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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
But i claimed bomb

Thats a vengeful

A "i go down you go down too" role
Bomb is not vengeful if you are killed at night your killer goes with you. If what you say is true you have defeated the purpose of your role. If you would have claimed something dangerous to the mafia if not killed then you you would have lured them in to kill you and also kill them selves.
Its counter productive to your role to claim bomb if you are the bomb unlike in the last avatar mafia this actively inhibits the options that you have for your role.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
@A Link In Time would you count Storm's posts as a this game day's claim, or would you brush it off as a joke?

It's up to the discretion of the player with a power role if the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. They should be at least given the option, and Storm taking that away definitely doesn't help their case.

While I don't see this move scummy, per se, because it brings a lot of attention to him, I don't like it, and Storm, you really need to read the rules and role claim, even joke claim, a lot less. It helps no one.

Also, this game is going to force me to rewatch Book 3 :sweat:

Oh, absolutely. Words such as mine alone won't always dissuade a player from claiming depending on the circumstances. There's always that option; I was more or less just outlining the caution that should be exercised with such mantles.

@Eduarda When you made that post, I would not have. But now that he's being explicit, I do count it as today's claim.

Well, I suppose that's that.

Bomb is not vengeful if you are killed at night your killer goes with you. If what you say is true you have defeated the purpose of your role. If you would have claimed something dangerous to the mafia if not killed then you you would have lured them in to kill you and also kill them selves.
Its counter productive to your role to claim bomb if you are the bomb unlike in the last avatar mafia this actively inhibits the options that you have for your role.

I agree with you, but I do have an idea as to why he claimed if Storm is telling the truth, an idea with a sort of "double-edged sword" manifestation. Both sides of the blade represent a move to self-pres, keeping himself alive by avoiding night targets. This could prove useful depending on his play; however, as you've said, it makes the bomb status somewhat obsolete in execution and instead adopts a protective role. It's not a bad strategy per se, but it doesn't guarantee good graces as much as a baiting strategy would as more customary for a bomb to do (both moves harbor a degree of risk though). If Storm is lying, the mentality I wagered still applies, which would scare of town-aligned night roles. With these ideas in mind, I'm less certain about the claim, but I'm not totally skeptical of it either.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Lynch me and get day one over with. Most people arent going to post because its day one


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I think storm would be a good day two or three lynch if he's still alive unless a cop checks him.

That's a pretty good idea actually, a cop should check him. (Unless he's godfather then we're dead)


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Lynch me and get day one over with. Most people arent going to post because its day one

The day isn't over until it's over, friend. There's still much to discuss. I'll say this regarding your claim: while I can sort of see why you did it if my ideas have any merit, I didn't see any real reason to claim in the first place since the day not only just started, but there was no pressure going anyone's way up to that point.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
The day isn't over until it's over, friend. There's still much to discuss. I'll say this regarding your claim: while I can sort of see why you did it if my ideas have any merit, I didn't see any real reason to claim in the first place since the day not only just started, but there was no pressure going anyone's way up to that point.

He did literally this exact same stuff last game and he was town and the role he claimed so really I'd only be worried if he was making sense.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
He did literally this exact same stuff last game and he was town and the role he claimed so really I'd only be worried if he was making sense.

That was the roleblocker claim in the previous one, right? I only followed the game briefly at various points, so my knowledge here is a bit sparse. Very interesting. I may have to reread portions of that round.

Deleted member 14134

Storms roleclaim annoys me as once again it was done completely out of the blue. I'm not sure whether he may have another role and is trying to keep the mafia off of him or whether it was just a joke that he decided to go along with. Either way, I think I'm leaning towards not believing his claim. It seems smarter to stay quiet about his role and hope mafia targets him if he was really the bomb. I feel like there's going to be a cloud of doubt over his head for the rest of the game now because of this so I'm not opposed to lynching him.

Comparing this claim to last game claims, last game he claimed roleblocker and this time bomb. Last game not only is the roleblocker a more common role but also a role that showed up often in Pendios previous games as someone pointed out last game (might of been Eduarda, can't remember for sure). For those reasons it was easier to counter claim and when one didn't arise it gave us a pretty solid town lean on storm. This time he's claimed bomb which isn't as common as a role so a counter claim would be less likely. I know funnier pointed out that last game he claimed day one like this and turned out town but the conditions of his role led to that town lean we all got on him so I think it's important not to write him off just because of what happened last game.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Eh, Storm claiming out of the blue isn't even something that surprises me anymore. I would've been more surprised if I came into the thread and saw that he hadn't claimed lol.

This being said, there's something about his claim this time around that concerns me. While his roleblocker claim last game was easy to believe because of the high likelihood that such a role exists and how fakeclaiming it would be practically suicide, Bomb is not nearly as common of a role, and would be easier to fake claim. I mean, I myself even fake claimed Vengeful last game (though I was town).

The main issue I have with this claim is how easy and relatively safe it is for Mafia to fake claim it. It would be really easy for scum to say they're the bomb, and then continuously hold on to that as the reason they survive every night. Easy win for Storm's scum team.

That said, I can't say where I stand regarding the legitimacy of the claim itself. On one hand, I can see Storm doing exactly what I said above and riding it out to the end as scum. On the other hand, he claims a lot and it's not out of character, and his claims are usually revealed to be true. The problem is, we can't risk the Vigilante kill on him, and cop investigations wouldn't mean much in case he's the Godfather. I certainly wouldn't make a claim like this as a goon, but as gf I would. In the long run, I think the safest thing for us to do would be to lynch him. Worst case scenario, he is the bomb and we don't lose an extremely useful role (his role is virtually useless now since Mafia will almost certainly focus on other night kill targets). Best case scenario, we lynch a mafia member early.

I'm going to place my vote on him for now for the reasons I outlined in the last paragraph. However, the day just began, so my vote may change if a better opportunity presents itself later.

Vote: Storm

Also, it was a really early claim, and some people have already pointed out the possibility of him trying to prevent anybody else from claiming. Having claimed townies in a game is bad for the mafia, so for Storm to claim early to prevent anymore claims would be rather smart. Overall, I think Storm would make for a very good day 1 lynch.
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