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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Deleted member 14134

Soft claim would be hinting at your role without fully claiming it.

So mez soft claimed vengeful last game and he said something along the lines of "if you don't want to die with me dont vote me out" He hint's at his power but doesn't flat out say what it is

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Day 2 Final Vote Count:

funnier6 - 5 (Pendio, Jimmu, Domozilla777, Minish_Link, YIGAhim)

YIGAhim - 3 (Bok of the Wild, Mellow Ezlo, funnier6)
Mellow Ezlo - 1 (Mido)
Domozilla777 - 1 (Krow)

Not Voting - Eduarda, EMIYA Shirou, karu, Miss Cucco

The discussion was much more subdued on the second day. There was not a large consensus like the previous day, but two clear favorites to receive the rope emerged. Ultimately, funnier6 was the one to get the noose.

As he stepped up to his fate, he shouted, "This is not the last you've seen of my dynasty! The Earth Kingdom will rise again!"

"Not so fast, your majesty," one among the many uttered. "We've discovered your plot of using the newly converted Air Benders to further your selfish desires."

There was a murmur among the crowd regarding the recent revelation.

Then the rope went up.


Elsewhere, Pendio met his end with dignity. He had done all he could to assist those who opposed the Red Lotus. Even though the four escaped convicts remained on the prowl, he died happy knowing that he had started the end of a corrupt kingdom.

funnier 6 was Hou-Ting, the Serial Killer (1x passive bulletproof)

Pendio was Lin Beifong, a Vanilla Townie.

The Living (12):

@Bok of the Wild
@EMIYA Shirou
@Mellow Ezlo
@Miss Cucco

The Dead (6):

Storm - Bumi, Vanilla Townie (lynched Day 1)
musicfan - Tenzin, Vanilla Townie (killed Night 1)
Zachie - Bolin, Town Lover (killed Night 1)
Libk - Opal, Town Lover (died of heartbreak Night 1)
funnier6 - Hout-Ting, the Serial Killer (1x passive bulletproof) (lynched Day 2)
Pendio - Lin Beifong, Vanilla Townie (died of poison Day 2)

Night Two Begins!

Those of you with active night powers, please send me your night actions via PM or quicktopic by Tuesday, August 22nd at 11 PM EST.
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Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
So, if I were to soft claim bomb (I'm not, but this is an example), and I wasn't, what does that do? Nothing? What about regular claiming?

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
The following night followed in the footsteps of the previous day and was more subdued than the last. There were plans made against the Red Lotus again that night, but they failed to predict where the band of escaped convicts would strike.

krow was rocking back and forth on his chair on the balcony when he heard a creak in the wooden floor behind him. He turned around, but there was no one. He sat back down in his seat, and then he felt it. Something was burning on the ground below him. He tried to get up, but the lava rose up to engulf him. The remnants of his body were hardly discernible when it was found in the morning.

Another stepped forward to alert the group of more bad news. He had been poisoned.

No one spoke, but everyone knew the truth - time was ticking. The battle would soon be over if they didn't find a member of the Red Lotus in the near future.

krow was Korra, the Town Jailkeeper.

Bok of the Wild has been poisoned. He will die at the end of the current day phase.

The Living (11):

@Bok of the Wild
@EMIYA Shirou
@Mellow Ezlo
@Miss Cucco

The Dead (7):

Storm - Bumi, Vanilla Townie (lynched Day 1)
musicfan - Tenzin, Vanilla Townie (killed Night 1)
Zachie - Bolin, Town Lover (killed Night 1)
Libk - Opal, Town Lover (died of heartbreak Night 1)
funnier6 - Hout-Ting, the Serial Killer (1x passive bulletproof) (lynched Day 2)
Pendio - Lin Beifong, Vanilla Townie (died of poison Day 2)
krow - Korra, the Town Jailkeeper (killed Night 2)

Day Three Begins!

With 11 alive, it takes 6 for a majority lynch. Day 3 ends on Friday, August 25th at 11 PM EST.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout

All I can really say right now is that the kill of Krow certainly doesn't make Domo look good in the slightest. Doesn't surprise me about Bok's poisoning either.
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