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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Jun 7, 2017
the present

Okay, I think I'm up to speed now. This occurrence being noted, are you inclined to believe his claim at this moment?

My thoughts beside the claim are a bit of a mess right now, and I need to get some sleep, so on that note, I'll be off for now.

I don't know, I think someone ought to to check it but I think its extremely likely that makes him either town or godfather.

The role is weird though, I'm not sure there's a town bomb either, but I'm pretty sure he's seen the show so I'd think he would know that.


The game is on!
If the Mafia has a Poisoner on their team they will probably just poison Storm tonight. I know the chhances of that are rather slim, but it is possible, no matter how improbable. I mean, there's always ways to get around the Bomb gimmick. Assuming Storm is even speaking the truth, that is.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
quite the oppsite actually. I feel as though me living is an affront and everyone is looking at me anyway, so best to get me out of the way early. I've survived the last 3 games on storm is storm. time for me to take one for the team

My Role lets me pick who I take with me upon lynch, and I take my assailant with me at nightkill

I think this might be reverse psychology, and if he is town he must not be a bomb since I really can't think of a single character who fits that. I'm not sure if I'll vote him yet, this is still deja vu to me.

(Unless he just picked somebody like Mako and made them the bomb but it doesn't truly fit any town character)


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Now I'm really confused. Are you saying you're both Vengeful and a Bomb? I mean I included a role like that in Avengers Mafia, but it seems rather unlikely to me. It honestly seems like you pulled that out of your ass. Unless you're some kind of Vengeful mafia, like in Chaos II, which is also extremely unlikely. Trying to get yourself lynched immediately during day 1 is a terrible strategy for a Vengeful Townie, or... well, for pretty much anyone, really. It really does sound like you're desperate.

But what does everyone else think? Is there any character in Legend of Korra: Book Three who could possibly be a Jester?

I think it would be pretty incredible if storm rolled jester since that's just meant to be. Idk about everyone else but I don't think there's a character who could be a jester but I can't rule it out either.


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Bumi is the closest to being jester that I can think of but he didn't want to die he just mess with people.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Bolin is also something of a Jester, but seeing as he's a main think he'd be more resigned for a power role.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
True but once again the jester usually wants to die in the source material.
Nobody outright wanted to die in the show, those two were set up to be the comic relief but neither were as funny as Sokka, and nobody ever will b--

Come to think of it, Varrick was honestly pretty funny and I think he'd fit the bill as Jester a bit better than either of them. Although he's more suited for an inventor type role like Gunsmith...


I did not get a notification this thing was starting.

From what I read, Storm basically claimed that he was bomb? I don't really know much about that other than what I've read; basically if someone kills him he takes them down with him? There's only one character in the entire show who would do that and that was Amon's brother; Tarrlok (not really but kinda?), we're in book three so that doesn't make much sense does it?

Anyway, I'm going back to re-read and then I'll vote later on today.
Also, to me it kinda seems as if Storm just gave up? He's not really putting up much of fight to defend himself, to me it seems more of a townie move. If that were the case I would understand them but as Mellow said, or at least I believe it was Mellow, it could be more of a reverse physiology thing. Mafia trying to look like townie. I haven't played much mafia with Storm so I'm not really sure how they play.

Miss Cucco

Mrs. DekuNut
Jun 8, 2017
Nowhere important
Really I don't want storm to be lynched right now, I find it frustrating that he claimed so early. The town could have used him, then again this may be a false claim. If this is truly a false claim, it's reckless and self-destructive. But look who I'm talking about, Storm will be Storm.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
See? This is how all tge games with me are. They only talk about me and everyone gets away with everything. My vote stays

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
I understand, in these games, when you get accused, the bandwagon is brutal. everyone just goes with the flow in a desperate attempt to avoid suspicion.
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