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Game Thread Mafia Emblem Gaiden: Scum of Valentia

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Jun 7, 2017
the present

Moe: But funnier, you already wrote your town reads. Well, he got added to it like five minutes ago kay. He was originally going to be lower because I wasn't convinced and still have yet to play with him as scum. To start with, his entire vibe is this here but not here, mainly sub conscious mumblings into the void. Those instinctual feelings are normally derived from some dumb mafia rule or other but the main thing is he absolutely stands by them and won't change his mind for anything. In his reads list he absolutely will not consider other options for anything until I'm dead and bases all his conclusions from his belief that I must be scum no matter what anyone else thinks or how reasonable it is. I admit I might be fooled but if so I am impressed.

Not Town:

Krow: Claimed third party, not bothering.


SMS: I'm gonna have to do him on day three cause I need Krow dead in order to analyze properly. Or a claim from him but I've already got dibs on the next one if I make it.

Doc: Nothing to read into atm. Reads list please? o-o

Don't Have Time to Talk About:

ALIT: I'll get you tomorrow maybe, that'll probably be another essay.

Its so much easier once you write it all out, honestleh everyone make one pleasee.

Atm would most likely lynch FC or ALIT after Krow but I need more from Doc so I can solidly place him. Also sms but that'll have to wait. Quite likely one of Moe and LG is scum just because thats my luck but definitely not both of them or my life is a lie.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Does that mean me since becoming Ryuku? Or did you forget I replaced Ryuku?

Also is there a specific reason I'm included in both lists?

Either way, SMS kinda softing makes me feel a lot more confident in not trusting Krow's claim. Between him and funnier, I
Vote Krow
I was referring to you, mostly in agreement with alit's interpreting of
but you're not forming any interactions and as such unless you somehow get put in a town circle youre a compatible partner with anyone


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
@LittleGumball youve played with FC before right? If you have please give me wayyyy more detail than necessary on what exactly you remember and what you think about him now.
i genuinely don't remember anything, it was years ago and iirc it was when mafia as a whole was struggling with activity.
Quite likely one of Moe and LG is scum just because thats my luck but definitely not both of them or my life is a lie.
it's not me so it must be him!!!!!! (sarcasm)

i still have to gather my thoughts but what a cluster****. @funnier6 i sort of gave a reads list are u ok with it or do you want me to make another one lmao (no guarantees on legibility. ****'s happening and i've only read it over once.)

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Gdi. I honestly feel like if I don't speak up we're going to be screwed.

I targeted Krow.

There you go. I'm probably going to be nightkilled, but I don't care. If players turn on me and I get lynched today, doesn't matter really anymore, I'd rather get us in a good direction moving forward than sit back and watch us lose the game.

Hmm, I think I understand what you're softing at if you feel so confident.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
krow is the "safe" choice for today. Regardless of who's telling the truth, we're lynching a non-town today. I would look into either Frozen or funnier tonight depending on the flip. I think scum krow exonerates funnier. But third party krow still leaves open the possibility of scum funnier.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
krow is the "safe" choice for today. Regardless of who's telling the truth, we're lynching a non-town today. I would look into either Frozen or funnier tonight depending on the flip. I think scum krow exonerates funnier. But third party krow still leaves open the possibility of scum funnier.
i agree with this except i think you should be looked into. too many people are split on you but no one really seems to doubt that frozen looks scummy.
Feb 17, 2015


Vote: Krow

Guess that ends that debate.

For the record, I still believe Krow, but if he flips mafia, then funnier is basically cleared of suspicion. SMS too, but I had a town vibe on him already. However, if Krow is telling the truth, I think both need to be considered for tomorrow.

Also, the more I read, the more I find ALIT’s obsession with me odd. I don’t think he’s voted for me once since his first post, despite his suspicion of me. If Krow comes up scum, however, ALIT is basically cleared since he voted for him first.
Feb 17, 2015
i agree with this except i think you should be looked into. too many people are split on you but no one really seems to doubt that frozen looks scummy.

I have to yet to hear why from everyone, aside from ALIT posts about me. Is it just intuition and Moe’s cookies?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Vote: krow

I think this puts him at L-1 so I suggest no one else voting krow for now to not end the day prematurely.

I believe I specifically said no insanity while I’m at work. