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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Aug 25, 2016
Alright, I read the whole thread now. Sorry for the triple post!

I'm confused, why are we crucifying Storm for claiming Bomb? At the end of the day, it's better to keep him alive so that if mafia gets close to winning we can just let them blow themselves up.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Alright, I read the whole thread now. Sorry for the triple post!

I'm confused, why are we crucifying Storm for claiming Bomb? At the end of the day, it's better to keep him alive so that if mafia gets close to winning we can just let them blow themselves up.
If Storm is a bomb, the mafia can and probably will let him live as long as necessary, even until the end of the game. Alternatively, they could sacrifice their most expendable member to kill him with little consequence, especially if their numbers are good. If Storm is mafia, however, it would be really easy for him to ride his Bomb claim through to the end of the game with an easy explanation as to why he isn't getting night killed. If we lynch him, and he is the bomb, then his role was virtually useless to us anyway since he claimed and it wouldn't be a very devastating blow on our part. On the other hand, if he's mafia, then it's best that we get rid of him early. Since we can't risk a Vigilante kill on him, the safest thing is to lynch him. Worst case scenario, we lose a useless power role, and best case scenario, we get an early lynch on a member of the mafia. Bomb is an extremely easy scum fake claim, so I am extremely skeptical of it. Not to mention nobody else can claim now, so he used up our one daily role claim for no reason at all.

Deleted member 14134


Vote: Storm

I already posted some of my reasons above and I'll also add that if we lynch someone else we risk lynching a potential power role as they have no way to claim to save themselves. I'm not opposed to switching my vote if a better option comes up but right now, Storm is the best choice to me.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Vote: @musicfan

Thanks friend!

@Storm Can't tell if serious or not, but what else is new? It's entirely possible that you're mimicking Mezlo's fakeclaim from the previous game just because you got some fire on your tail. What reason you have for doing so is beyond me, but claiming so early in the Day doesn't make you look good.


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
I was thinking about that too, Thar

@Mellow Ezlo what do you feel about the idea that Storm took a page off or your book and is fake claiming Bomb to avoid dying despite being town. For reasons of his own. He may have switched from Vengeful to Bomb to change it up a little. Is that likely?

@Storm since you claimed, you might as well describe your role. With your variation of the Bomb, in what cases can you make a kill?

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I was thinking about that too, Thar

@Mellow Ezlo what do you feel about the idea that Storm took a page off or your book and is fake claiming Bomb to avoid dying despite being town. For reasons of his own. He may have switched from Vengeful to Bomb to change it up a little. Is that likely?

@Storm since you claimed, you might as well describe your role. With your variation of the Bomb, in what cases can you make a kill?
I had entertained the possibility in my head, but I don't think it's very likely. Since the role cop in the last game rendered my fake claim pointless, it'd be pretty dumb to do the same thing in the game immediately following it unless you're mafia who doesn't have to worry about a potential role cop investigation (in particular, the Godfather who doesn't need to worry about a cop investigation either - Storm is definitely the kind of player I can imagine pulling a move like that if he's investigation immune).

It is for this reason that I think he's either a Bomb or he's mafia. I don't think he's town unless he is indeed the Bomb. In the first case, if we lynch him, we're down one townie but a claimed Bomb is practically just a VT anyway since the role is virtually useless after a claim. In the second case, we get an early mafia lynch. In a game of 18, lynching the Bomb would not be a devastating blow. And since I highly doubt he's a lying townie due to the probability of there being a role cop (it's a fairly common role around I believe, and I would almost certainly check Storm night 1 if I were it), it would be a relatively safe lynch, especially since none of our actual power roles can claim now.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
I was thinking about that too, Thar

@Mellow Ezlo what do you feel about the idea that Storm took a page off or your book and is fake claiming Bomb to avoid dying despite being town. For reasons of his own. He may have switched from Vengeful to Bomb to change it up a little. Is that likely?

@Storm since you claimed, you might as well describe your role. With your variation of the Bomb, in what cases can you make a kill?

quite the oppsite actually. I feel as though me living is an affront and everyone is looking at me anyway, so best to get me out of the way early. I've survived the last 3 games on storm is storm. time for me to take one for the team

My Role lets me pick who I take with me upon lynch, and I take my assailant with me at nightkill

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
quite the oppsite actually. I feel as though me living is an affront and everyone is looking at me anyway, so best to get me out of the way early. I've survived the last 3 games on storm is storm. time for me to take one for the team

My Role lets me pick who I take with me upon lynch, and I take my assailant with me at nightkill
Now I'm really confused. Are you saying you're both Vengeful and a Bomb? I mean I included a role like that in Avengers Mafia, but it seems rather unlikely to me. It honestly seems like you pulled that out of your ass. Unless you're some kind of Vengeful mafia, like in Chaos II, which is also extremely unlikely. Trying to get yourself lynched immediately during day 1 is a terrible strategy for a Vengeful Townie, or... well, for pretty much anyone, really. It really does sound like you're desperate.

But what does everyone else think? Is there any character in Legend of Korra: Book Three who could possibly be a Jester?


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Now I'm really confused. Are you saying you're both Vengeful and a Bomb? I mean I included a role like that in Avengers Mafia, but it seems rather unlikely to me. It honestly seems like you pulled that out of your ass. Unless you're some kind of Vengeful mafia, like in Chaos II, which is also extremely unlikely. Trying to get yourself lynched immediately during day 1 is a terrible strategy for a Vengeful Townie, or... well, for pretty much anyone, really. It really does sound like you're desperate.

But what does everyone else think? Is there any character in Legend of Korra: Book Three who could possibly be a Jester?

look. we got the game rolling, and I'm happy, but before I make an ass of myself in front of God, His brother Zachie, and everyone you care about Tristan, strike me down

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I'm a bit confused about this whole roleclaim. Maybe it's because I'm not entirely familiar with the bomb role (only know what was talked about last game). Though it seems that with that role, whoever kills you at night goes down with you? And you're also claiming that the role is vengeful as well now. I just don't understand the reasoning behind the claim. Like others have said, claiming bomb kinda makes it useless now as no one will attack you at night. I could see the benefit of claiming it, if you are indeed also vengeful (which I'm not sure how likely that is), but only if you kept that part to yourself. Since you said you wanted to "take one for the team" and people are already suspicious of/wanting to lynch you. But revealing that part and trying to rush your lynch just doesn't make sense to me.


Staff member
VOTE: Jimmu

I think we all know why.


Given the bizarreness of the claim and my inexperience of games involving that role it makes sense to me based off the more experienced players in this thread that a Storm lynch has a huge potential benefit of removing some scum early on and isn't really a huge deal if we're wrong. I'm not sure on Storm's usual playstyle whatsoever but Storm's straight up acceptance of being lynched doesn't seem logical for a townie. Perhaps it's some kind of attempted reverse-psychology mafia tactic? Either that or they just generally don't care at all?

Based on what we've seen so far
Vote: Storm
If any developments arise I might consider a chance since it's still fairly early.
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