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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
No actually. I skimmed a bit, but nothing more. I only skimmed this page (12), and the first one.

Am I too late to vote?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
For the record, I've been leaning less and less towards Storm actually being mafia, but I'm keeping my vote on him for a different reason. It's to eliminate a toxic, anti-town player who is hindering our progress and is going to ultimately cause more harm than good if he keeps acting this way. Regardless of his alignment, people who play the way he is right now need to go, because he is in no way being helpful to us and is getting more and more destructive as the day goes on. I'm not voting for him because I think it's likely that he's mafia, I'm voting for him based on the fact that he is anti-town even if he is a townie. There are other reasons to lynch people than on suspicion alone.

Now I have some slight concerns regarding the people in defense of Storm, or rather those who are openly against his lynch. Not saying that being against his lynch is necessarily suspicious in itself, it ultimately comes down to Storm's alignment and the reasons against it. I don't think those against Storm's lynch are automatically scum if he is too, I actually think the opposite as this is a perfect opportunity for scum to bus their scumbud; but if Storm flips town, then I think it would be good to look at those who didn't vote, or more specifically those who were so publicly against the lynch. Because this would be a great opportunity for Mafia to defend someone they know is town if the lynch is based more on policy than suspicion.

As for all the others, there are still a few people we haven't heard from yet. I'd like to hear from somebody who hasn't posted yet/in a while.

Also sorry if my posts feel disjointed and hurried, I've been out of town since Sunday and am only really skimming at the moment and posting via mobile. I'll be home tomorrow night and will read up on everything and make a solid post then.
Kay, coupla things.

1: Toxic
2: Anti-town
3: More harm than good? He's always a wildcard anyway.

You seem to be forgetting we're here to lynch mafia, not bad townies, if you truly think he's town then this is a complete waste of a lynch and you should turn around to someone else immediately.

If I didn't believe storm was mafia I'd probably be voting you right now, but for all I know you're just very misguided.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I like thiss. If there are 2 scum, it's Karu/Storm. If it's 3 scum, it's Karu/storm/funnier6. So funnier, 4 times in a row eh?

That would be three in a row dom, and actually I'm in the rather unique position of not knowing who the mafia are so this is fun. :P

Also it's really likely they have three, maybe even four, imo.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
No actually. I skimmed a bit, but nothing more. I only skimmed this page (12), and the first one.

Am I too late to vote?

No, but voting randomly is something you normally do right at the start.

After you get read up you'll probably have an opinion on at least a few people.
Jul 2, 2017

Hello :)

I did realize the game had started and have been keeping up as well as I can. But as I said in my last game, I'm a person of few words. To start, I usually don't want to vote anyone on day one and I'm not saying anything different right now. Storm is all over the place, obviously, but right now I just want to ignore that and see what happens. Trying to reason through his posts just gets me confused. I can't really say from others' posts that anyone has made me more suspicious than the rest, and nothing has happened yet.

I guess that's all for now since I don't want to vote, I'll post something better later.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Well funnier, I have a small amount of reasoning at the moment. You're clearly trying to be the "detective" here, and I think that a mafia member is most likel to fill that position, so my vote is justified...


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Well funnier, I have a small amount of reasoning at the moment. You're clearly trying to be the "detective" here, and I think that a mafia member is most likel to fill that position, so my vote is justified...

If you say so, I would say ask anybody but I was mafia in all the other games so that wouldn't help my case much.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Wow you guys posted a lot while I was busy. So I didn't think storm was actually making a claim, initially? I said it as a joke because he's known for claiming on day 1. Him going and saying "yeah sure. Why not" was also a very unexpected reaction. I was shocked when I saw it.

Seeing how he's posting, I'm inclined to believe he's town. I think I partially know what happened and honestly feel kind of bad for it. When Avatar ended, I maid a comment to him that early on the scum team decided to not to kill him because "Storm is Storm. He'll get himself lynched eventually." I told him that's why he lived. And a couple other times in previous games, it's been said. I get the feeling me asking him if he was claiming just pushed him over with how recent games have been.

@Storm , I want to clarify something. Yeah people make the "Storm is storm" argument when you do something crazy. And yeah sometimes things you do get you lynched. But you're not a bad player and it wasn't a mistake you lived in previous games, and hell you were onto me from the second I fake claimed last game. You're a pretty dangerous player to let live but the past few games you've done the right things to stay alive. Your claim day 1 last game, while I kind of disapprove of it, worked out well. Not only did we have to bank on "Storm will get himself lynched eventually" but we couldn't nk because we were sure you'd be protected some how. Or at least I was. You just need to call down and not let a joke post get to you. If you're having a bad day, just let us know instead of lashing out. I think you've definitely growen as a player and are an asset to town. However

Vote: Storm

I need you to start showing that you are going to be helpful, if you're going to be helpful. I really do think you're town but destructive anti town behavior can't be tolerated. I'll remove my vote if it seems like you're getting serious and want to help town win like I know you can.

