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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Jun 7, 2017
the present
Some final thoughts before Bok posts his game:

1. The mafia team was extremely coordinated and talkative in scum chat. They were always on the lookout for PRs and even though their early accuracy was lacking, they eventually sniffed out a few key ones with help from funnier. Aside from YIGA, they were not too active and allowed the town to devour itself.

2. I thought funnier played solid, but things were not in his favor this game. Too many people applied the gambler's fallacy towards him and Dom having to be scum. I gave the SK a bulletproof vest to make it easier for them to survive to the end, which is something I believe I didn't do in the first two Korra games.

3. There was too little reevaluation by a lot of people on the town side. Once they had someone lumped in as town or scum, they largely stuck to it. This made good reads by the likes of Mido and Dom go unnoticed. I think the lynch of Storm on Day 1 set the tone for the rest of the game as activity significantly dwindled on Day 2 onwards, which always hurts town.

4. Regarding the set-up, I wanted it to be more defense vs. offense for town and mafia, respectively, so there would be more solving for town to win after vigs played a large part in the first two Korra games. But the mafia team was too strong overall, while town was only strong in specific situations. A motivation on the town sensor would have been amazing for town but very unlikely to happen. I probably should have made the poisoner either an odd or even night role to limit its utility and allowed the healer to target two people per night since they were to be predictive. Also, I would have tossed out one VT for a bulletproof.

Overall, I am satisfied with this game, but I will keep these things in mine for the last Korra game (hopefully to be hosted by 2020 ;P).

What do you mean I helped the mafia find power roles?

Oh I just wanted to note that mezlos character kills mine in this season so we're basically star crossed arch enemies lol.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
3. There was too little reevaluation by a lot of people on the town side. Once they had someone lumped in as town or scum, they largely stuck to it. This made good reads by the likes of Mido and Dom go unnoticed. I think the lynch of Storm on Day 1 set the tone for the rest of the game as activity significantly dwindled on Day 2 onwards, which always hurts town.

I definitely found this to be my largest problem in this game, which is why I mentioned that I needed to learn to acquiesce and work together with other townies who may or may not have been less decisive. The only portion of the game where I think I did okay with this was the discussion I had with MF in Day 1, where after the discussion my read of him changed. And as far as my wariness of Minish and EMIYA went through the the game, I didn't press hard enough, and didn't really have a confident read of either of them. Same with YIGA.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Tristan is always freaking mafia !!!!
Actually I haven't been Mafia since Sherlock. I was glad I got to do it this game because it's been a while and I like playing Mafia more than I like playing Town (Although I love playing third party more than either of those).
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