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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Staff member
I don't post for a few hours and look what happens. :shrugs: I'm recovered from earlier and I'm feelin like making a reads list so I'ma do that.

(might as well)


Miss Cucco
Eduarda (hope she posts more soon)


Now you might be wondering why Mido is at the bottom, well I don't have any evidence but I just have the same shifty feeling I got from last game when was SK, I don't feel like I can be sure about him.

I feel like bok is maybe a little too high, maybe it's just my paranoia but I feel like there's something just slightly off about him.

I still haven't decided whether to vote for Jimmu or Yiga.

I still don't really get how you think Dom is up at the top of the innocent spectrum?

Why would funnier be on the list? It's his list so it's not like he's going to put himself anywhere but town.

Yep lol.

I feel as though funnier and Yiga could be scum-buds. Trying to link in Yiga in at the bottom of this little scale to disassociate themselves. I don't think funnier AND Domo are scum together if just one of them is. Surely the connection seems to obvious due to funnier's strong backing of Domo. So by lynching funnier I feel as though I'd feel more confident about Domo and about Yoga particularly. Since I already suspected funnier I'm leaning more toward them at the moment.

So for now,
VOTE: funnier6


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I still don't really get how you think Dom is up at the top of the innocent spectrum?

Yep lol.

I feel as though funnier and Yiga could be scum-buds. Trying to link in Yiga in at the bottom of this little scale to disassociate themselves. I don't think funnier AND Domo are scum together if just one of them is. Surely the connection seems to obvious due to funnier's strong backing of Domo. So by lynching funnier I feel as though I'd feel more confident about Domo and about Yoga particularly. Since I already suspected funnier I'm leaning more toward them at the moment.

So for now,
VOTE: funnier6

I suppose this is what I get for posting. And of course I'm not buds with ANYBODY not that anyone will believe me.

I don't think your reasons are good but I suppose I'm biased.

Deleted member 14134

That's true xD. I'm honestly not entirely sure about you though. I do think you could be poisoner which is also important to get rid of (sorry m8 (: )
What makes you think he's the poisoner? Also admitting you're trying to put distance between you and someone else isn't a good idea because if funnier is lynched and flips town, you're going to look pretty bad imo.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
That's true xD. I'm honestly not entirely sure about you though. I do think you could be poisoner which is also important to get rid of (sorry m8 (: )

Okay, dead serious, how on earth do think I could be poisoner specifically? You think out of everyone I would target pendio?

Cause well, he definitely wouldn't be my first choice.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
Aight I'm tired and sleep deprived so I'm just gonna stop spewing random nonsense before I kill myself, it all makes sense in my mind. But obviously the ol' noggin ain't functioning too well rn. I'll post tomorrow.
Aug 15, 2017
I'd put funnier just above Jimmu on that list.

I have to say, I'm not sure if funnier is town either, I'll go with that Jimmu, your looking more town now.


Vote: Funniest7

Also I don't want to have a no lynch so yeah

Okay this right here is just doesn't sit right with me. You went from calling Jimmu scum, to being called out by Jimmu's opinion of your placement on funnier's list, to suddenly agreeing with Jimmu and voting funnier. That was way too quick of a 180 for my liking. I'm still suspicious of funnier but with him starting to get Maj (I think not, tallied yet) I feel like your jumping on the wagon here and now I'm way more suspicious of you.

Vote: Dom Boi
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