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Animal Crossing New Horizons Activity Logs

Threads relating to the Animal Crossing series.

Azure Sage

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I've been doing a lot lately. I finished my 4th house, belonging to my side file Aoife. I am working on the fifth one, belonging to Ainne. I am also saving up to make a 6th file, based on a brand new oc named Tshering. Should be fun. Her house will be in the middle of the garden next to Silvia's house, and I'm gonna run with a garden theme in it like how Korra's house is a haunted house. I have a handful of plans for it already.

Each of my houses has a central theme on top of whatever else is inside it. My main file Azure's house is fall because it's technically my house and I love fall. Silvia's is spring because as a character she's associated with the sun and rebirth, and her birthday is in spring, as well. Korra's is a haunted house because that's the kind of thing she as a character would do if she had her own house to do whatever she wanted with, she loves that sort of thing. Aoife's is themed around natural stuff like wood, and her second floor is based on Monster Hunter because that's where she started as an oc. Ainne's house is themed around flowers and music, because those are her interests. Tshering's will be similar to Ainne's with the garden theme, but it will be more of an attraction rather than a home like Korra's house is as a haunted house.

I've got a lot of work ahead of me, and I'm looking forward to it.


Gamer of Videos
Feb 21, 2020
Ethereal Plane
This week I returned to the island of Spira, and ate a little pile of turnips to finally move ALL of my various fruit trees into a single gathered orchard for, as they say, easy pickins'! I also invited Fang the Wolf Guy to be my 6th villager, and wished on some falling stars! Sadly I did not get any "big meteor shards", only regular and zodiac shards. Next time then!

Azure Sage

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Last night at 1 AM (figures) I got the sudden inspiration to swap the locations of my tailor shop and the public park I made. The reasoning behind this was to give both locations more space and to allow my roads to flow better without having to dodge around buildings weirdly. I think it works a lot better this way, but there's still more work to be done in fine-tuning those spots.


and thus comes the end of an era
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Jun 16, 2020
Crossbell State
This morning I was able to place the bridge plot and the three home plots for the villagers that will be arriving soon. Now I've got to start whacking trees and rocks to get the necessary wood and stone materials for the furniture. I also paid some more of my home loan, leaving me owing about 20,000 bells.

Azure Sage

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Ainne's house is finished, right on time with me hitting 2 mil in savings, which I am now going to give to my new 6th file, Tshering, who just arrived on Polaris today! I have solid plans for all of her house's rooms except the basement. Building up her house is gonna be a lot of fun.
Aug 15, 2017
Yet another day, or should I say night, of hunting Deep Sea Creatures to get their Museum Entries and *possibly* a figurine from CJ. My devotion to 100% this game will kill me some day.

Azure Sage

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I think I am finally hitting the point where there's not much left for me to do each day. My daily activities have slowed down to cleaning up all the branches, stones, and fossils (and stray flowers if it rained the day before) each morning, trying and failing to grow blue roses, and checking turnip prices. That's it. Today, I was able to finish the last thing that I don't need to wait for. I finally figured out how to design Tshering's yard, and I'm only waiting on two more things in the mail tomorrow for that. So I'm pretty much good to go until the next update.

My town's design can't get much better than it is. Azure still needs the entire royal furniture set, as well as the mushroom set and whatever is added in the fall for pumpkin furniture. Silvia is finally getting her last painting tomorrow. Might add some more pirate furniture to Korra’s basement maybe. Aoife and Ainne are completely done. Tshering just needs one of every zodiac star fragment to put on the floor in her room, and I’m still trying to figure out what to do with her basement but I can buy that for her whenever I’m ready.

So like.... other than finding that goddamn cicada shell, checking the daily visitors and turnip prices, and my morning routine, there's not much left for me to do until more stuff arrives.


The Resting Sun
Sep 9, 2019
As I slowly continue to work my way towards 100% completion of New Horizons, I managed to complete my reorderable clothing catalog thanks to another group I'm in. Now I have all reorderable items (furniture, clothing, wallpaper, flooring, rugs, music, posters) cataloged, which is pretty nice.

