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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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The game is on!
Hi, more reasons please? I mean, it's pretty obvious but I'd like you to anyway, especially since suddenly we've got six votes on storm and if we actually maj today I want to make sure everyone gives as much reasoning as possible.

I voted because it's obvious Storm won't do anything but ruin the game experience for the rest of the players for as long as he's around.

I did it so the game would start. Large queue hadnt moved in a year

I'm honestly disappointed in you. Please get a grip and prove to us that you deserved to be considered the "most imptoved" player.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Well Pen. I hate to let you down but
I claimed. Fake or no. I claimed. And hey 6 votes on Principle.

Best situation is lynching me on Policy


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Actually funnier did this to me. Because he asked if i was the bomb and i said yes i was

Deleted member 14134

Can we just stop humoring storm? At this point it seems that he's just looking for attention.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
This kind of attitude being so unhelpful just doesn't really sit right with me. I honestly see it as either being some scummy tactic, or just being careless and not bothering to participate at all, in which case I don't see why you'd have bothered signing up in the first place?

Or maybe

Just maybe

Storm is a person with bipolar attributes that maybe its a bad day and perhaps you should back off. Do we have to cross that bridge of insensitivity with you? Because thats a fight ill lose like i do always. Now can we play, or are we going to keep alluding to the fact that maybe Storm's not in a good spot right now?


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Why even bother with Storm? This is a big game and there are a lot more fish in the sea. It's obvious that his attitude isn't conducive to the Town, but in cases like this the Mafia can get in a quick lynch without anyone batting an eye. One of the power roles can deal with him if they're so inclined.

His claim means nothing to me. Like I said, it just looks like he's imitating Mezlo's fakeclaim from the previous game yet added a Jester flavor to it.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
Honestly I'm not sure who could be scum at this point. I don't really like the bomb claim and I'll be keeping a close eye on storm. However he may be trying to get us to kill him. I've seen games where there is a suicidal role where you win if you are lynched. Idk if that role is in this game, but we shall see.


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Why even bother with Storm? This is a big game and there are a lot more fish in the sea. It's obvious that his attitude isn't conducive to the Town, but in cases like this the Mafia can get in a quick lynch without anyone batting an eye. One of the power roles can deal with him if they're so inclined.

His claim means nothing to me. Like I said, it just looks like he's imitating Mezlo's fakeclaim from the previous game yet added a Jester flavor to it.
What town aligned power role can take out a bomb if he is one. Of a big targets storm and they are a bomb however unlikely it is because he also claimed he had a vengeful modifier. We lose two town if he kills every one who vists him we could lose more if big desires to shoot and something like a cop would visit him. This is the safest bet to remove some one who is always going to be a distraction due to his claim. The mafia won't take him out because he can be used as a distraction or a last minute lynch for them to win the game.
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