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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Pendio said:
My spontaneous reeds make me feel like he's playing unusually rash. I had not expected him to go after Mezlo the way he did. I'm also interested in hearing from Mido a little bit in more detail what it is that makes him suspicious of Mezlo, funnier and Jimmu.

Tonight, I will post an official reads list, or at least try to get a larger one in this weekend. I'll also explain my more "rash" behavior when I get to that.

*still reading through the thread*

Why confused? I don't know if she's ever been scum before, but I was silently in agreement with Bok that we should hold off on the Storm lynch, yet she hammered in spite of that. Yesterday's lynch was rushed as heck if only because Storm kept on egging it on, but your reads aren't too far off from my own. Out of everyone, I think that Mellow Ezlo and karu are the ones who pushed it along while the others were fed up. What do you think the chances are of them being aligned? And why leave the Jimmu/karu alignment out of the picture (just curious)?

Actually, after reading your last portion about my theory on Jimmu and karu, I'm not so certain about that anymore. I was confused by karu because she defended storm rather passionately and still voted him him. Strange also was her calling out of Pendio, MF, and Jimmu. Why I'm rethinking it is because while I thought karu's case drew a decent amount of attention to his play, and therefore seemed unlikely for scum to do so early; the fact she didn't pursue it worries me, which leads me to have doubts about my own theory. Regarding Mellow and karu being aligned? I'm not entirely certain about it yet, but I think it's worth considering.

Going back to the main part of your post, I'm mainly confused about karu now because of Storm's flip. I'll need to reevaluate my stances here.

Like I said, my reasons were admittedly selfish and I do genuinely apologize for that.

While I still think your vocal push of the lynch was somewhat off-putting, I honestly don't blame anyone for going into the policy lynch especially given how much confusion he was spreading. The fact he turned up VT is even more infuriating. At least now we can garner more focus in this game environment. Nevertheless, scum knowing Storm was town could have easily taken advantage of the situation, which was the impression I got from your vocal push. I won't deny that, much like Pendio, your frustration was genuine, and I don't think your move was a bad play in that regard.

Miss Cucco

Mrs. DekuNut
Jun 8, 2017
Nowhere important
I'm just going to preface this by explaining why I wanted a majority yesterday. I didn't want to say this before, but it was just because I didn't want to play with Storm if he was going to be pulling that stuff. Anybody who knows me well knows that the two of us have a history, which developed through my frustration with him not taking games seriously enough. I wanted to lynch him as fast as possible only so that I didn't have to play with him, since he had been trying harder in games lately and then comes into this game and starts screwing around and pulling the same **** that caused us to have history in the first place. I simply wanted him out, and quickly. Take it as you will, I do realize it was a rather selfish reason to push majority, but my reason was genuine nonetheless.

Anyway, as for my suspicions, I'm curious about the people who didn't vote yesterday, but also of Karu for hammering after Bok said we should wait. Of all the people on Storm's lynch, I find her vote the most suspect (I would've said something about Zachie's too, but he's confirmed town now). Admittedly, though, I'm a little bit behind on my reading, having only read the first page and a bit of this day, so I have some catching up to do, which I'll do tonight.

Now regarding the people that refused to participate in Storm's lynch. That was a very easy opportunity for scum to avoid an obvious town lynch in an attempt to make themselves look good. Guaranteed there were scum amongst the people who were against it. Of these people, currently I have my eyes on funnier, Mido, EMIYA, and Domo, but this isn't based on much and my reads will likely change after I catch up, I just wanted to get a post in before work today. Like I said, I have a lot of catching up to do right now, and will have even more tonight, but you can expect a solid post from me later tonight.

This is something that both you and I can agree on, which is surprising. I haven't known storm for a quarter as long as you have and he frustrates me too. In the roleplay that he's in now he is just messing around, ignoring the plot, and straying from the story. He doesn't take anything seriously anymore, which frustrates the people that actually want to play.