Miss Cucco

Mrs. DekuNut
Jun 8, 2017
Nowhere important
I'm not trying to bandwagon or anything but I'm going to have to do this.

Vote: Storm

This is only for now. If storm's Behavior does not change I'm going to keep my vote on him. I initially said that I was not going to vote for him, but I do agree with what Mellow said about his toxic Behavior. As I said this is not a bandwagon vote, this Is a personal vote, I feel that storm's Behavior has caused a lot of uproar, unneeded drama, and confusion. Mafia is meant to be a game, and only a game. Bringing personal affairs into something that is meant to be fun, and being irrational and unreasonable is not something to take lightly. And being that he seems not to care if he is lynched or not, and highlighted on the facts that he may even want to be lynched, questions on why he wants to even play this game in the first place. It seems more like a waste of time and resources, and causes frustration to the other players. This is no time for a toxic player and that's why I cast my vote.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Though at the moment, I agree with something that Mido said early on in the game about it being interesting that Libk pointed out Storm's "claim" to begin with. That seems to have started all of this, when I don't think anyone else would've read that post as a claim. I know I didn't when I first read it. If Storm ends up flipping town, I think there could be something there since pointing that out caused a huge distraction for us already and I don't see why he felt the need to ask if Storm was claiming with that post or not.

Interesting possibility, but I'm not certain about Libk himself when it comes to that scenario as I've mentioned before. Main reason I brought attention to it was more of a concern to keep the claims quiet lest Mafia or other non-town killing roles pick up on it in an easy fashion, something I was alerted to in a previous round when I did a similar thing.

For the record, I've been leaning less and less towards Storm actually being mafia, but I'm keeping my vote on him for a different reason. It's to eliminate a toxic, anti-town player who is hindering our progress and is going to ultimately cause more harm than good if he keeps acting this way. Regardless of his alignment, people who play the way he is right now need to go, because he is in no way being helpful to us and is getting more and more destructive as the day goes on. I'm not voting for him because I think it's likely that he's mafia, I'm voting for him based on the fact that he is anti-town even if he is a townie. There are other reasons to lynch people than on suspicion alone.

I don't think a policy lynch is inherently bad, especially if you're trying to curb confusion and discord. My main qualm over this push is that I've often found policy lynches in recent games have led to town deaths, namely RemnantRassilon in Avengers (I don't count Revival because he blew Dr. Storm's cover, and that's never good). Also, I still don't feel great about your suggestion to rush majority. I will say that you make an interesting point in the later part of this post regarding players town reading Storm to wash their hands of the lynch and appear "ahead of the game." (correct me if I'm wrong on what you're saying there). I did that in Revival with Rass as scum when that policy lynch rolled to town. It's certainly a plausible circumstance.

No actually. I skimmed a bit, but nothing more. I only skimmed this page (12), and the first one.

Am I too late to vote?

Nope. The day is still active.

Kay, coupla things.

1: Toxic
2: Anti-town
3: More harm than good? He's always a wildcard anyway.

You seem to be forgetting we're here to lynch mafia, not bad townies, if you truly think he's town then this is a complete waste of a lynch and you should turn around to someone else immediately.

If I didn't believe storm was mafia I'd probably be voting you right now, but for all I know you're just very misguided.

So you do think Storm may be Mafia? I seem to recall you expressing doubts about that in one of our previous discussions. If this is the case, why not vote him?

QUOTE="Domozilla777, post: 1104927, member: 83777"]I like thiss. If there are 2 scum, it's Karu/Storm. If it's 3 scum, it's Karu/storm/funnier6. So funnier, 4 times in a row eh?[/QUOTE]
That would be three in a row dom, and actually I'm in the rather unique position of not knowing who the mafia are so this is fun. :P

Also it's really likely they have three, maybe even four, imo.


Miss Cucco

Mrs. DekuNut
Jun 8, 2017
Nowhere important
@Storm you are a good friend and player but I have yet to see that in Mafia. With what everyone has said it seems like you can be very fun to play with, the previous game I didn't really get to witness much of it. To be honest I was really excited to see what crazy thing you would do, and what other crazy mischief you will get into in this game, but I have to say I'm very disappointed.

Not only do I not approve of your behavior, but I am also concerned about you. In the future do not bring personal affairs from outside the game into the game. We do care about you, but this is no place for negativity, if anything this game is supposed to be a peaceful place where you can escape from the bad weathers of real life. Let's do our best to keep it that way, hm? :)

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Vote Count 1.2:

Storm - 8 (Storm, musicfan, Mellow Ezlo, Bok of the Wild, Jimmu, Pendio, Libk, Miss Cucco)
Domozilla777 - 1 (funnier6)
Jimmu - 1 (Zachie)
musicfan - 1 (EMIYA Shirou)
Funnier6 - 1 (YIGAhim)

Not voting - Domozilla777, Eduarda, karu, Mido, Minish_Link, rlscot8

With 18 alive, it takes 10 for a majority lynch. Day 1 ends on Friday, August 18th at 9 PM EST.
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