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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
I'm not trying to bandwagon or anything but I'm going to have to do this.

Vote: Storm

This is only for now. If storm's Behavior does not change I'm going to keep my vote on him. I initially said that I was not going to vote for him, but I do agree with what Mellow said about his toxic Behavior. As I said this is not a bandwagon vote, this Is a personal vote, I feel that storm's Behavior has caused a lot of uproar, unneeded drama, and confusion. Mafia is meant to be a game, and only a game. Bringing personal affairs into something that is meant to be fun, and being irrational and unreasonable is not something to take lightly. And being that he seems not to care if he is lynched or not, and highlighted on the facts that he may even want to be lynched, questions on why he wants to even play this game in the first place. It seems more like a waste of time and resources, and causes frustration to the other players. This is no time for a toxic player and that's why I cast my vote.
so you are bandwagoning. You basically just restated what mido posted earlier. The whole "I don't wanna do this but you leave me no choice" thing is kinda redundant to what mido said as well. If storm flips town (if he's lynched) I would vote have Miss Cucco as my new scum lean. (If you couldn't tell I really don't like bandwagons)

Miss Cucco

Mrs. DekuNut
Jun 8, 2017
Nowhere important
so you are bandwagoning. You basically just restated what mido posted earlier. The whole "I don't wanna do this but you leave me no choice" thing is kinda redundant to what mido said as well. If storm flips town (if he's lynched) I would vote have Miss Cucco as my new scum lean. (If you couldn't tell I really don't like bandwagons)
Perhaps he has the same opinion as me, but it seems in every Mafia I've been in you have something scummy to say to me. So I've elected to ignore your thought process ^-^ Kay?

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
so you are bandwagoning. You basically just restated what mido posted earlier. The whole "I don't wanna do this but you leave me no choice" thing is kinda redundant to what mido said as well. If storm flips town (if he's lynched) I would vote have Miss Cucco as my new scum lean. (If you couldn't tell I really don't like bandwagons)
rip when I say mido I mean Dek xD


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Interesting possibility, but I'm not certain about Libk himself when it comes to that scenario as I've mentioned before. Main reason I brought attention to it was more of a concern to keep the claims quiet lest Mafia or other non-town killing roles pick up on it in an easy fashion, something I was alerted to in a previous round when I did a similar thing.

I don't think a policy lynch is inherently bad, especially if you're trying to curb confusion and discord. My main qualm over this push is that I've often found policy lynches in recent games have led to town deaths, namely RemnantRassilon in Avengers (I don't count Revival because he blew Dr. Storm's cover, and that's never good). Also, I still don't feel great about your suggestion to rush majority. I will say that you make an interesting point in the later part of this post regarding players town reading Storm to wash their hands of the lynch and appear "ahead of the game." (correct me if I'm wrong on what you're saying there). I did that in Revival with Rass as scum when that policy lynch rolled to town. It's certainly a plausible circumstance.

Nope. The day is still active.

So you do think Storm may be Mafia? I seem to recall you expressing doubts about that in one of our previous discussions. If this is the case, why not vote him?

QUOTE="Domozilla777, post: 1104927, member: 83777"]I like thiss. If there are 2 scum, it's Karu/Storm. If it's 3 scum, it's Karu/storm/funnier6. So funnier, 4 times in a row eh?


Because we are WAY too close to majority and I am not going to be a part of that.

If everybody cools it I might be able to vote him but a bunch of people need to unvote first. I'm not saying that cause he claimed vengeful either, I refuse to help end the day early when we haven't accomplished anything.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
come on. 2 more votes and we win

*High Fives Tristan*

come on, brohams. Yiga. Scotty, let get it on


Staff member
I just finished work and took a while typing this out so more has probably happened since I wrote this, I shall check. I've been ducking in and out all day but have not had the time to actually post until now, so here goes, friends.

Or maybe

Just maybe

Storm is a person with bipolar attributes that maybe its a bad day and perhaps you should back off. Do we have to cross that bridge of insensitivity with you? Because thats a fight ill lose like i do always. Now can we play, or are we going to keep alluding to the fact that maybe Storm's not in a good spot right now?

