Ocarina is the hardest one to do a 3hc on the 3d Zelda games. Have fun
No, MC is much harder. But OOT is definitly a close second. You all should join my 3 heart challenge group called "3 hearters" to discuss this kind of stuff. But im working on a WW 3 heart challenge right now and soon a TP and MM one.Ocarina is the hardest one to do a 3hc on the 3d Zelda games. Have fun
But I remember the first time I played I fought Ganondorf shield-less cuz I thought it looked so cool so there is a way to remove the shield... I just don't really remember how.
Dude tell me how it goes so i can try OoT as my second 3hc. im currently working on Link Awakening as my first 3 heart challenge and so far ive done pretty good with staying alive and what not.
Actually, I prefer you do it this way, it seems a little more challenging, since you have to think more. I'm going to start off with a bit of a story though, so bear with me.
Whenever I was playing Ocarina of Time on my Nintendo 64 a couple years ago, I noticed that for some reason the fire arrows would be given to me. I was doing it all right and at the right point in the game, but it just wouldn't give me the fire arrows. So then, I was forced to continue without the fire arrows. I suppose my game was messed up somehow... Anyway, I found that it is very well possible to clear the entire game without the fire arrows. I'll leave it to you to figure out how to solve some of the puzzles that require lit torches that seem to need to use fire arrows. Dins Fire will be required for these puzzles, by the way. So add the Fire Arrow torch "puzzles" to your list of things you can use Din's Fire for.