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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Aug 15, 2017
Why are you surprised? Did you think that someone would have tried to get rid of me during the night phase or did you genually beleive Storm was Bomob and he would of taken me down with him.

And before you ask, or someone else asks, why I'm not surprised, it's because I made it very clear that I believed that Storm was town and not mafia or an anti-town player.

hi Krow

I'm always keeping my eye on Mellow, cause all of the games I've been with him, he is always mafia! So for me I always assume he is mafia unless proven guilty.

And as for Jimmu, he isn't really that active so I can't get clear reading on him. I still suspect him though.

Domo... Arigato Mr. Robato Domo; from what funnier says, this is your usual play still and you've only ever played as mafia, correct? I personally don't like that you're rarely active, you pop up at random, and when you cast suspicion it's vague at the very least. I'm keeping my eye on youuu

Funnier, I doesn't sit well with me that you're always bringing up how many times Domo's been mafia and the many times you've been mafia. It's almost as if you, by bringing this up, are trying to get people to cast suspicion on domo and keep the spotlight away from you.

Pendio, you sound pissed jajaja. Just felt like saying that

I'm surprised because if I was vig I would've shot you, good reasons or no, you hammered and I didn't like it and frankly I'm surprised you got away with it.

I wish you would read the last two games me and dom were scum together in because you'll see that you're wrong about all that stuff.

First of all, if dom was mafia with me I'd never be inclined to find him towny lol, maybe it's just because he was my first scum partner but once I know he's mafia I can't think of him as towny.

Second this is actually less pop ins than he usually has and a lot more content.

Thirdly are you serious I have the most posts in the thread and you wanna say all I talk about is dom? I'll have you know I talked about him as little as possible when we were scum together and I probably would do so again.

Do you understand now?[/QUOTE]

"if I was vig I would've shot you" and "I'm surprised you got away with it" Both of these statements, make things a bit more complex. Something just doesn't sit right and it feels like a scummy hit is being put on karu or that one "should" have been on her but failed?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
@karu I'm not going to quote that because it's all broke.

Actually I'm at the point I usually get in the middle of a mafia game where I feel nobody agrees with me, everyone probably wants to kill me, and I feel like I royally screwed up somewhere.

So I am a teeny bit aggravated.


@karu I'm not going to quote that because it's all broke.

Actually I'm at the point I usually get in the middle of a mafia game where I feel nobody agrees with me, everyone probably wants to kill me, and I feel like I royally screwed up somewhere.

So I am a teeny bit aggravated.
I totally understand that feeling, happened to me in a previous game lol; good times. Why do you think I defended Storm so much for people giving him crap when he was obviously being a sac of burnt sweet potatoes?

The underlined part and bolded part; can you please collaborate a bit more one that? Cause so far the only ones going after you and not just mentioning you are Krow and I. I actually feel that there are more people that agree with what you're saying than against it


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I totally understand that feeling, happened to me in a previous game lol; good times. Why do you think I defended Storm so much for people giving him crap when he was obviously being a sac of burnt sweet potatoes?

The underlined part and bolded part; can you please collaborate a bit more one that? Cause so far the only ones going after you and not just mentioning you are Krow and I. I actually feel that there are more people that agree with what you're saying than against it

In addition to you and krow, miss cucco disagrees, pendio disagrees, Mezlo disagrees, yiga disagrees, Mido disagrees, and bok is giving me the benefit of the doubt I think.

Can you find someone who agrees with me please? lol

Deleted member 14134

Yiga is raising a red flag for me right now. I don't like his thoughts about day one. A lot of times day one isn't serious but there are still things that can be taken from it. This day one was quite the opposite though. There was a lot of discussion and I feel like either he isn't reading the thread or he's trying to play it safe by not voicing his thoughts on anything. Reading back, he has been laying rather low and hasn't posted a lot of substance. I still want to hear from alot of people, my mind may change depending on what they all have to say but for now.

