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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I'm lazy but wanted to address that part after the second quote, I said that because I couldn't believe they had maj'd and I believed if he was town the mafia must've pushed his lynch, I wasn't distancing or washing my hands or whatever you please.

So, it simply being a reaction to the hammer vote, you made a statement calling out potential scum on the wagon (albeit not naming names in that specific post)? I see.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
So, it simply being a reaction to the hammer vote, you made a statement calling out potential scum on the wagon (albeit not naming names in that specific post)? I see.

I'm noting the high levels of sarcasm but I must say it was pretty obvious I was talking about almost the whole gosh darn wagon since a lot of them saw how close we were getting and refused to unvote.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I'm noting the high levels of sarcasm but I must say it was pretty obvious I was talking about almost the whole gosh darn wagon since a lot of them saw how close we were getting and refused to unvote.

Actually I wasn't being sarcastic. I want to make sure I don't overlook anything as I very well may have.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
You know, I think the very most annoying thing is that at least three people know for fact I'm not mafia and I bet they're all picking on me anyway. -o-

Deleted member 14134

You know, I think the very most annoying thing is that at least three people know for fact I'm not mafia and I bet they're all picking on me anyway. -o-
And the vast majority of people don't know what your alignment is.


Staff member
Jimmy is my scummy scum lean.


I remember making a similar post in my first game and paying the price for it. It could be nothing, but it sure seems suspicious. The whole "wow how'd that happen *puts distance from the kill bc he feels the heat even though he really hasn't done much and would have been just fine if he hadn't felt like saying something to "prove innocence"* (deep inhalation)


Vote: Jimmbob

I don't think that this is really a great reason to suspect that I'm mafia. It was legitimately a ****ty night. I wouldn't think it seems like a post to make me seem more innocent, just a genuine reflection on what happened during the night phase.

Lemme try this again just to be safe, cause I don't want everyone reading that thinking I'm trying to be rude.

I found that post to be so extremely towny I felt I must point it out to everyone since it practically confirms dom as town to me and I thought everyone should know, I certainly was not trying to be rude if @Domozilla777 is mad at me I apologize.

Practically confirms dom as town? That's a bold claim with little substance. At the moment I'm not leaning toward Dom being Mafia as much as some others, but that reasoning for saying he certainly isn't Mafia seems odd to me.

Thanks for explaining. I understand you now. However, I do not agree with you. What exactly about Domo's post makes you feel like he's confirmed Town? I think it's a pretty bold assumption to make, especially this early in the game.


Actually, after reading your last portion about my theory on Jimmu and karu, I'm not so certain about that anymore. I was confused by karu because she defended storm rather passionately and still voted him him. Strange also was her calling out of Pendio, MF, and Jimmu. Why I'm rethinking it is because while I thought karu's case drew a decent amount of attention to his play, and therefore seemed unlikely for scum to do so early; the fact she didn't pursue it worries me, which leads me to have doubts about my own theory. Regarding Mellow and karu being aligned? I'm not entirely certain about it yet, but I think it's worth considering.

Going back to the main part of your post, I'm mainly confused about karu now because of Storm's flip. I'll need to reevaluate my stances here.

While I still think your vocal push of the lynch was somewhat off-putting, I honestly don't blame anyone for going into the policy lynch especially given how much confusion he was spreading. The fact he turned up VT is even more infuriating. At least now we can garner more focus in this game environment. Nevertheless, scum knowing Storm was town could have easily taken advantage of the situation, which was the impression I got from your vocal push. I won't deny that, much like Pendio, your frustration was genuine, and I don't think your move was a bad play in that regard.

I'm fairly suspicious of Karu at the moment based on the backflip to hammer at the end despite having defended Storm so strongly prior. More reasoning coming below.

Frankly, Mellow also intrigues me. He insists that his pushiness was based on frustration towards Storm, which I find fairly believable since it seemed like Storm was stealing his fakeclaim gimmick from the Avatar game prior. But I also find his...tone to be moot. Almost as if he's playing our emotions to dance around the core issue, but not quite conspicuous enough. If there's something I learned from the previous game, it's to take extra care around him since he can be quite clever. Still, it's a harmless point.

