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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
My abrupt vote was also partly me worried that the day cycle would end, since ALIT talked about having less than 24 hours. I read it 12+ hours after he posted, and even then I didn't know how much time exactly he was referring to, so I needed to make sure my vote was valid.

Funnier is clearly trying to play all sides here, which is what I am worried about at the moment. I happen to sit back and read people from afar, while all of you seem to be accusing each other left and right, which is why I feel I'm taking a bad rap here... Once I saw the biggest red flag so far in the game (That I've seen), I made sure to post it, and with that, I voted for funnier.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Honestly, not too much.

I do find it interesting, especially in recent posts, observing the "flip-floppiness" of Domo and YIGA in their recent votes. The noncommittal nature is somewhat worrying, although as far as my recent skim of the thread goes, I got the impression Domo's scum hunting, while not overly fraught with strong ground, seemed like a genuine effort. Not so certain about YIGA. A good chunk of the other players have fallen off my radar, most notably Eduarda, whose read conducted by Mellow Ezlo I think is plausible, and is probably my most null read personally. Speaking of Mezlo, I do think his reads list increases his stock somewhat, even if I don't necessarily agree with all of it, I do agree with some of it.

I suppose my last note has to do with Minish_Link's vote of funnier, which seemingly came out of nowhere, as I haven't seen her discuss him all that much at all. She's someone I'm absolutely going to have to reread.


Vote: Minish_Link

I did talk about him in my first post of the day, where I was trying to figure out the votes on Storm's lynch. He and karu have been two that have stood out to me for their actions on day 1, and funnier just seemed to look even worse today with his actions. I'll quote my post so you don't have to search for it again, and I removed all the parts not relevant to my thoughts on funnier. I do see how my vote could look like it came out of nowhere though.

It's hard to read into the votes on Storm, since I do feel like a lot of them were mostly emotional responses to his actions. I feel like Zachie and karu's votes looked the worse because of when they occurred, but Zachie is a confirmed townie now, so that makes things a little more complicated. Funnier does stand out a bit though, as he said he felt that Storm was scum, but didn't vote for him. He was even criticizing the people voting who felt Storm was likely town, because he felt we should be looking for actual scum, but yet he didn't vote for who he thought was actual scum. Plus his previous interaction today with Pendio, where he felt that Pendio (who is pretty much a confirmed townie/3rd party) was trying to bait him, felt a little defensive for no reason.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
So uh, two hours before day ends. Everyone quite sure they want to lynch me for the third time in a row? o-o

I have my death song picked out and I've been composing my final reads list and thoughts so I'll have that up later.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I did talk about him in my first post of the day, where I was trying to figure out the votes on Storm's lynch. He and karu have been two that have stood out to me for their actions on day 1, and funnier just seemed to look even worse today with his actions. I'll quote my post so you don't have to search for it again, and I removed all the parts not relevant to my thoughts on funnier. I do see how my vote could look like it came out of nowhere though.

You know in all fairness minish, did you consider my reasons at all? Like how I was trying to avoid maj and how I was annoyed with their votes since no matter what alignment storm was they thought they were lynching a townie?

Kind of want that addressed before I die.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
You know in all fairness minish, did you consider my reasons at all? Like how I was trying to avoid maj and how I was annoyed with their votes since no matter what alignment storm was they thought they were lynching a townie?

Kind of want that addressed before I die.

I did consider that. But I did agree with the reasoning for voting Storm even though they felt he was a townie, as like others have said, that was anti-town behavior. And if we didn't lynch him, mafia would have left him for a huge distraction in the game, and we would just have to lynch him eventually. It was the best move at the time. Also, trying to avoid maj when you think the person is scum just didn't make a lot of sense to me in that situation. Despite what others thought, if you truly felt that he was mafia, it would have probably been best to lynch him sooner so that he didn't cause too much confusion. The reason not to maj with those who found him townie made more sense, as then we could have tried to ignore him and went after the actual scum (even if we had to wait a day to lynch them).


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I did consider that. But I did agree with the reasoning for voting Storm even though they felt he was a townie, as like others have said, that was anti-town behavior. And if we didn't lynch him, mafia would have left him for a huge distraction in the game, and we would just have to lynch him eventually. It was the best move at the time. Also, trying to avoid maj when you think the person is scum just didn't make a lot of sense to me in that situation. Despite what others thought, if you truly felt that he was mafia, it would have probably been best to lynch him sooner so that he didn't cause too much confusion. The reason not to maj with those who found him townie made more sense, as then we could have tried to ignore him and went after the actual scum (even if we had to wait a day to lynch them).

