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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Four

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Staff member
I'm making things worse for me again aren't I


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I feel like Johnny/Tristan/Ex is my scum pile now.

All Might is like in the middle.
Even when I'm not top suspect, I'm still on your radar. [=

@Spiritual Mask Salesman do you have any thoughts on a Mez/Johnny/Ex PoE?
Why does SMS get a total pass from the PoE and surrounding scum piles? Do you think it's a safe bet that he's Town?

Why don't you ask your scumbuds to catch you up? (:
Inb4 Minish and Mezlo are scumbuds. (:

no i don't even know what he's softing but i think his fishing for roles was suspicious and i thought he might be doing it at night as well. as in mafia role cop but, potato
it's not conclusive by any means. i'm not a cop with definitive results.
I was about 100% ready to back you until you said you weren't Cop lol. Looking back, the powerbaiting thingy was a little fishy, but apparently it's standard Ex Town-fare to make bold moves like this. It's true that Mafia seems to target funnier a lot, going by the past few games I've attended (and his D1 reaction), and coupled with the fishing dealio the Role Cop theory fits. I'm gonna give him a chance to elaborate before committing, though.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011

All Might
Johnny Sooshi
Mellow Ezlo
Morbid Minish
Spiritual Mask Salesman

Storm-Voteless Hated Town

to be honest, I am stuck upon this equation we see to be true. Rubik and Funnier can never be on the same team. if Rubik is Mafia, Funnier is Town. if Funnier is Mafia, then Rubik is Town.

but in this case Rubik was Third Party. so by that logic, I strongly believe that Funnier is The Serial Killer. As for our Mafia, I am at a loss, but I believe Our Gumball is Town or Townish. I get a lot of Nulls


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
I'm also going to be pissed if I'm wrong, we Mislynch, and day 3 we reach Parity because I cant vote

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Minish you remember when I thought I saw a soft?

Ah, ya that wasn't the one I thought I saw but I think I might know what you were talking about now.

no i know he targeted you and then talked about your role when i asked him how he felt about you, and then tried to hunt the vig in thread

do you hear that? that's all pretenses of being vague thrown straight into the garbage
i can only be blatant umu

I trust LG on this and think I'm pretty content putting her in the town pile which helps a lot.

Also it's good info to know.

I’m not totally sure lol and I don’t want to speculate cause I don’t want to be stupid. If I’m right though, he’s very probably town.

Eh, I'm not sure about Ex's soft if it is what I think it might be. Just doesn't feel right for a few different reasons.

Even when I'm not top suspect, I'm still on your radar. [=

For what it's worth I mostly want to town read you. It's just uncertainty about one thing. Lol.

Why does SMS get a total pass from the PoE and surrounding scum piles? Do you think it's a safe bet that he's Town?

Because he hasn't really seemed like scum SMS and I trust funnier and usually trust his read of SMS too. But I may have to start reconsidering him soon.

Inb4 Minish and Mezlo are scumbuds. (:

You'd have to be in that group too, so we'd have almost the whole gang back together!

but in this case Rubik was Third Party. so by that logic, I strongly believe that Funnier is The Serial Killer. As for our Mafia, I am at a loss, but I believe Our Gumball is Town or Townish. I get a lot of Nulls

I don't think we'd have two 3rd parties in this game. Seems more likely the other kill was a vig. And funnier has been survivor when Rubik was mafia before. So the superstition doesn't count for that.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
You’re all right for the moment

Minish assuming Ex is telling the truth then who the heck is that third scum member

I think it would have to come down to SMS or All Might then. And if I throw out All Might's answer to your role question, I kinda feel like he's town. So that would mean reevaluating SMS.
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