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Sign Ups MS Paint Mafia: U-Pick Edition Signups


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
Welcome to MS Paint Mafia: U-Pick Edition Signups!!!


This is a game for any number of people though more players will allow for more interesting gameplay

Signups for this game are open now but the game will not start until a few days after storm's chaos mafia ends, even if we get enough people before then.

When signing up you should pick something. It could be a fictional character, a real person, an OC, an abstract concept, or whatever else. Feel free to describe what you pick in as much detail as you want. When the game starts, you'll receive a role based on whatever it was that you picked. If you'd like to keep what you picked a secret, you can PM me your pick. If you pick something both in thread and via PM, I'll base your role on what you picked in PM. Feel free to ask any questions you have about this process.

I aim to create roles that are unique and fun but which detract minimally from the core mafia experience. Ideally the game will be won primarily through reading players rather than through mechanical interactions, which should serve as a secondary tool to players. I don't include vanilla roles in my game, but I do include roles with very low game impact (that are hopefully still fun to play).

I don't intentionally mislead players, and try to be clear in communicating when information they receive might be inaccurate (ie: cop results should come with a disclaimer that they may be inaccurate if the target has a role that affects investigations on them).

Player List:
1: Lissi
2: Minish
3: Jamie
4: HHH
5: Lain
6: Killjoy
7: Exlight
8: Asfyniti
9: OG
10: KoD
11: Rubik
Last edited:


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Champion
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Hey Rag, before I join I have a question. So lets just say that I chose a bad guy like Ganondorf, Darth Vader, etc. would that make my chances at becoming mafia greater? Or will you just make the abilities and randomly pick who is Mafia?


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
i will consider your character and the overall design when deciding on a character's alignment, though i doubt i'll be making every villain someone signs up with mafia and vice-versa.

Ultimately i don't think what you pick should correspond to alignment in a predictable way, though it won't be random either. If people want to try to outguess the mod by flavour-solving they are welcome to but they shouldn't be surprised if it comes back to bite them.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
there are only four people signed up and the game can accomodate any number of people so there is no need to give anyone your spot

you are of course free to decide you'd rather not play anymore, and that is how i will interpret your post. Feel free to let me know if you change your mind and would like to sign up again.
May 30, 2023

I choose a small sphere comprised of the the following layers: a lime sized core of balled up squares of lightweight aluminum foil over which a crust of overlapping rubber bands resides. A layer of plaster encapsulates the bands. Upon the plaster are ultra thin gold wires encircling the orb creating a horizontal and vertical intersection at the center of it's face as you look straight at it. They continue in one degree increments going down from the vertical line until they reach the horizontal, creating four segments on the orb - two lined and two not. Over this are two jet black patches of leather, interconnecting and laced in a standard baseball pattern with silver threads. Embossed in neon orange on one patch is the phrase "what is life?" while the other patch answers in blood red "suffering".


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
if you /in again you can stick with your initial choice if you want to.

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