Well you must consider that I came to the conclusion that he was mafia at about halfway to maj, and I already didn't like the reasons everyone else had for lynching him so I wanted those people to look for someone they actually consider scum and if they really think storm will be a distraction he would've been better off vig shot.

I really thought if we had more time something would come along and change their minds and not make day 1 the complete waste it was, of course if storm had actually been mafia that would've been better for everyone.

So that is why I didn't vote for storm.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I did talk about him in my first post of the day, where I was trying to figure out the votes on Storm's lynch. He and karu have been two that have stood out to me for their actions on day 1, and funnier just seemed to look even worse today with his actions. I'll quote my post so you don't have to search for it again, and I removed all the parts not relevant to my thoughts on funnier. I do see how my vote could look like it came out of nowhere though.

Ah, I see now. Didn't notice it beforehand. Thanks!

This being noted:


Vote: Mellow Ezlo

I'm still mildly suspicious of him over most of the other players given the circumstances set up for this day. Interestingly, I did noticed he put karu higher on his scum list, especially since I (through discussion with EMIYA) considered that he and karu were scum together. Seems like an interesting move there.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Ah, I see now. Didn't notice it beforehand. Thanks!

This being noted:


Vote: Mellow Ezlo

I'm still mildly suspicious of him over most of the other players given the circumstances set up for this day. Interestingly, I did noticed he put karu higher on his scum list, especially since I (through discussion with EMIYA) considered that he and karu were scum together. Seems like an interesting move there.

Well, I understand you're going with your suspicions and yada yada, but I'm pretty sure the only lynch that matters right now is mine or yigas if you want to weigh in. :sweat:

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Well you must consider that I came to the conclusion that he was mafia at about halfway to maj, and I already didn't like the reasons everyone else had for lynching him so I wanted those people to look for someone they actually consider scum and if they really think storm will be a distraction he would've been better off vig shot.

I really thought if we had more time something would come along and change their minds and not make day 1 the complete waste it was, of course if storm had actually been mafia that would've been better for everyone.

So that is why I didn't vote for storm.

At the time though, he was claiming a bomb role, so a vig shot on him at night would've taken out our vig as well (if there is one). So that wouldn't have been a very safe move if Storm had actually been telling the truth. I mean, we know now that he wasn't, but in the moment we were dealing with a risky situation. I get what you're saying about not liking others reasons for voting him and wanting them to look for who they considered scum, but if you believed him to be scum, it shouldn't have made a difference as they were helping you lynch someone you thought was mafia. I also don't consider day 1 to be a waste. Sure, a townie was lynched which isn't the best, but it got rid of someone who would have been a major distraction, and I feel like it also gave us some info. There were so many people on Storm's vote that it's much easier to try to analyze that, instead of other day 1s where votes are all over the place and hard to decipher.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
At the time though, he was claiming a bomb role, so a vig shot on him at night would've taken out our vig as well (if there is one). So that wouldn't have been a very safe move if Storm had actually been telling the truth. I mean, we know now that he wasn't, but in the moment we were dealing with a risky situation. I get what you're saying about not liking others reasons for voting him and wanting them to look for who they considered scum, but if you believed him to be scum, it shouldn't have made a difference as they were helping you lynch someone you thought was mafia. I also don't consider day 1 to be a waste. Sure, a townie was lynched which isn't the best, but it got rid of someone who would have been a major distraction, and I feel like it also gave us some info. There were so many people on Storm's vote that it's much easier to try to analyze that, instead of other day 1s where votes are all over the place and hard to decipher.

I agree with that, but I still think maj'ing was just really dumb.

Final reads list coming right up.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
People I don't think should be lynched:


I swear if Mez is mafia the one time I find him towny he is so dead. :ananger:

I'm still kinda iffy on karu but I've come to find her towny after a lot of thinking. Krow hasn't posted much but I have to make a final decision so there it is.

People I think should be lynched:


I have to say I find it very unlikely that both Jimmu and Yiga are scum, their play styles disagree pretty sharply and if they were together I think they would have coordinated a little more.

Miss Cucco has all of a sudden fallen off my radar and I think everyone should look at her closely.

I'm not sure about bok, I have a town read on him but isn't very strong.

I hope eduarda isn't scum but it seems pretty likely there's a mafia in the low posters.

Everyone else is pretty neutral for me unfortunately.
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