Woah woah woah there. This is just a game and you seem to be taking things too personally. This is only my second game of mafia and I am clearly inexperienced but it is my understanding that we should be pushing each other for information and discussion. Since you haven't been willing to participate wholeheartedly in that discussion, myself (and others clearly) are frustrated with that. Perhaps you're having a bad day and that's fine, but next time it might be best to mention that before lashing out at other people and perhaps you will be able to change how other people are viewing you. I don't know you well so you can't just go ahead and expect me to automatically know anything about any attributes that you have and cater to them. Again, this seems as though you're taking something personally that really is just about the game. I don't dislike you at all, and I'm not going to argue, we should get back to the game without bringing in personal issues. Pushing for information just seems inherently important in Mafia to me so that's why I am (and others are) hoping you'll be more cooperative. No hard feelings.

Zachie and Jimmu scumbuds confirmed. (:
Not THAT would be a fun game :P

Okay, so at the moment people are basically for lynching Storm early because of his role claim

Honestly I personally think we need to just back off; I believe that Storm is town, sue me. We should focus on other players, for example; if Storm does get lynched day one, which I'm sure is gonna happen cause bandwagon, and if he is revealed townie, then the people who voted for him as of now and not later on the day should be further inspected. Mafia likes to hope onto bandwagons, so somewhere within the 4-5 people who have voted for Storm there is most defiantly a mafia member. At the moment I'm suspicious of musicfan, mostly of Jimmu, and sightly suspicious of Pendio.

My main reasoning for believing Storm is scum is I have thought that it is reasonable to believe that there is some kind of reverse-phycology tactic at play. I don't think that is unreasonable nor scummy in itself. As a townie, it is best to have players willing to contribute wholeheartedly imo. Sure, losing a townie isn't a great thing, but early on in a game of 18 players it seems to me to be a worthy risk to take.

I think Storm and Karu are scumbuds.

I also felt this a bit when reading the previous post (that you quoted).

First person to vote for Storm was Storm, I don't even know what to think of it so I don't count it.

Second person to vote for him was MF.

Third and Fourth people were Mellow and Bok choy, and they had pretty damn solid reasons as to why they voted for Storm.

Fifth vote was Pendio.

You see, MF's vote was pretty early on and his reason was to 'break Storm's habit' of claiming day one; pretty loose reason to vote for him so at first I overlooked it. But then the day progressed and he hasn't really given much reason as to his suspicion of Storm. I would understand if he collaborated with Mellow or Bok choy on their reasons as to why they voted for Storm yet MF hasn't really much done so in my eyes view.

Jimmu actively talked to Storm and the conversation was, on Storm's side, basically that of given up. On Jimmu's side of the conversation, however, to me it seemed as if they just kept going at him more than necessary. Most of the other players by this point in the day know Storm has 'given up' 'doesn't answer straight' and his reason are 'not well explained'. Just the fact that he kept calling Storm out, saying that he should take the game more seriously and try to defend himself, even saying why bother signing up if you weren't gonna seriously play and just die the first day; it was more of a get everyone to agree with him that he shouldn't be in the game and therefore lynching him is better than nothing. This seems pretty scummy to me

But that's my personal view

Again, I don't know Storm well, so of course I am pushing for information as I would of anyone else that made a claim like that. I don't think this attitude is scummy at all for the reasons I gave above. "As a townie, it is best to have players willing to contribute wholeheartedly imo. Sure, losing a townie isn't a great thing, but early on in a game of 18 players it seems to me to be a worthy risk to take."

As for Jimmu, you think he's been tunneling Storm? Huh, if so, I didn't pick up on that if that's the case, solely the vote scenario thus far. Haven't given the strongest read-up in quite a few posts since I've been focusing on replying to posts. This is partly why I'm intrigued by your concerns over Pendio.

