known song starts playing if you weren't given special permission prior. Despite not monetizing any song, Sunner still got punished for it with these copyright claims and even mentioned they wouldn't have issues if the channel does become terminated. The easiest solution would be for Nintendo to either sell OSTs on their store or stream their rich music history on servers like Spotify (something even other companies like Square Enix, Capcom, or even anime studios utilize to share their works) but because that makes too much sense and such a great idea, Nintendo is against it from the start.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Hasn't his channel been shut down before at least twice? He'll be back I'm sure.
You mean forcefully or he got rid of it willingly? It sounds like he is deleting the channel completely.

Edit: I realize I wasn't really clear with the OP. I meant it was shutting down as in it was being deleted but you are correct in pointing out with YouTube there is a difference.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
It certainly goes along with Nintendo. Nintendo's whole position on people showing gameplay of their games on YouTube was horrible, controlling nonsense. They're the sort of company to issue cease and desist letters to people producing fan remakes or porting games to work on newer hardware, only to never produce anything of their own.

Nintendo kind of sucks, but they make Mario and Zelda so it's okay.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
What about siivagunner? Was their channel caught in the crossfire as well or are their high quality rips still fine?

is that better
I'm not really sure, some of those rips aren't from Nintendo games so I think that alt channel is fine for now? But it does have some Nintendo music so I imagine it'll only be a matter of time before that channel also gets hit for the Nintendo stuff at least.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
he's definitely not the only channel that's uploaded music for various nintendo games, but it still sucks nonetheless, especially w/ all the various conversations that go on within the comments section of the videos

nintendo has no game plan for this, you really think they'll upload their own official videos of something like the MOTHER 3 OST? like hell they would


Staff member
ZD Champion
I'm not really sure, some of those rips aren't from Nintendo games so I think that alt channel is fine for now? But it does have some Nintendo music so I imagine it'll only be a matter of time before that channel also gets hit for the Nintendo stuff at least.
Siivagunner isn't a side account lol
it's a parody account that makes mashups, so it's way less likely for it to get taken down

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