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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I think if storm turns scum if we have a cop the should investigate mellow or jimmy.
Mellow because he could be scum busing storm when he realized that storm messed up and marking it a speedy lunch will give him more town credit. Jimmy for the go with the flow attitude. However if they think they have a better option then go with that.

As far as my perspective on that goes, I'd prefer the former over the latter.

I received my poke as I was writing previous post, thanks for the notify!

@Zachie wyd boy get in here

Zachie and Jimmu scumbuds confirmed. (:

If there is one only two people know and I don't think either can/will tell us.

not like anything could be said about that anyways since today's claim is used.


Okay, so at the moment people are basically for lynching Storm early because of his role claim

Honestly I personally think we need to just back off; I believe that Storm is town, sue me. We should focus on other players, for example; if Storm does get lynched day one, which I'm sure is gonna happen cause bandwagon, and if he is revealed townie, then the people who voted for him as of now and not later on the day should be further inspected. Mafia likes to hope onto bandwagons, so somewhere within the 4-5 people who have voted for Storm there is most defiantly a mafia member. At the moment I'm suspicious of musicfan, mostly of Jimmu, and sightly suspicious of Pendio.

I get you're upset that Storm isn't really putting up much of fight and flat just wants to die the first day; still Pendio, voting for Storm and then your reason is because he'll ruin the game experience for the other players? Sure it may seem like a pretty damn good reason, but also something a scum would do. Sorry if I seem harsh but Storm has his reasons as to why he acts like this, as weird and uncomfortable as they may seem.
I may not have played many games with thou but even I know that when a bandwagon like this comes up, just voting isn't really much of townie move. Specifically cause you voted and didn't even reached 10 words. And you're explanation, to me anyways, isn't really a very solid, if solid at all, reason.

Miss Cucco

Mrs. DekuNut
Jun 8, 2017
Nowhere important
This is absolutely ridiculous, I knew the sh## was about to hit the fan. @Storm, why can't you just play the game and have fun like everyone else, instead of bringing your personal life into this? Please, take a step back, stop being difficult, and claim your innocence so we can get back on track. I'm sure everyone else would like the same thing.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
Okay, so at the moment people are basically for lynching Storm early because of his role claim

Honestly I personally think we need to just back off; I believe that Storm is town, sue me. We should focus on other players, for example; if Storm does get lynched day one, which I'm sure is gonna happen cause bandwagon, and if he is revealed townie, then the people who voted for him as of now and not later on the day should be further inspected. Mafia likes to hope onto bandwagons, so somewhere within the 4-5 people who have voted for Storm there is most defiantly a mafia member. At the moment I'm suspicious of musicfan, mostly of Jimmu, and sightly suspicious of Pendio.

I get you're upset that Storm isn't really putting up much of fight and flat just wants to die the first day; still Pendio, voting for Storm and then your reason is because he'll ruin the game experience for the other players? Sure it may seem like a pretty damn good reason, but also something a scum would do. Sorry if I seem harsh but Storm has his reasons as to why he acts like this, as weird and uncomfortable as they may seem.
I may not have played many games with thou but even I know that when a bandwagon like this comes up, just voting isn't really much of townie move. Specifically cause you voted and didn't even reached 10 words. And you're explanation, to me anyways, isn't really a very solid, if solid at all, reason.

I think Storm and Karu are scumbuds.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Okay, so at the moment people are basically for lynching Storm early because of his role claim

Honestly I personally think we need to just back off; I believe that Storm is town, sue me. We should focus on other players, for example; if Storm does get lynched day one, which I'm sure is gonna happen cause bandwagon, and if he is revealed townie, then the people who voted for him as of now and not later on the day should be further inspected. Mafia likes to hope onto bandwagons, so somewhere within the 4-5 people who have voted for Storm there is most defiantly a mafia member. At the moment I'm suspicious of musicfan, mostly of Jimmu, and sightly suspicious of Pendio.

Interesting, karu. Could you elaborate on the former two in regards to your suspicion on them (Moreso MF over Jimmu assuming your views are similar to what has been mentioned in passing about him)? Most of your post in particular zeroed in on Pendio, which does intrigue me, actually, regarding Pendio himself.

I think Storm and Karu are scumbuds.

I was thinking similarly if Storm's claim is false, but I'm more inclined to roll with my theory no. 1 right now. Especially since her defense of him is blatant. I do appreciate that she is attempting to see other avenues in the current day. Also,


Heroes of Justice are really in with the kids right now, so I'll take my foot off the pedal.