Finally, Jimmu is harder to get a read on. He jumped on the wagon about midway and has been playing on the down-low for most of the part. He also summed up Storm's playstyle as a "reverse-psychology tactic" before placing the vote. Beyond that, there wasn't much to go off of. Wouldn't surprise me if wanted to influence that lynch somehow, though. Scummy admin... oops don't tell him I said that

And an honorable mention goes to the last person on the stormwagon... Miss Cucco! But she's barely posted so I have next to nothing to say on that account. Still, can't forget all of the participants. :)

I'm a bit suss on Mellow too. I don't doubt his desire to have Storm removed from the game wasn't for much of the reasons he gave. But I feel as though the reasons would still have him wanting Storm out regardless of whether or not he is Mafia.

Also, noted and checked. I'll remember next time I'm looking for someone to ban :cool:

I've mostly been hanging a bit low due to being busy and the game going rather fasted than I'd anticipated. Trying to analyze the situation and figure out how best to work in my role.

I'd like to see more of Miss Cucco, though, nothing from them as of yet has beamed my radar.

Yes, I do actually.

I think you all think I defended Storm and then changed my mind about him, meaning I thought that he was scum when I voted for him.

I'd like to make it clear that I believed he was Town till the very end, y'all can read back my posts if you want. And yes, I hammered in the vote; I don't remember who said it, "Put Storm out of his misery", but yes, that is exactly why I voted for him. That and the fact that a lot of players wanted him to either begone or play seriously, something that wasn't going to happen, and I personally agree that he was anti-town and his behavior was destructive. Also that he was the main topic, and he was going to still be the main topic had he not been lynched; this would not of allowed the other players, myself included, to focus on anything else but him.

I need to re-read so that I can properly cast my reads on the other players.

I find it a bit strange that you were defending Storm so strongly before making that vote, but suddenly flipped and are now are admitting that his behavior was anti-town. So some sudden enlightenment just hit you out of nowhere and caused you to hammer? I shall re-read that part of yesterday again to see if I can feel anything more from it.

Funnier, unfortunately, is partly a case of "guilty until proven innocent" due to the fact that he's only been Mafia on this site thus far; therefore, leaving we the players in a situation where we only see one side of the coin. This being said, I haven't seen much reason to deviate from this path from what I've seen thus far. Posts like these two summarize my wariness of our funnier fellow:

Pay special attention to the highlighted portions of these posts. Last time I experienced a funnier6 scum game was Chaos II, where he was very active in discussion and even posted a reads list; however, he never acted on most of what he said, often remaining free of potenital scrutiny by not voting. I see a particularly similar pattern here with the Storm lynch. I can certainly respect his desire to not want to reach majority as reason for not voting, and that part of his post is the best part. The portions in red, however, are more concerning. He believes he is Mafia, yet doesn't vote with reasons that do make sense if he truly wanted to keep discussion going. Still, then: why does he also say this?

This makes it sound like he's trying to wash his hands of the lynch even further despite his stating his believing Storm was Mafia. Seems contradictory. Coupling this with the fact he did not vote to begin with makes this post sounds like an attempt to appear more townie having not mislynched by expressing foresight. This just seems off. Right now, though; I'm less concerned about him than the other two that I Mentioned, but I am extremely wary of him.

And regarding my rashness, @Pendio, here's the score: I apologize for applying a heavy dose of "edge" to this post in advance. Simply put, I've found that my passive playstyle has gotten me nowhere, contributing to some of my worst or forgettable plays. At this point, I'd say it's time for me to force my hand and try to improve. Not sure if this is ultimately going to pan out per se, but I certainly don't want to have performances like Night Hut and Great Expectations again in the near future.

Sadly, my focus has been very limited, and needs to expand. So far, the only other players I have mild thoughts on are Bok, who I like thus far, and EMIYA, although I'm still getting a feel for him this game. I like his recent posts, but his Day 1 I want to reevaluate. The third is Miss Cucco. I think it was interesting that while she was one of the first players to attempt to rally players from focusing on The Storm Scenario, she herself never seemed to let her own focus off it. This being said, her posting style comes off as very genuine.

I find your point regarding @funnier6 to be an interesting observation that we should look into closely. I'm going to go back through and look into @funnier6 more.

You know, I think the very most annoying thing is that at least three people know for fact I'm not mafia and I bet they're all picking on me anyway. -o-

I highly doubt they'd all be picking on you. It's likely that if you're town some would be and some wouldn't be. The wouldn't want to give themselves away by imitating eachother too much surely?

