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Animal Crossing New Horizons Activity Logs

Threads relating to the Animal Crossing series.

Princess Niki

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Aug 27, 2011
So I am late to this party but, here are the adventures so far on Alola

So day one I was able to gather enough creatures to summon Blathers to the Island.

Day 2: Donated even more creatures and even a few fossils for the Museum

Day 3: Paid off my debt and asked for a house

Day 4: Museum opened and I got a house. Gulliver and Wisp both appeared.

Day 5: My villagers Reneigh and Antonio upgraded to houses and I visited another island for the first time. With AZ's help got a better hair style. Later on found the mirror and got the right one. Helped the Nooklings get enough materials for their store.

Day 6: Nook and Cranny opened up today and I got 3 houses prepared to be built over night.


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
Idk if I can write ALL I do because I'm time traveling and that might spoil stuff, but these past few days I've discovered that tons of rare bugs and fishes comes out around 10PM, so I've been staying up until then then finding some rare stuff :)

Been picking up some dope guitar gear in the Cranny as well. So excited that something like guitar gear is in this game!

Azure Sage

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Since I got town hall, I've been going ham on projects. I moved my museum, set up a bridge to the museum's new spot, and set up the campsite. Today I've set Nana's house to move to a new spot so I could fix my spacing error between her house and the plaza, and I've paid off a new bridge that will make it easier to get to the path that leads to where I will move Silvia's house tomorrow.

I've also been doing a lot of outdoor decorating. Tons of flowers and fences, plus I set up a small park area that will get filled out when the furniture comes in the mail tomorrow, and I finally planted the fruit orchard now that the museum is out of the way. Everything's coming together. It'll still take a lot of time and effort, but I'm getting closer and closer to my vision for my town.


The Resting Sun
Sep 9, 2019
I haven't done too much with my island in terms of organizing it since the Resident Services got expanded, since my main goal is just to fully upgrade my house before I tinker with the island. I got the left room paid off on Friday, then got the right room built and paid off today and I'll have my 2nd floor built tomorrow. For the most part, I continue to just gather materials, Nook Miles and bells (most of which end up going towards the loan payments, lol). I did finally end up flying to the bamboo island, so I finally have some bamboo and sprouts in addition to the couple I was given the other day, which I'm happy about. I also ended going to 3 of my friends islands the past couple of days, which was pretty rad. I ended up helping all 3 de-weed their island, lol. They didn't ask for it, but I felt like doing it so hey, it's all good.

Azure Sage

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The first person to visit my campsite was Pietro. No thanks, gonna make a hard pass on inviting him, lol. I’m still unable to find any villagers on tours either, so I’m gonna wait and see about that tomorrow. I paid off another bridge and already have enough to pay off the one I’m gonna set up tomorrow, too. Silvia’s house is all set to be moved, and the Able Sisters shop will go up tomorrow.
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The Resting Sun
Sep 9, 2019
Today was long and eventful, so I'll bullet point what happened:
  • Today was my first day with the 2nd floor, and good lord the storage space, the storage space! Going from 400 (or w/e) to 800 is a life saver, honestly.
  • I ended up buying 3100 turnips at 97 bells/turnip (and also had a friend come over to buy them since they were cheaper than at her island), so hopefully this works out, lol
  • I ran into Mabel and she was ready to set up the Abel Sisters shop, so I got that all plotted out and ready to go
  • I had Beardo appear at my campsite, so I decided to invite him to my island and set up his house plot.
  • I then ended up setting up the remaining housing plots.
  • I then decided to set up a 2nd bridge to connect my center part of the lower island to the left part, with a plan to add an inclination to the middle part of the island on the left side once ready, so that way my island is more or less fully connected without the use of tools.
  • I ran into Angus on an island tour and invited him over to my island
  • I then basically just spent most of the day grinding away for more materials, bells, Nook Miles
  • I ended up getting onto bamboo island (for the 3rd time today), so I decided to farm some tarantulas. Worthwhile, since I got 24 tarantulas, so an easy 192k bells.
  • I paid off half the loan for the 2nd floor. Still 600k+ to go which hurts.
  • I tried to catch a golden trout, but despite using close to 100 bait I didn't find one so rip.
Still a ways to go, but at least it feels like I'm slowly beginning to realize what I want to do with my island.

Azure Sage

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Very frustrated to discover that the first person in your camp stays there until you invite them. Pietro was still there this morning and Nook did not acknowledge that yesterday where I ignored him ever happened, so I’m forced into having that ugly clown bastard in my town in order to keep progressing. I essentially delayed my progress by ignoring him. ****.

I’ll just yell at Isabelle about him until he leaves, I guess. I can finally invite more villagers through island tours, and decided to invite Rodeo. Never had them before but they seem nice. Silvia’s house is finally where I’ve always wanted it, and Azure’s house is being upgraded because I really need more storage.

Also realized yesterday that Nana’s house was not the only one I measured the spacing for wrong. I need to fix Tabby’s and Erik’s spots too, so I’ll be moving them over the next couple days.
Oct 14, 2013
I'm happy with the crew I have now. 2 rams, 2 mouse and a squirrel.

