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New Nintendo 3DS ..


Love, loving life!
Feb 25, 2013
It is just perfect for a MM remake, right?

I seem to recall having to get extra RAM for the N64 to play MM ..

No wonder we will need a new 3DS for a MM remake? :P
Jun 19, 2014
You had to have the expansion pak, it also came with the game. I hope it's remaster for the 3ds and not a remake the game is pefect the way it is. There also some talk that we might get an HD version for the Wii U instead. I'll take either but I hope we get at least one.


Feb 14, 2014
I would like to see MM3D because it feels right to release it since OoT3D was released. I really liked the graphical updates, the 3D effect, and easier controls. But, after that, no more remakes. There needs to be more of a focus on creating new content.

As for the New 3DS... Why didn't Nintendo release this system initially? I'm also pissed because you need this 3DS to play certain games. Ugh...

The C-Stick looks much too small and too close to the face buttons. Why didn't they make this system a 3DS built-in with a Circle Pad Pro, but just less wide? That woukd have been better. But, I haven't played on one. Maybe the C-Stick is great. I'll have to wait and see.

But the New 3DS is a dumb name. So is the Wii U. Who's been in charge of naming these Nintendo systems? If Nintendo is targeting the hardcore audience with this New 3DS, why not give it a name like the 3DS Pro? That would've been a great name.

But, I'm probably gonna buy it anyway. I wish you wouldn't make me do this, Nintendo, but I want your best product available. ZL and ZR buttons? Better viewing angles for 3D? Faster CPU? I can't pass it up. But Nintendo, you should have made the 3DS this way initially, just like you should've made thd Wii Remotes have Wii Motion+ initially.


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
As for the New 3DS... Why didn't Nintendo release this system initially?

You seemed to answer your own question.

But, I'm probably gonna buy it anyway. I wish you wouldn't make me do this, Nintendo, but I want your best product available. ZL and ZR buttons? Better viewing angles for 3D? Faster CPU? I can't pass it up. But Nintendo, you should have made the 3DS this way initially, just like you should've made thd Wii Remotes have Wii Motion+ initially.

Basically, they know people like you will and people who didn't buy a 3DS the first time around will want to buy this. More money.


Love, loving life!
Feb 25, 2013
You seemed to answer your own question.

Basically, they know people like you will and people who didn't buy a 3DS the first time around will want to buy this. More money.

Also makes the MM 3DS bundle a must have, even if one just got the ALBW bundle.. ;)

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Nah, if MM is remade for the 3DS it won't require use of the new 3DS. Xenoblade Chronicles was one of the better looking and more expansive games on the Wii so it makes sense for its remake to be the debut title for the updated system, especially with the Wii U sequel on the horizon.

I'm considering buying this new model of the 3DS since there are problems with the circle pad of my current one. I want to see if Nintendo will continue making exclusive games only playable on this version of the 3DS first though. It's possible the Xenoblade Chronicles remake is just a one time lure and Nintendo wants to avoid alienating a large portion of the 3DS fanbase. As I said in the previous thread about this topic, I'm not the biggest fan of major hardware changes a few years into the generation, but if this means 3DS support for longer than Nintendo initially anticipated, I'm all for it.

Triforce King

Pathfinder for life
Jul 10, 2011
My reaction to the New Nintendo 3DS[video=youtube;PjAX6VETEc4]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjAX6VETEc4[/video]


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
man i can totally see a mm 3d being a new 3ds exclusive
it just seems so perfect w/ all the crying fans and the new hardware coming out

im seriously gonna laugh if it does happen


When in doubt, mumble.
Dec 22, 2011
I really hope that any new 3DS exclusives are just unnecessary extras within a non exclusive game. Similar to the tingle tuner in LoZ:WW if you also had a gameboy advance + connector or LoZ:LA DX when put in a gameboy colour as opposed to a regular gameboy. So I would be extremely hopeful that if the do bring out MM 3D that it isn't a new 3DS exclusive.


The Nintendo Knight
Heres how it could work- Like Link's Awakening DX (Or any black colored GBC cart) and Perfect Dark perhaps only parts of the game will be avalible to non Upgraders. Theres no getting around that games ported to or played on an inferior console will run like a$$ in comparation to the intended platform, so at least making parts of it function on a basic level would ease the butthurt a bit.


Emperor of the Flesh-Eating Replicators
Apr 22, 2014
What do we call the New 3DS when it's no longer, you know, new?

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