At the moment I'm leaning toward a vote on either @funnier6 or @karu and have my eyes on @Mellow Ezlo and @Domozilla777 . I'll need to do some closer reading before pinning down who to vote for though.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Welcome Krow, nice to see a new face around here!

Long post incoming. Sorry I haven't really been active today. I had started typing this a while ago and didn't get time to finish it then, so it kinda got long after I thought about stuff some more.

I gotta say I'm not a fan of karu hammering early the previous day. I felt like since it was pretty much a given that Storm was going to be lynched, we could've used the rest of the time to discuss other things. It would've allowed those who died to post some of their thoughts, which we could go back and use since they're confirmed townies now. Not sure if it would've made a ton of difference as we didn't know Storm's alignment yet, but it could've been helpful going into today. Having said that, I'm not sure about karu. She did some scummy things, but she also did some pretty townie things. Like others said, if Storm had flipped scum, she would be looking a bit worse right now because she defended him pretty hard and then voted when it was obvious he couldn't be saved. But she did vote him after he said he would target her if he was lynched and at the time she didn't know he didn't have the ability to do that. So I have slight scum lean on her right now, but it's not very concrete.

It's hard to read into the votes on Storm, since I do feel like a lot of them were mostly emotional responses to his actions. I feel like Zachie and karu's votes looked the worse because of when they occurred, but Zachie is a confirmed townie now, so that makes things a little more complicated. Funnier does stand out a bit though, as he said he felt that Storm was scum, but didn't vote for him. He was even criticizing the people voting who felt Storm was likely town, because he felt we should be looking for actual scum, but yet he didn't vote for who he thought was actual scum. Plus his previous interaction today with Pendio, where he felt that Pendio (who is pretty much a confirmed townie/3rd party) was trying to bait him, felt a little defensive for no reason.

As for the other votes on Storm, Mezlo, Bok, and Miss Cucco's votes all felt like genuine emotional votes due to being fed up with Storm's behavior, but of the three of them Miss Cucco is looking the best to me right now. Mezlo and Bok both have done some small things that I haven't really liked, such as Mezlo's push to try and rush Storm's lynch, and then Bok not wanting anyone to hammer, but leaving his vote on Storm which made us close to majority. So I definitely have my eye on them for the time being, but I feel like there have been other people how have been acting scummier than that right now.

Jimmu's vote feels like it could be mafia hopping on the bandwagon, due to when he placed it. Not too early to make it seem like he was spearheading the lynch, but also not too late in the vote where it was close to majority either. Though his reasoning felt pretty emotionally based as well, so I'm not sure. I haven't played with him before, so I'm gonna have to see a little more from him before I can get a feel either way.


The game is on!
Pendio, you sound pissed jajaja. Just felt like saying that

I'm not pissed all. It's just my playstyle that's like this I guess. I'm sorry if I seem pissed though.

Alright, so seeing as I'm a bit tired, I'm not rolling out my full reads list yet; but as there has been some request for more detailed reads on my suspicions, I'll comply with that for now. Specifically, I want to address my concerns with funnier6 since I've gone in greater detail on Jimmu and Mezlo already.

Funnier, unfortunately, is partly a case of "guilty until proven innocent" due to the fact that he's only been Mafia on this site thus far; therefore, leaving we the players in a situation where we only see one side of the coin. This being said, I haven't seen much reason to deviate from this path from what I've seen thus far. Posts like these two summarize my wariness of our funnier fellow:

Pay special attention to the highlighted portions of these posts. Last time I experienced a funnier6 scum game was Chaos II, where he was very active in discussion and even posted a reads list; however, he never acted on most of what he said, often remaining free of potenital scrutiny by not voting. I see a particularly similar pattern here with the Storm lynch. I can certainly respect his desire to not want to reach majority as reason for not voting, and that part of his post is the best part. The portions in red, however, are more concerning. He believes he is Mafia, yet doesn't vote with reasons that do make sense if he truly wanted to keep discussion going. Still, then: why does he also say this?

This makes it sound like he's trying to wash his hands of the lynch even further despite his stating his believing Storm was Mafia. Seems contradictory. Coupling this with the fact he did not vote to begin with makes this post sounds like an attempt to appear more townie having not mislynched by expressing foresight. This just seems off. Right now, though; I'm less concerned about him than the other two that I Mentioned, but I am extremely wary of him.