And then with him bringing up his life story, in the group chat that he's just as dull and depressing as he was in that post but it drags out for much longer than that, and sometimes I leave all together for the rest of the day. So don't feel bad, I know your frustrations, it gets old real fast, and it was a good choice putting him out. And right now you are far from my suspicions list, you have Reasonable Doubt.

And as for the people who didn't vote I don't think they saw storm as an opportunity, I think they wanted to focus on who was was Mafia and who wasn't. They saw storm fooling around but they wanted to get on with the game. But if we didn't put storm out it would have caused more distractions and people to focus more on storm than the actual game. So I don't think they were scum, I think they were just trying to continue playing the game. If anything the mafia would have taken Storm's distraction to their advantage.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
This is something that both you and I can agree on, which is surprising. I haven't known storm for a quarter as long as you have and he frustrates me too. In the roleplay that he's in now he is just messing around, ignoring the plot, and straying from the story. He doesn't take anything seriously anymore, which frustrates the people that actually want to play.

And then with him bringing up his life story, in the group chat that he's just as dull and depressing as he was in that post but it drags out for much longer than that, and sometimes I leave all together for the rest of the day. So don't feel bad, I know your frustrations, it gets old real fast, and it was a good choice putting him out. And right now you are far from my suspicions list, you have Reasonable Doubt.

While I can see there is a pervading frustration among the players on this matter, I think this is something that should probably not be discussed much further in the game thread, but I digress.

And as for the people who didn't vote I don't think they saw storm as an opportunity, I think they wanted to focus on who was was Mafia and who wasn't. They saw storm fooling around but they wanted to get on with the game. But if we didn't put storm out it would have caused more distractions and people to focus more on storm than the actual game. So I don't think they were scum, I think they were just trying to continue playing the game. If anything the mafia would have taken Storm's distraction to their advantage.

I think there's a bit of both in the players who did not vote. Storm's wagon made for an easy opportunity for Mafia to jump on/push a lynch. Also, there is a chance, reasonably so, that Mafia members abstained to appear as if they weren't taking advantage of such a situation as Mezlo mentioned in this post. Heck, as I've said previously, I've done that as scum before in a previous round.

Now I have some slight concerns regarding the people in defense of Storm, or rather those who are openly against his lynch. Not saying that being against his lynch is necessarily suspicious in itself, it ultimately comes down to Storm's alignment and the reasons against it. I don't think those against Storm's lynch are automatically scum if he is too, I actually think the opposite as this is a perfect opportunity for scum to bus their scumbud; but if Storm flips town, then I think it would be good to look at those who didn't vote, or more specifically those who were so publicly against the lynch. Because this would be a great opportunity for Mafia to defend someone they know is town if the lynch is based more on policy than suspicion.

At this point, the lines become more blurry. I'm inclined to think more Mafia members jumped on the lynch right now based on numbers primarily.


The game is on!
You know, if this was a game on ''lynch whoever you don't like'' town would lose constantly and I don't appreciate it, that was bad play and you should feel bad.

Unfortunately that actually makes me find you slightly less scummy. :(

It's more to this than just not liking the person. Storm's behaviour was undoubtedly destructive and no matter what side he was on he would have only kept ruining the game and distracted us from advancing, had he been kept alive. No one can deny that. I voted for Storm for these reasons. I know he is better than that, which was why I got frustrated. From what I've been able to pick up, these were also partially Mezlow's reasons and I honestly don't think they were selfish at all. If anything they were just logical.

funnier, you seem to value the destruction Storm caused and you seem to clear players as Townies in a way I would never do. In fact, I think this behaviour of yours is quite scummy. Yesterday you kept voicing your opinion on how we were all wrong to lynch Storm, and then in the end you voted for him yourself, claiming you thought he was scum. Nothing about his playstyle seemed scummier than any other player in the game at the time. Please explain this. In my mind your actions have been illogical and irregular.

Vote: funnier6


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Actually, after reading your last portion about my theory on Jimmu and karu, I'm not so certain about that anymore. I was confused by karu because she defended storm rather passionately and still voted him him. Strange also was her calling out of Pendio, MF, and Jimmu. Why I'm rethinking it is because while I thought karu's case drew a decent amount of attention to his play, and therefore seemed unlikely for scum to do so early; the fact she didn't pursue it worries me, which leads me to have doubts about my own theory. Regarding Mellow and karu being aligned? I'm not entirely certain about it yet, but I think it's worth considering.

