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Monster Hassle

Aug 18, 2009
Which of the monsters that appeared in this game did you think was (or were) a real hassle to you. I'd make a poll but I don't recall all of the monster's names and I am too lazy to go look them up somewhere. :D

I'm gonna go with the floormasters. Yeah, those black arm thingies that grab a hold of you and pull you down. ^^

How I hated when they grabbed me and took me down for a ride. These creeps were the ones that really gave me a hassle in dungeons.
Aug 18, 2009
the wind waker eh?

the only monster that i found a Hassle are the Redeads:mad:

Why? you go near them, they Scream, they slow go near you and WHAM! hit ya!

Man i hate those things.:)

Ah yes, the screaming redeads, or whatever they are called. I didn't have trouble with those, I used bombs from afar to blow them apart and the reflecting shield. Yeah, but the screeching can get annoying. :P


May 24, 2009
Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Ah yes, the screaming redeads, or whatever they are called. I didn't have trouble with those, I used bombs from afar to blow them apart and the reflecting shield. Yeah, but the screeching can get annoying. :P

ya but i really hate them not killing them when your not near them


so you the redead, your far away, you have the bow and arrow, you try to shoot the redead but it moves it head, looks at you and assumes the position....
then when you get nearer, it moves near you them Screams.

i also agree with the floor masters they really ARE a pain in the head.


Blue Link
Mar 30, 2009
Zora's Domain
Keese, I hate Keese in every Zelda game.
Also the peahat like things that you can't defeat with a sword, but that's just because i'm lazy.
I don't see why people think redeads are hard, once you can lock onto them, jump attack them, when they scream you still attack them then dish out a spin attack and they are down. Same with Floor Masters, I just spin attack them three times.


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I'm going to throw my hat into the ring with Redead as well. The scream is never pleasant, and being frozen and unable to do anything while he advances on you is a real hassle. Even for the 3 seconds or so that you are frozen, it's still a pain. I've never taken it in stride when I'm locked from moving for that short period of time.

It's frustrating in all the titles with Redeads I suppose, but it remained this way in TWW as well.


Time for waffles
Jul 9, 2009
Los Angeles
All the enemies in Forsaken Fortress the first time around. I cried myself to sleep after accidentally falling into the Miniblin area without the sword. They just terrorized me.


Dec 3, 2008
Haha. Yeah. I'll have to agree with Clucluclu that the Miniblins are the worst. They just keep coming and coming. And that terrible cry they make.. Oh my. They are especially bad in Forsaken Fortress when you don't have the sword. But they really scare the crap out of me. Even more then ReDeads... Especially with that unexpected horde of them on Outset..

Also, the crows can be pretty annoying. Especially when you are trying to shoot something with the bow and they just keep flying into you.. And it also seems that they just keep coming, so it's hard to get rid of them all to do what you need to do.


Zelda On Paper
Aug 5, 2009
In my very own world
electric chu chus and those...fire bats, i really hate chu chus, i hate both electric and dark (they die in 1 shot of a light arrow, yep they die) love to shot "em down

really i hate chu chus, so annoying for me, if i could call 'em howhever i could call them jelly chus (where and why the chu chu?)
now, as to kill them is a complete bugging for me since there are sometimes that i am going on my way without kiling any monster, then that one gets on my way makes me go angry.
Last edited:
May 25, 2008
In my house
Since none of you have said Seahats, you all need to go and replay it again.

Gyorgs are more a pain in the *** of dodging than annoying.

And Peahats.

Really anything with a hat.


Sep 20, 2008
Joliet, IL
Redeads were nothing, they were easy. Bubbles could get annoying. Stalfos got really annoying. They spin with their club and BAM, your against a wall and then it happens all over again.

Waker of winds

Finally playing PH!
Jun 9, 2009
Mexico, si señor.
Yes, all those monsters hassle me.

The miniblins are the most hassling thing that I have ever met in my whole life. no other monster hassled me like them.

And chus, the chus are very annoying. And the little sand snakes that appear when you're fighting Molgera. I don't remember the name, but they're reeeeally annoying.


The King
Aug 18, 2009
Actually, I found the canons (in the Platform Towers & Reefs) to be really hassling. You're there, trying to shoot one, but then ''BOOMS'' a bomb throws you off your boat! And when you get back on it, here comes another!

Anyway, the Seahats were really annoying too. But not the Gyorgs, they were pretty easy to dodge most of the time.

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