And regarding my rashness, @Pendio, here's the score: I apologize for applying a heavy dose of "edge" to this post in advance. Simply put, I've found that my passive playstyle has gotten me nowhere, contributing to some of my worst or forgettable plays. At this point, I'd say it's time for me to force my hand and try to improve. Not sure if this is ultimately going to pan out per se, but I certainly don't want to have performances like Night Hut and Great Expectations again in the near future.

Sadly, my focus has been very limited, and needs to expand. So far, the only other players I have mild thoughts on are Bok, who I like thus far, and EMIYA, although I'm still getting a feel for him this game. I like his recent posts, but his Day 1 I want to reevaluate. The third is Miss Cucco. I think it was interesting that while she was one of the first players to attempt to rally players from focusing on The Storm Scenario, she herself never seemed to let her own focus off it. This being said, her posting style comes off as very genuine.

I think you bring up excellent points about funnier6 here. With those in mind I feel even more confident in my vote on him.

Also, I understand your change in playstyle. It's nothing I consider suspicious, but it should probably still be watched over by other players after I die.

I'm lazy but wanted to address that part after the second quote, I said that because I couldn't believe they had maj'd and I believed if he was town the mafia must've pushed his lynch, I wasn't distancing or washing my hands or whatever you please.

Here you make yet another absolute statement, saying Mafia MUST have pushed the lynch. That's not the case at all. It is always a big possibility that day 1 wagons consists of only Townies. It's not uncommon at all. It gives the Mafia a chance to lean back for a while. Of course there could still be Mafia on that wagon, but I don't like the way you say there has to be, because it's not necessarily the case.

You know, I think the very most annoying thing is that at least three people know for fact I'm not mafia and I bet they're all picking on me anyway. -o-

This was a very interesting post. So at least 3 other players know that your innocent? Why's that?
Aug 15, 2017
You know, I think the very most annoying thing is that at least three people know for fact I'm not mafia and I bet they're all picking on me anyway. -o-

Sounds like a scum sacrifice to me lol.

But in all seriousness Pendio I'd like to hear more about who stands out on your mind, primarily since you wont be around much longer. Preferably Mellow, Jimmu, and funnier, but anyone else as well if you like.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Vote Count 2.3:

Mellow Ezlo - 1 (Mido)
Jimmu - 1 (Domozilla777]
funnier6 - 1 (Pendio)
YIGAhim - 1 (Bok of the Wild)

Not Voting - Eduarda, EMIYA Shirou, funnier6, Jimmu, karu, Krow's Graveyard, Mellow Ezlo, Minish_Link, Miss Cucco, YIGAhim

With 14 alive, it takes 8 for a majority lynch. Day 2 ends on Monday, August 21 at 11 PM EST.
Last edited:

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
After a brief skim of content here's what I have.

*still trying to speed read t

I can understand the "been there done that" but to be honest last night was pretty savage.
A guy dying from a heart attack because his friend died,
Pendio getting poisoned,
Last night was crazy. In my eyes, you are scum.

That's a bold accusation...

@funnier6 so far in every Mafia I've been in you were Mafia. So right now even though you didn't vote for Storm it's the same pattern as before. I see why Pendio and Bok don't trust you. We really can't tell if you're town or not. I also think it's quite odd that you felt "baited" when Pendio called you out. In my opinion if you were really innocent you wouldn't feel that way at all, if anything you would prove your innocence and reassure him, not feel threatened. That could indicate you're hiding something.

@Bok of the Wild I know you were having a tough time reading The players, but besides funnier6, do you have a read on anyone that might be Mafia?

@Libk haven't heard much from you. What are your thoughts?

@Krow's Graveyard Hiiii!!! :D

@Mellow Ezlo I'm sure you have a lot to say on the the terms of who you feel like are scum for not voting for storm. Who did you have in mind in particular?

I just wanna look st this first paragraph here. From this, I'm almost inclined to vote Miss Cucco. They start out by making this generalization of "you've been scum every game so you must be scum now" at funnier6 while the same applies to me but they don't mention that. Miss cucco is just using this as easy evidence either because she is scum and is trying to make up a reason or genuinely has not been paying attention which I doubt. I'm not saying either Funnier or Cucco are town or scum, but this is just my thoughts at the moment.

As for the part about feeling baited, I've seen players like Mezlo do similar things before to bait people such as votes to see how they react. So I would just call that a wary eye and not a scum motive.