Going back to the main part of your post, I'm mainly confused about karu now because of Storm's flip. I'll need to reevaluate my stances here.
Yeah, if she had just left the Storm lynch alone then I wouldn't be so intrigued by her case. But if I remember correctly her reason for hammering was something along the lines of "putting Storm out of his misery". That doesn't look so good, especially with it being one of the last votes on the wagon, coupled with the fact that she disregarded Bok's caveat (which is another discussion all on its own).

Frankly, Mellow also intrigues me. He insists that his pushiness was based on frustration towards Storm, which I find fairly believable since it seemed like Storm was stealing his fakeclaim gimmick from the Avatar game prior. But I also find his...tone to be moot. Almost as if he's playing our emotions to dance around the core issue, but not quite conspicuous enough. If there's something I learned from the previous game, it's to take extra care around him since he can be quite clever. Still, it's a harmless point.

Finally, Jimmu is harder to get a read on. He jumped on the wagon about midway and has been playing on the down-low for most of the part. He also summed up Storm's playstyle as a "reverse-psychology tactic" before placing the vote. Beyond that, there wasn't much to go off of. Wouldn't surprise me if wanted to influence that lynch somehow, though. Scummy admin... oops don't tell him I said that

And an honorable mention goes to the last person on the stormwagon... Miss Cucco! But she's barely posted so I have next to nothing to say on that account. Still, can't forget all of the participants. :)


Jun 7, 2017
the present
It's more to this than just not liking the person. Storm's behaviour was undoubtedly destructive and no matter what side he was on he would have only kept ruining the game and distracted us from advancing, had he been kept alive. No one can deny that. I voted for Storm for these reasons. I know he is better than that, which was why I got frustrated. From what I've been able to pick up, these were also partially Mezlow's reasons and I honestly don't think they were selfish at all. If anything they were just logical.

funnier, you seem to value the destruction Storm caused and you seem to clear players as Townies in a way I would never do. In fact, I think this behaviour of yours is quite scummy. Yesterday you kept voicing your opinion on how we were all wrong to lynch Storm, and then in the end you voted for him yourself, claiming you thought he was scum. Nothing about his playstyle seemed scummier than any other player in the game at the time. Please explain this. In my mind your actions have been illogical and irregular.

Vote: funnier6

Um, I have a lot to say about this but the most important is that I did not in fact lynch storm.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
It's more to this than just not liking the person. Storm's behaviour was undoubtedly destructive and no matter what side he was on he would have only kept ruining the game and distracted us from advancing, had he been kept alive. No one can deny that. I voted for Storm for these reasons. I know he is better than that, which was why I got frustrated. From what I've been able to pick up, these were also partially Mezlow's reasons and I honestly don't think they were selfish at all. If anything they were just logical.

funnier, you seem to value the destruction Storm caused and you seem to clear players as Townies in a way I would never do. In fact, I think this behaviour of yours is quite scummy. Yesterday you kept voicing your opinion on how we were all wrong to lynch Storm, and then in the end you voted for him yourself, claiming you thought he was scum. Nothing about his playstyle seemed scummier than any other player in the game at the time. Please explain this. In my mind your actions have been illogical and irregular.

Vote: funnier6

You know honestly this is a very strange accusation, irregular maybe on the dom thing but illogical no. Though if you ask me half the people on the storm wagon were completely illogical, yourself included, I understand you're argument for it and disagree with it.

Honestly I feel like you're baiting me to take a whack at you since you're going to die anyway and you want to see if I retaliate. If you are doing that it's quite smart but I'm afraid I stand firmly by all my actions and I could care less about what you say about me, only about what you say about others, since you'll be dying today no matter what.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Vote Count 2.2:

Mellow Ezlo - 1 (Mido)
Jimmu - 1 (Domozilla777]
funnier6 - 1 (Pendio)

Not Voting - Bok of the Wild, Eduarda, EMIYA Shirou, funnier6, Jimmu, karu, Mellow Ezlo, Minish_Link, Miss Cucco, rlscot8, YIGAhim

With 14 alive, it takes 8 for a majority lynch. Day 2 ends on Monday, August 21 at 11 PM EST.