I think Storm and Karu are scumbuds.
You're gonna need more than quoting my quote and calling me a scum to solidify that with other players.

If you are going to make such accusation at the very least explain why. If you are saying I am scum because of the fact that I think Storm is town and because I am defending him, I understand. I thought about the consequences if I chose to do this and yet I still chose to do it, I'm not backing off.

If Storm does turn out to be scum, then I'll understand perfectly if I am the next person to get lynched. But I'm quite positive he is town, and from what I've read, Storm usually role claims and turns out town so my reasons in believing he is town are also backed up by this.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Omg Karu.youre killing my heat


So does this mean no Lists of Jericho™?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
You're gonna need more than quoting my quote and calling me a scum to solidify that with other players.

If you are going to make such accusation at the very least explain why. If you are saying I am scum because of the fact that I think Storm is town and because I am defending him, I understand. I thought about the consequences if I chose to do this and yet I still chose to do it, I'm not backing off.

If Storm does turn out to be scum, then I'll understand perfectly if I am the next person to get lynched. But I'm quite positive he is town, and from what I've read, Storm usually role claims and turns out town so my reasons in believing he is town are also backed up by this.

Dom isn't a give reasons type so good luck with that.

Personally I'm thinking storm would be the best lynch today but I don't want to maj (onlookers gasp) We've literally done nothing but talk about storm so I want to make sure we have as much time to talk about other things as possible.

Dw guys it's still me, will still die before voting extension. (:


Interesting, karu. Could you elaborate on the former two in regards to your suspicion on them (Moreso MF over Jimmu assuming your views are similar to what has been mentioned in passing about him)? Most of your post in particular zeroed in on Pendio, which does intrigue me, actually, regarding Pendio himself.

I was thinking similarly if Storm's claim is false, but I'm more inclined to roll with my theory no. 1 right now. Especially since her defense of him is blatant. I do appreciate that she is attempting to see other avenues in the current day. Also,


Heroes of Justice are really in with the kids right now, so I'll take my foot off the pedal.
First person to vote for Storm was Storm, I don't even know what to think of it so I don't count it.

Second person to vote for him was MF.

Third and Fourth people were Mellow and Bok choy, and they had pretty damn solid reasons as to why they voted for Storm.

Fifth vote was Pendio.

You see, MF's vote was pretty early on and his reason was to 'break Storm's habit' of claiming day one; pretty loose reason to vote for him so at first I overlooked it. But then the day progressed and he hasn't really given much reason as to his suspicion of Storm. I would understand if he collaborated with Mellow or Bok choy on their reasons as to why they voted for Storm yet MF hasn't really much done so in my eyes view.

Jimmu actively talked to Storm and the conversation was, on Storm's side, basically that of given up. On Jimmu's side of the conversation, however, to me it seemed as if they just kept going at him more than necessary. Most of the other players by this point in the day know Storm has 'given up' 'doesn't answer straight' and his reason are 'not well explained'. Just the fact that he kept calling Storm out, saying that he should take the game more seriously and try to defend himself, even saying why bother signing up if you weren't gonna seriously play and just die the first day; it was more of a get everyone to agree with him that he shouldn't be in the game and therefore lynching him is better than nothing. This seems pretty scummy to me

But that's my personal view


Aug 25, 2016
Lol, sorry guys. I had a busy day yesterday.

I've stated previously that I'm not a fan of this Storm lynch. He's acting more like a jester than anything else, and he's already stated that one of us dies if we lynch him. Why are we so quick to want one of us to die? It's a lot more likely that a townie dies than a mafia member. Not worth it in my eyes.

Pay close attention to the people creating this bus, it's more than likely that mafia are spearheading it.


Omg Karu.youre killing my heat
Is this a good thing?

Cause honestly last game of mafia I played I was acting much like you so I feel were you're coming from. I'm just trying to get people to back offf anf give you space.
Dom isn't a give reasons type so good luck with that.

Personally I'm thinking storm would be the best lynch today but I don't want to maj (onlookers gasp) We've literally done nothing but talk about storm so I want to make sure we have as much time to talk about other things as possible.

Dw guys it's still me, will still die before voting extension. (:
I completly agree with you on this. If we were to lynch Storm, what if that didn't give us much of anything? It's be like another day one and those suck.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Bus? Im the bus driver. This bus has one stop: My imminent demise. Theres a bomb on this bus and if you go under 55 miles per hour it goes off


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011

For future reference: everyones discussions with me never end in my favor. In fact theyve got me banned from the Mafia Section Twice, and have resulted in 7 Force Ignores
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