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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
While I see your point, I don't think the consequence of this occurrence is as grave as it seems. Power roles claiming, especially without any conclusive findings, is often more dangerous than not because it puts the player with the role under the crosshairs of dangerous company, i.e. a factional nightkill. Better for our most beneficial power roles to keep their moves close to their chests, especially identity-wise. Not to mention, an overreliance on claims will not necessarily be in our best interests.

As far as this situation is concerned, I find it interesting Libk pointed out Storm's post to begin with. Not scummy per se, just interesting. And I'm getting mixed messages from MF's pursuit of Storm. As for the claim itself? Don't really have an opinion of it yet.
Insert blow up of question scumage.
But eh my vote is simply because of the bomb be a possible safe claim because bombs are generly town aligned but I cant think of a member of the town who would be a bomb. That is the closest I have to evidence.


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
I think I'm going to like you :suspicious:

-Sinks ship- :)
Eh my gut is usually right when I'm town or not playing. I really on my gut a lot but have trouble backing it up some times. (Letting you know that since your new I was in one of the the first LoK as a neutral dreaming god. MLP I forget my role and PotC and marching band as scum. Thouse are the games I never being in.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Vote: Minish Link
I know what you did last summer you killed an innocent man you mosnter,
(Have no idea what that movie is about soo if the reffrance is bad let me know XD)

That actually is what that movie is about, so the reference checks out!

Also, there must be something about Avatar themed games that cause us to get serious just a couple of pages in.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
-Sinks ship- :)


Insert blow up of question scumage.
But eh my vote is simply because of the bomb be a possible safe claim because bombs are generly town aligned but I cant think of a member of the town who would be a bomb. That is the closest I have to evidence.

That's fair. As I've only watched Book I of Korra, I don't have any solid framework to use in that respect. As far as the safety of such a claim is concerned, it seemingly hangs on whether a bomb is even present in the game. Your case, if the flavor is as such, could very well be likely; and in this respect would be a safe claim because nobody would want to nightkill a player claiming bomb. Perhaps my qualm is rooted too much in the assumption that a bomb is even present in the game. I ultimately need to discern the merits of this potential claim with further reflection.

If memory serves me right, the masons in that game were pretty cool.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Eh my gut is usually right when I'm town or not playing. I really on my gut a lot but have trouble backing it up some times. (Letting you know that since your new I was in one of the the first LoK as a neutral dreaming god. MLP I forget my role and PotC and marching band as scum. Thouse are the games I never being in.

Yeah I read that LoK game, personally I would've never claimed dreaming god lol.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
That actually is what that movie is about, so the reference checks out!

Also, there must be something about Avatar themed games that cause us to get serious just a couple of pages in.

It most certainly doesn't hurt that the recent string of Avatar-themed games are also active! :) Previous games barely got over 300 posts these days! :(


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
I hope my personality isnt too explosive for you all. I really hoped you wouldnt have blown this out of proportion. I could be wrong or could be right. Chances are Dynamite
@A Link In Time Can people soft claim characters like give us an idea of who they are with in reason not like an acurrate point for point description but like oh I'm such and such a bender who has this veiw.


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
@A Link In Time would you count Storm's posts as a this game day's claim, or would you brush it off as a joke?

While I see your point, I don't think the consequence of this occurrence is as grave as it seems. Power roles claiming, especially without any conclusive findings, is often more dangerous than not because it puts the player with the role under the crosshairs of dangerous company, i.e. a factional nightkill. Better for our most beneficial power roles to keep their moves close to their chests, especially identity-wise. Not to mention, an overreliance on claims will not necessarily be in our best interests.
It's up to the discretion of the player with a power role if the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. They should be at least given the option, and Storm taking that away definitely doesn't help their case.

While I don't see this move scummy, per se, because it brings a lot of attention to him, I don't like it, and Storm, you really need to read the rules and role claim, even joke claim, a lot less. It helps no one.

Also, this game is going to force me to rewatch Book 3 :sweat:


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
@A Link In Time would you count Storm's posts as a this game day's claim, or would you brush it off as a joke?

It's up to the discretion of the player with a power role if the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. They should be at least given the option, and Storm taking that away definitely doesn't help their case.

While I don't see this move scummy, per se, because it brings a lot of attention to him, I don't like it, and Storm, you really need to read the rules and role claim, even joke claim, a lot less. It helps no one.

Also, this game is going to force me to rewatch Book 3 :sweat:

But i claimed bomb

Thats a vengeful

A "i go down you go down too" role
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