I can consider that Storm isn't scum, or other options, so I'm not tunnelling in any way (if my understanding of what tunnelling is is correct lol). I had just thought based on the posts I had seen it seemed that the attitude in combination with the fact that I suspect the reverse-phycology thing it seems like there is lots to gain if they are scum, and little to lose if they are town. I'm not experienced in Mafia by any means, but I'd have thought that we should try and get things moving quickly so that we can narrow down our targets? My only other game I was Godfather, so this is a new perspective for me to look at the game from.

Can anyone tell me anyone they find suspicious right now that isn't storm? I think we should start there.

Other than Storm, I feel as though karu is scum IF we prove Storm to be.

Those who have been super quiet could be laying low as Mafia for now, hoping not to get caught up in the current drama relating to Storm's claim. I'd like to hear more from the least active here.

Now I have some slight concerns regarding the people in defense of Storm, or rather those who are openly against his lynch. Not saying that being against his lynch is necessarily suspicious in itself, it ultimately comes down to Storm's alignment and the reasons against it. I don't think those against Storm's lynch are automatically scum if he is too, I actually think the opposite as this is a perfect opportunity for scum to bus their scumbud; but if Storm flips town, then I think it would be good to look at those who didn't vote, or more specifically those who were so publicly against the lynch. Because this would be a great opportunity for Mafia to defend someone they know is town if the lynch is based more on policy than suspicion.

I agree that we should look into these non-voting and publicly against players closely.

@Storm , I want to clarify something. Yeah people make the "Storm is storm" argument when you do something crazy. And yeah sometimes things you do get you lynched. But you're not a bad player and it wasn't a mistake you lived in previous games, and hell you were onto me from the second I fake claimed last game. You're a pretty dangerous player to let live but the past few games you've done the right things to stay alive. Your claim day 1 last game, while I kind of disapprove of it, worked out well. Not only did we have to bank on "Storm will get himself lynched eventually" but we couldn't nk because we were sure you'd be protected some how. Or at least I was. You just need to call down and not let a joke post get to you. If you're having a bad day, just let us know instead of lashing out. I think you've definitely growen as a player and are an asset to town. However

Vote: Storm

I need you to start showing that you are going to be helpful, if you're going to be helpful. I really do think you're town but destructive anti town behavior can't be tolerated. I'll remove my vote if it seems like you're getting serious and want to help town win like I know you can.

I think this post is very fair, I'd be more willing to budge if Storm would try to convince us of a town alignment further, or at least, try to be a bit more serious.
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Storm still looks like the best option to me. Even now that people are sympathizing with him he's making no effort to turn his game around or give any reasoning as to why he claimed. Also, claims should either be to help prove ones innocence or give helpful information to the town that would help us catch mafia. Storms claim has done neither. Like Mellow said, this is anti-town and destructive behavior that could hurt us more than harm us. If he is town something we can take from this is this issue generated a lot of discussion and should definitely give us some good places to start come day two.

There's a few people I want to comment on right now.

Mellow: As other people have pointed out I don't like how he suggested to rush along the lynch. There is a lot of discussion going on and the more the better so town doesn't really benefit from hurrying it along as it's still the first day and some people hadn't even posted when he suggested that. As someone above suggested it might not be a bad idea to have the cop look into him. But something about that also bothers me. This is Mellow, a good experienced player making a rather scummy suggestion. I have a weak theory that he could be the godfather and is hoping to draw the cop to investigate him to give him a clear in the future. It's impossible to if this is true or not but it came to mind.

Jimmu: While his vote did seem bandwagony he has since participated in discussions and made some good contributions. Also he is new so unless he makes a post that's blatantly scummy I'm not going to vote him out day one. I guess I have a slight town lean on him right now.

Mido seems to be actively participating in discussions, I might read through him again but right now he looks good to me. Same with minish, not the most active poster but all of her posts have substance as usual which is in line with how she usually plays (and I've only ever seen her play town).

I might need to read over more to get better views on everyone, this is my first game larger than 13 players so there's alot more to keep track of and I was at a concert tonight so I missed a lot of the earlier discussion.
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