Vote: Yigahim


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Yiga is raising a red flag for me right now. I don't like his thoughts about day one. A lot of times day one isn't serious but there are still things that can be taken from it. This day one was quite the opposite though. There was a lot of discussion and I feel like either he isn't reading the thread or he's trying to play it safe by not voicing his thoughts on anything. Reading back, he has been laying rather low and hasn't posted a lot of substance. I still want to hear from alot of people, my mind may change depending on what they all have to say but for now.
Like I said, I only really skimmed, but the whole storm situation to me just seemed like a joke, and I believe that it has no real meaning. Only the vote swaps seem suspicious to me


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Yiga is raising a red flag for me right now. I don't like his thoughts about day one. A lot of times day one isn't serious but there are still things that can be taken from it. This day one was quite the opposite though. There was a lot of discussion and I feel like either he isn't reading the thread or he's trying to play it safe by not voicing his thoughts on anything. Reading back, he has been laying rather low and hasn't posted a lot of substance. I still want to hear from alot of people, my mind may change depending on what they all have to say but for now.

Vote: Yigahim

You know I did feel like he was playing reminiscent of doms scum play but I'm not sure if that's worth lynching him for since I've never seen him play.

I do like all of the wagons (mine exempt) and I'm sure I'll vote for one of them but I'll need them to post more so we can have a little more to go on.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
I've only been cautious, because the information I'm getting right now is staying with me. I won't vote until I have one surefire candidate, unlike the joke vote that I did against funnier "yesterday".


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Meh. My reasoning could've been serious, but it could apply to almost everyone, which is why my post wasn't really serious

Deleted member 14134

Like I said, I only really skimmed, but the whole storm situation to me just seemed like a joke, and I believe that it has no real meaning. Only the vote swaps seem suspicious to me
We didn't hit a 10 man majority because of a joke. The day got serious quite quickly and everyone here but you seems to agree that there's alot to take from it. Also who do you think is suspicious and why? Besides funnier yesterday you haven't really said many names.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Well, for starters, funnier IS on my radar.

I'm also on to Mezlo, so those are who I'm MOST concerned with at the moment. My thoughts are subject to change, but right now those are the two most likely to be mafia.

I thought the Majority was just kinda cuz storm was being a jerk, and you wanted to just not deal with him, and that's truly why I thought you wanted to get rid of him.

Sure, you guys may have been a bit serious, but the thing is, that in the end, it was just you guys overthinking, and storm being lame :dry:, and with this being my first REAL online game of mafia, I'm not very used to soaking in words, but more like emotions, and I have NOT played with quite so many important roles, like poisoner, or bomb, so I decided mostly to stay out of it.

In the end, it was just storm being lame, and unless someone changed their mind, I don't think there is much to learn from them


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Alright, so seeing as I'm a bit tired, I'm not rolling out my full reads list yet; but as there has been some request for more detailed reads on my suspicions, I'll comply with that for now. Specifically, I want to address my concerns with funnier6 since I've gone in greater detail on Jimmu and Mezlo already.

Funnier, unfortunately, is partly a case of "guilty until proven innocent" due to the fact that he's only been Mafia on this site thus far; therefore, leaving we the players in a situation where we only see one side of the coin. This being said, I haven't seen much reason to deviate from this path from what I've seen thus far. Posts like these two summarize my wariness of our funnier fellow:

I don't think I replied to this, but I think someone already asked me so I want to be perfectly clear:

I think if you're voting for storm because you believe he's anti town, but you believe he's TOWN, you're voting for the wrong reason.

If you're trying to maj, you are hindering our discussion and also voting for the wrong reason.

If you, however, are voting him because you believe he's MAFIA, you're voting him for the right reason. I personally believe he is mafia but I didn't vote because I didn't want to get us closer to maj'ing. We're here to lynch mafia, not bad townies.

You can argue with this all you want but I believe it to be true and shall not be dissuaded.

Pay special attention to the highlighted portions of these posts. Last time I experienced a funnier6 scum game was Chaos II, where he was very active in discussion and even posted a reads list; however, he never acted on most of what he said, often remaining free of potenital scrutiny by not voting. I see a particularly similar pattern here with the Storm lynch. I can certainly respect his desire to not want to reach majority as reason for not voting, and that part of his post is the best part. The portions in red, however, are more concerning. He believes he is Mafia, yet doesn't vote with reasons that do make sense if he truly wanted to keep discussion going. Still, then: why does he also say this?