The game is on!
You know honestly this is a very strange accusation, irregular maybe on the dom thing but illogical no. Though if you ask me half the people on the storm wagon were completely illogical, yourself included, I understand you're argument for it and disagree with it.

Honestly I feel like you're baiting me to take a whack at you since you're going to die anyway and you want to see if I retaliate. If you are doing that it's quite smart but I'm afraid I stand firmly by all my actions and I could care less about what you say about me, only about what you say about others, since you'll be dying today no matter what.

I'm not saying this to bait you, nor am I saying it only because I'm a dying man. I would have expressed this no matter my own circumstances.

Also, you may not have voted for Storm (my apologies for misremembering) but you did state that you would have voted for him if it wasn't so close to majority already, because you thought he was scum.

I personally believe he is mafia but I didn't vote because I didn't want to get us closer to maj'ing.

Why did you think he was Mafia?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I'm not saying this to bait you, nor am I saying it only because I'm a dying man. I would have expressed this no matter my own circumstances.

Also, you may not have voted for Storm (my apologies for misremembering) but you did state that you would have voted for him if it wasn't so close to majority already, because you thought he was scum.

Why did you think he was Mafia?

I had this whole well thought out theory that if storm truly wanted to die he would've claimed any role BESIDES bomb, got counterclaimed, and then get lynched.

Since out of every role he claimed bomb I thought he godfather trying to bluff and get investigated. DX

Unfortunately I was wrong.

Miss Cucco

Mrs. DekuNut
Jun 8, 2017
Nowhere important
@funnier6 so far in every Mafia I've been in you were Mafia. So right now even though you didn't vote for Storm it's the same pattern as before. I see why Pendio and Bok don't trust you. We really can't tell if you're town or not. I also think it's quite odd that you felt "baited" when Pendio called you out. In my opinion if you were really innocent you wouldn't feel that way at all, if anything you would prove your innocence and reassure him, not feel threatened. That could indicate you're hiding something.

@Bok of the Wild I know you were having a tough time reading The players, but besides funnier6, do you have a read on anyone that might be Mafia?

@Libk haven't heard much from you. What are your thoughts?

@Krow's Graveyard Hiiii!!! :D

@Mellow Ezlo I'm sure you have a lot to say on the the terms of who you feel like are scum for not voting for storm. Who did you have in mind in particular?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
@funnier6 so far in every Mafia I've been in you were Mafia. So right now even though you didn't vote for Storm it's the same pattern as before. I see why Pendio and Bok don't trust you. We really can't tell if you're town or not. I also think it's quite odd that you felt "baited" when Pendio called you out. In my opinion if you were really innocent you wouldn't feel that way at all, if anything you would prove your innocence and reassure him, not feel threatened. That could indicate you're hiding something.

@Bok of the Wild I know you were having a tough time reading The players, but besides funnier6, do you have a read on anyone that might be Mafia?

@Libk haven't heard much from you. What are your thoughts?

@Krow's Graveyard Hiiii!!! :D

@Mellow Ezlo I'm sure you have a lot to say on the the terms of who you feel like are scum for not voting for storm. Who did you have in mind in particular?

I didn't feel threatened, alarmed, pressured, or anything of the sort. I simply got the impression he was trying to bait me.

I can agree that it's the same pattern as before but unlike last time I was against maj. I see quite well why they don't trust me as it's for the same reasons you don't so.

I am, however, slightly annoyed that I've become a hot topic. Is it just because I'm here all the time? I'd think everyone would want to talk about karu or Mez.

I sort of want everyone to try to get a read on you, because for three games running I have had no idea what to make of you and in two of those games I was mafia. Though I suppose that might mean your town play is consistently hard to read.
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