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New Years Resolutions 2021!


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
New Years resolutions are a great tradition and motivation to do something to better yourself. However, these are often forgotten shortly after the new start...
Do you usually make New Year's resolutions? If so, what's yours for the new year?
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magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Not serious ones like last years was give up smoking i did suceed cuz i dont smoke but this year my res will be get the vaccine asap...
I usually don't make resolutions.

This year was the first time in a long time where I actually planned a resolution and then a ****ing pandemic hit.

So, for 2021 I want to try and not be bothered by the **** show the coming year will be and try to deal with each new Calamity as it happens, rather than dreading things and worrying about things before they happen.

It's going to be a stressful year, so I'm going to try and cut down on the self inflicted stress as much as I can.
I'm gonna stick with what I resolved to do midway through 2020 and try to keep a more positive outlook. For my own sanity, it's probably the only thing I can do at the moment, as my usual "be more productive" is pretty empty given the world being on pause. 2020 I think has braced me a bit for what to expect of my mental health in 2021, so I need to just be mindful of that so I can survive it.


Staff member
This year I want to try and spend at least an hour per day brushing up on my Japanese in preparation for the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test). Ideally I'd like to achieve N2 level by the end of the year (I had planned to take it in 2020 but the exam was cancelled due to COVID-19).

I also want to put more time into searching for a graduate job, waste less time on Facebook, and get more hours of sleep each night. If I manage to get a new job and settle in nicely/feel secure in it - I'd like to have moved out from my parent's house by the end of 2021.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
I’d like to be able to lose some more weight this year. I gained some weight with my wife during her pregnancy lol and I’ve been too comfortable. I’d like to lose about 20 pounds.

Additionally I’d like to give more, and be able to spend more time with my daughter as she grows.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Not really any resolutions. I lost like 35 pounds last year and I want to continue with it. So far I didn't gain any weight at all since I took a break (very busy times at work so I didn't really paid much attention to my weight) so I'm up to a good start.
I also want to finish all my creative projects so far.

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