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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Dom and YIGA are both looking really suspicious right now. Both of their votes seem like an attempt to distance themselves from each other, and feel like they were more panicky votes since they've both been catching quite a bit of heat lately. I'll try to update my reads list soon, as they've clearly changed a bit.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Yes, their behavior is certainly disconcerting, but right now I'm going to apply pressure elsewhere.

Vote: @Jimmu

Would like some input from you, sir.

Miss Cucco

Mrs. DekuNut
Jun 8, 2017
Nowhere important
I would vote for you right now but I'm trying to give you a chance here, your actions lately have been very suspicious and scummy. Voting for someone to prove a point doesn't really approve any kind of point at all. All you did there was make yourself a Target.

Vote: @Jimmu

Would like some input from you, sir

That was just a dumb move on your part, you could have just mentioned him instead of voting for him. Yes he hasn't said anything for a while but he could be caught up or busy. You can't just jump to conclusions and immediately vote for him, that's just a scum move.

These are just some spontaneous votes, and they are all over the place. No backbone here, and no morals. Voting just to vote.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Emiya, why do you vote for him when you just want him to say something??
That was just a dumb move on your part, you could have just mentioned him instead of voting for him. Yes he hasn't said anything for a while but he could be caught up or busy. You can't just jump to conclusions and immediately vote for him, that's just a scum move.
I did mention him near the beginning of the Day but didn't receive any response. And placing a vote on him now doesn't mean that I'm jumping to conclusions on anything. I'm fully aware that Jimmu could be busy (or laying low), but right now I'm applying pressure on an inactive to jog his attention. Did you guys miss the first bit?
Yes, their behavior is certainly disconcerting, but right now I'm going to apply pressure elsewhere.

Vote: @Jimmu

Would like some input from you, sir.
Pressure votes aren't inherently scummy. Unfortunately, scumhunting requires making risky moves, but I wouldn't have voted if I didn't think it was a necessity. Once he responds then I'll remove it depending on his answer. That's how pressure votes work.

Deleted member 14134

I agree with Emiyas vote cuz with the lack of activity im feeling more and more confident that the mafia is just going to sit back and watch town destroy ourselves.

Vote: Tristan


Staff member
I would vote for you right now but I'm trying to give you a chance here, your actions lately have been very suspicious and scummy. Voting for someone to prove a point doesn't really approve any kind of point at all. All you did there was make yourself a Target.

That was just a dumb move on your part, you could have just mentioned him instead of voting for him. Yes he hasn't said anything for a while but he could be caught up or busy. You can't just jump to conclusions and immediately vote for him, that's just a scum move.

These are just some spontaneous votes, and they are all over the place. No backbone here, and no morals. Voting just to vote.

I don't mind a pressure vote to boot me back in here haha, no harm done. It's true that I've been busy (yesterday I worked 7:30am-3pm at one job and then went straight to the other and worked until 10pm) but I should try and be more active. It would seem that the mafia could be taking advantage of the inactivity of myself and that of others to blend in so while I believe that others could just be busy like I am, I also think that some of them are laying low just because they can. We aren't applying enough pressure to inactive people (myself included here).

I agree with Emiyas vote cuz with the lack of activity im feeling more and more confident that the mafia is just going to sit back and watch town destroy ourselves.

Vote: Tristan

I was first a bit suss of Tristan after day one as the reasoning for his storm vote was genuine regardless of whether he was town or not, but he still seemed to angle it as a town thing. Since Tristan is fairly experienced I'd think he would be more active. Does he generally lay low as mafia games or if he is mafia is he just taking advantage of the low activity in this game?

I'm still suss on Domo given his flip yesterday. I think at least one of him or YIGA (or both) are scum. But I'll need to read more into which I think is most likely since clearly we can't afford a miss-lynch right now.

Deleted member 14134

I was first a bit suss of Tristan after day one as the reasoning for his storm vote was genuine regardless of whether he was town or not, but he still seemed to angle it as a town thing. Since Tristan is fairly experienced I'd think he would be more active. Does he generally lay low as mafia games or if he is mafia is he just taking advantage of the low activity in this game?
From what I've seen he does tend to be alot more active when he's town, usually one of the top posters and more aggressive scumhunters.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Btw my computer apparently has a bad virus, and I cannot use it until it gets fixed. I'm using my Wii U rn, so I can't be very active here. Just lettin ya know
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