You idiots, if he is town I will have your heads! :ezlo:

This makes it sound like he's trying to wash his hands of the lynch even further despite his stating his believing Storm was Mafia. Seems contradictory. Coupling this with the fact he did not vote to begin with makes this post sounds like an attempt to appear more townie having not mislynched by expressing foresight. This just seems off. Right now, though; I'm less concerned about him than the other two that I Mentioned, but I am extremely wary of him.

And regarding my rashness, @Pendio, here's the score: I apologize for applying a heavy dose of "edge" to this post in advance. Simply put, I've found that my passive playstyle has gotten me nowhere, contributing to some of my worst or forgettable plays. At this point, I'd say it's time for me to force my hand and try to improve. Not sure if this is ultimately going to pan out per se, but I certainly don't want to have performances like Night Hut and Great Expectations again in the near future.

Sadly, my focus has been very limited, and needs to expand. So far, the only other players I have mild thoughts on are Bok, who I like thus far, and EMIYA, although I'm still getting a feel for him this game. I like his recent posts, but his Day 1 I want to reevaluate. The third is Miss Cucco. I think it was interesting that while she was one of the first players to attempt to rally players from focusing on The Storm Scenario, she herself never seemed to let her own focus off it. This being said, her posting style comes off as very genuine.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Alright, so seeing as I'm a bit tired, I'm not rolling out my full reads list yet; but as there has been some request for more detailed reads on my suspicions, I'll comply with that for now. Specifically, I want to address my concerns with funnier6 since I've gone in greater detail on Jimmu and Mezlo already.

Funnier, unfortunately, is partly a case of "guilty until proven innocent" due to the fact that he's only been Mafia on this site thus far; therefore, leaving we the players in a situation where we only see one side of the coin. This being said, I haven't seen much reason to deviate from this path from what I've seen thus far. Posts like these two summarize my wariness of our funnier fellow:

Pay special attention to the highlighted portions of these posts. Last time I experienced a funnier6 scum game was Chaos II, where he was very active in discussion and even posted a reads list; however, he never acted on most of what he said, often remaining free of potenital scrutiny by not voting. I see a particularly similar pattern here with the Storm lynch. I can certainly respect his desire to not want to reach majority as reason for not voting, and that part of his post is the best part. The portions in red, however, are more concerning. He believes he is Mafia, yet doesn't vote with reasons that do make sense if he truly wanted to keep discussion going. Still, then: why does he also say this?

This makes it sound like he's trying to wash his hands of the lynch even further despite his stating his believing Storm was Mafia. Seems contradictory. Coupling this with the fact he did not vote to begin with makes this post sounds like an attempt to appear more townie having not mislynched by expressing foresight. This just seems off. Right now, though; I'm less concerned about him than the other two that I Mentioned, but I am extremely wary of him.

And regarding my rashness, @Pendio, here's the score: I apologize for applying a heavy dose of "edge" to this post in advance. Simply put, I've found that my passive playstyle has gotten me nowhere, contributing to some of my worst or forgettable plays. At this point, I'd say it's time for me to force my hand and try to improve. Not sure if this is ultimately going to pan out per se, but I certainly don't want to have performances like Night Hut and Great Expectations again in the near future.

Sadly, my focus has been very limited, and needs to expand. So far, the only other players I have mild thoughts on are Bok, who I like thus far, and EMIYA, although I'm still getting a feel for him this game. I like his recent posts, but his Day 1 I want to reevaluate. The third is Miss Cucco. I think it was interesting that while she was one of the first players to attempt to rally players from focusing on The Storm Scenario, she herself never seemed to let her own focus off it. This being said, her posting style comes off as very genuine.

I'm lazy but wanted to address that part after the second quote, I said that because I couldn't believe they had maj'd and I believed if he was town the mafia must've pushed his lynch, I wasn't distancing or washing my hands or whatever you please.
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