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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Vote Count 2.1:

Mellow Ezlo - 1 (Mido)

Not Voting - Bok of the Wild, Domozilla777, Eduarda, EMIYA Shirou, funnier6, Jimmu, karu, Mellow Ezlo, Minish_Link, Miss Cucco, Pendio, rlscot8, YIGAHIM

With 14 alive, it takes 8 for a majority lynch. Day 2 ends on Monday, August 21 at 11 PM EST.


The day ends on the day of the eclipse? Coincidence coincidence I think not

I'm going to say what I can right now because the next 2 days are going to be hectic for me.
Unless people flip, day 1 isn't almost at all meatn to be serious. I'd probably dismiss anyone with suspicious votes from day 1...
I'm going to have to agree with Bokkey. While day one is usually just meant to get a feel on others and not to be taken so seriously, this day one was very serious; dismissing anything that went on during it is not wise. I have to ask, why do you suggest we dismiss it? If anything what happened during it is very important

My first game back I'm a vanilla who does night 1 well go XD
Your deaths will be avenged!

Jimmy is my scummy scum lean.
Can you please explain as to why Jimmu is your scum lean? I'm not against you or anything, it's just that your posts aren't really descriptive, if that is the correct term for it?
Also, it might not be anything important, it did catch my attention that Storm liked your post; could it be that Storm, though he wasn't playing seriously, was suspicious of Jimmu, too? gain it might not be anything but I wanted to point that out


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
I have to ask, why do you suggest we dismiss it?
It doesn't really matter that much what happens on day 1. Everyone pretty much announces their presence, and then does something either funny, or intentionally shady, and I just don't buy in to that.


The game is on!
I think the Mafia poisoned me. The metallic venom I was exposed to is used by Zaheer and his allies in the show. I have no useful information to share regarding my role and its abilities.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
Well ****. That was quite a savage night, I didn't expect so many people to have gone down so quickly. It seems that they've got a lucky hit taking down a Town Lover and getting the two birds with one stone.

I remember making a similar post in my first game and paying the price for it. It could be nothing, but it sure seems suspicious. The whole "wow how'd that happen *puts distance from the kill bc he feels the heat even though he really hasn't done much and would have been just fine if he hadn't felt like saying something to "prove innocence"* (deep inhalation)


Vote: Jimmbob



I remember making a similar post in my first game and paying the price for it. It could be nothing, but it sure seems suspicious. The whole "wow how'd that happen *puts distance from the kill bc he feels the heat even though he really hasn't done much and would have been just fine if he hadn't felt like saying something to "prove innocence"* (deep inhalation)


Vote: Jimmbob
Valid point

Thank you for explaining


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Did... Did dom just give REASONS?! And did they actually make SENSE?! :eek:

I'm just speechless right now, I think I can practically confirm dom town lol. He may be right, he may be wrong, but I think this might be doms best post ever.
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