I'm still new to Mafia and that's just my Play style for now, to stay out of trouble until I get the hang of how to play.

However that leads me to my last analysis for today, @Domozilla777 you have to be the scummiest player I've ever known. Though you've only been Mafia once, you are funnier level of scum. I don't know if smart-aleck remarks, sarcasm, in bluntness are apart of your play style, or That's Just the Way You Are. Either way I don't like it.


Just a second ago you were saying FUNIER IS SCUM CORN FARM!!! And now me? You should get your thoughts together. Pick one. Also I've been scum 3 times (I thought you would have picked up on that by really studying funnier6's posts) this would be my fourth (if I was scum)

Also I'm glad you appreciate my playstyle :)

The biggest indicator for me when someone is beginner scum (I know, I've been there) is when they set out ideas and they almost always put themselves out of the equation. They distance themselves as far as they can from the person they are accusing because they don't want it to come back around to them. As obi-wan says "Only a [Scum] deals in absolutes" I think it applies here more than we think.

Oh I'm sorry, I only said that out of frustration. I didn't realised what I wrote until it was already posted. I would have changed it but can't edit in Mafia. But yes, Dom is much more cringey than you. The only thing I have against you, is you are two faced. You seem town when you are actually Mafia, but that's actually a good thing. The others have more aginst you but I guess I just dont see it. Dom is just rude.

It's not my goal to be rude, I hardly even realized it, could you quote the posts that offended you so I know what I'm doing wrong and can change it in the future? That would be very helpful. This is a competitive game where everything is put under intense scrutiny so if it's too much, you may want to take a step back or take a break. That said, I want to say that if your only evidence for me being scum is that i seem rude, then you should probably get a bit more evidence because I doubt people will vote me just for my playstyle.

That makes me wanna keep an eye on you more than I already do. With what I've seen and heard up to this point I feel you and Dom are scum, more so on your part. Primarily you, do to how quickly you dismissed Dom as being scum while also playing it off in a joke. Good scumbud play to cover for an accused friend. I'm still too early in to my own theories to set anything in stone though.

Intermediate. I've played a few, but watched a bunch.

This is exactly the type of post that a beginner player would post. Taking things too seriously/literally is a big danger. This is just some advice for your first game. I understand that you are watching me and I'm not trying to disprove you I just wanted to give you some advice.

Another quick thing, @funnier6 you're all good, it was just a joke and I understand that in the past I just say what I feel without much reason. But I get it no worries.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I'm not pissed all. It's just my playstyle that's like this I guess. I'm sorry if I seem pissed though.

I think you bring up excellent points about funnier6 here. With those in mind I feel even more confident in my vote on him.

Also, I understand your change in playstyle. It's nothing I consider suspicious, but it should probably still be watched over by other players after I die.

Here you make yet another absolute statement, saying Mafia MUST have pushed the lynch. That's not the case at all. It is always a big possibility that day 1 wagons consists of only Townies. It's not uncommon at all. It gives the Mafia a chance to lean back for a while. Of course there could still be Mafia on that wagon, but I don't like the way you say there has to be, because it's not necessarily the case.

This was a very interesting post. So at least 3 other players know that your innocent? Why's that?

Catching up atm

@Minish_Link I didn't say we should be looking for scum elsewhere, I said if they believed they were voting a town they shouldn't be voting at all. Though I might've said something to that effect. I was trying to avoid maj or I would've voted him, I triple super promise.

Well, it wasn't really meant as an absolute statement, though I definitely believed it at the time, but since a lot of people were voting for what to be illogical reasons I thought it would be terribly easy for mafia to sneak in, and I'm still willing to bet they did, maybe not all but at least one.

As for that last bit I assume the mafia have at least three members so they were who I meant. I don't see how else that could be interpreted.
Aug 15, 2017
This is exactly the type of post that a beginner player would post. Taking things too seriously/literally is a big danger. This is just some advice for your first game. I understand that you are watching me and I'm not trying to disprove you I just wanted to give you some advice.

You seem to be the one making a big misunderstanding here. I'm only vocally weighing my options and opinions to see who reacts to them and how. Try not to get so unnerved by it, it's just how I play. Also as I clearly said before, and you even quoted it, this isn't my first game so thanks for your advice but it's unnecessary. I was paying more attention to funnier than you, but that doesn't mean I'm just going to blindly act on it.
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