Azure Sage

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Spent some time in the last couple days tweaking my town. Since I don't need the orchard for money anymore, I cut down on the number of trees a bit and made a small clearing for a pond and some stones. Looks nice and tranquil. I also updated my outdoor baths and cafe, replaced some log benches with garden benches, and was given the last three blue roses I needed from a kind friend (cuz i have spent ike two months trying to grow them and only managed 1 in all that time). I'm really happy with the changes I've made. They're small changes, but they're really nice I think.

Also figured out what to do for Tshering's basement, kind of. Thinking maybe some kind of underground ice cave. I got the idea from visiting a dream island. Still kinda fuzzy on the details, but the ice theme is there and should serve as a nice contrast to the greenery of her upper floors. So I'll be buying her basement in the winter.

Azure Sage

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Thanks to my best friend who had a turnip price of 538 the other day, I finally finished all the turnip-related miles goals, so I never have to bother with them again! Hooray!

Tshering has a basement now. I got a really cool wallpaper from Saharah that really brought my ideas together into something I could act on. I made it a pirate hideout. I had everything I'd wanted to use for it on hand already, so it's done. I might add more pirate stuff to it in the future if I get more from Gullivarrr that I like, but for now it's done.

I decided to change my public park into a boardwalk. It's now half the size of what it used to be, but it looks a lot better. Just waiting on finding some friends with different drink machine and cotton candy stall colors to make them match the area better than the ones my island has.
Nov 9, 2019
Dyno: Hey Blathers I got stuff to donate to you!

Blathers: Let me guess, since it's fall now it's a bunch of insec-

Dyno: It's a bunch of insects! ^ ^

Blathers: If I had teeth I'd be clenching them as I sarcastically thank you.
Oct 14, 2013
Guess what? Mission success. Took 49 in game breeding days to get the blue rose. Starting from store seeds only. The method I used is pretty simple, easier than most and it confirmed works. If you want to know how I did it I can share.



Azure Sage

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I spent all day yesterday adding the finishing touches to my island. I time traveled back to November 19th at 5:30 PM to update my dream because that season and that time of day is when my island looked the best. So now, I am 100% done with decorating my island. Feels good to finally make it this far.

The only things I still want are the remaining critters and star fragments, as well as villager photos. I have less control over those, and I don't feel like time travelling forward, so I'll just be patient and let them come to me when they do. I might go out of my way to cycle Redd sometime, though, because art rng is seriously awful. Other than that, I'm probably at the end of things I wanna do each day. Only took me almost 10 months. :)

Azure Sage

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Been speedrunning the dlc in my side files so I could work on their homes with polishing and pillars and counters and soundscapes and stuff. It's actually not that hard to get all those new abilities, but earning the cash to order a whole bunch of stuff and waiting in real time for them to arrive is proving to be much more of a time sink.

Making steady progress though. Korra is completely done, Tshering and Silvia have to wait two more days to get pillars and counters (and some other stuff in the mail), and then that just leaves Ainne and Aoife to speedrun to 17 homes. Planning on doing that on Friday maybe.
Don't know where to document this, so I'm gonna put it here. I somehow managed to SOFTLOCK myself in friggin Animal Crossing. I "completed" the museum.

That is, I reached my goal of completing the bug, fish, and diving collections, before donating my first piece of art. Well... apparently, no. Nintendo didn't seem to consider anyone trying to do this. Blathers thanked me for completing the museum and now the prompt to donate is gone and I have no way to even upgrade my museum.

I'll never get the Roost either, sounds like.

If anyone knows if there's an ACTUAL place for me to file some sort of ticket with Nintendo about this, can someone point me in the right direction?

Edit: I was able to quit before the autosave hit (act of mercy tbh, considering i didnt close the software until after writing this post) and the spider crab is back in my inventory. Crisis averted, but damn. I won't be donating this boy tonight so I can initiate the art exhibit tonight instead.

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