I'm just planing my room ideas. I have 4 possible ideas so far.
1. Technology based room with all the tech gadgets I can get.
2. Cafe complete with tables and kitchen.
3. Art gallery room showcasing all the album covers of the KK songs/records.
4. Trash room with old tyres and trash bags and the like.
All works in progress of cause because I'm not close to getting everything I need for them.

My ideal town is suburbia complete with plavement and a town centre. Making a city (ala Sim City) is not possible in Animal Crossing, so a town centre it is. I think I'll terraform the island into 4 sectors.
1. Town Square, and the other public works buildings like the shop and museum
2. Residential sector
3. Double cliff wilderness
4. Park area with fruit trees and a couple lakes for those specific fish.
I'll use the rivers as the sector boundaries with bridges connecting each so I can keep my net orfishing rod equipped without having to swap to the pole or ladder all the time.
This is future planning as I don't have access to terraforming yet.

I also met the bug catcher yesterday. I did partake in his services just to see what the results are and tomorrow it'll be mailed to me. Even his increased bug buying prices - ie I get more bells for them then the store . . . is still not as lucrative as fishing. Even without the occassional shark or sunfish I catch fishing is way better, for bells.

Honestly I feel bugsneed to be worth a few more bells as they are much harder to catch reliably and take a lot more walking around the map to farm. Not balanced at all when compared to farming fish. Nintendo should address this in a patch.
Also I feel scorpions should appear slightly more often as they are a royal %$#@ to catch. I'm so far like 0 and 5 on catching them. By the time I swing they are at my feet and I get stung. I still don't know how to do it and there's no room for trial and error as one swing is all you get, if you're lucky, at times you get none as they sting you before you can swap to the net.

I've not found a special nook miles ticket RNG island yet. Just 7 or so standard ones. Though my last one had a fruit different to my native peaches so I stocked up on non native fruit. Maybe I'll get a special island soon enough.


The Resting Sun
Sep 9, 2019
Today wasn't as eventful as yesterday, lol, but there's still a few things worth mentioning:
  • My second bridge was completed, so I got the incline that I wanted set up and paid off
  • I went on a shopping spree on my one friend's island, and ended up selling my peaches (and bought more stuff) on a second friend's island
  • I picked up Prince as my 8th villager on an island tour
  • I had two successful tarantula farming sessions, ending up with 60 tarantulas in total (though I need to wait until tomorrow to sell them)

Azure Sage

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Got all the bridges and the only incline I can do right now up. I should get my 8th villager tomorrow which means island evals will finally do something. I should be getting terraforming any day now. In the meantime, I'm destroying my original bridge and replacing it with a stone bridge for the aesthetic. I can't wait to start laying down paths.


The Resting Sun
Sep 9, 2019
Recapping the last three days:

  • One of my friends got a good turnip price (420 bells per), so I sold all my turnips for 1,302,000 bells. Heck yeah.
  • I paid off my loan payment for my second floor. Now all that remains is the basement, woop woop
  • Met Gayle on an island tour, so she's now villager #9
  • I ended up doing more tarantula farming, so now I'm up to 92 tarantulas. I'll wait for Flick to show up before selling them, since I have a ton of bells after the turnip selling
  • I got a 2nd incline to the middle level of the island set up and paid off, since I have an idea of where I want to put my house now

  • My basement was finished up, so now I have 1600 in storage space. Love it, especially since I already reached the previous max of 800, lol
  • I ended up spending an hour visiting the island of the fantastic Azure Sage, which puts my island to shame, lol. I enjoyed the egg hunt and the tour and generally just chilling out on it, but probably the best part was managing to catch a golden trout, only needing 4 bait to do so
  • I got my 3rd incline set up, 1st one that connects to the upper level of the island.
  • I ended up moving my house to the upper level of the island, near where I had set up the most recent incline
  • Flick came to my island, so I sold him all 92 tarantulas I had (plus a few other bugs) for over a million bells
  • I met Boomer on an island tour, so he became my 10th and final villager. Now I finally have an excuse to say "ok boomer"
  • I ended up farming for more tarantulas, ending up with 42 in total, and sold them all to Flick as well
  • I paid off some of my basement debt (498k bells), so that it's only at an even 2 million now

  • My island is now up to a 3 star rating, so I'm gonna get KK tomorrow. Heck yeah.
  • I decided to move Nook's Cranny over to my old house location
  • I spent an hour over at a friend's island, doing some shopping and defending Lionel from her and a couple of my other friends (since she hates him and wants him gone, lol) before she ended up kicking me and another friend out
  • I was going to set up my 3rd bridge, but the game won't allow me to put it in the spot I want so rip, I need to wait for terraforming. I just set up a 4th incline instead, with it connecting to my other upper level of the island.
  • I ended up getting the DIY recipe for the golden axe after breaking my millionth stone axe

Things are going well now that I have fully upgraded my house and that I have just under 2 million bells and don't have to worry as much about grinding for bells. My plan is to use 1 million to buy more turnips, hopefully sell them for a similar rate that I sold my turnips for on Tuesday, and then use the other ~1 million bells on shopping and island improvements.

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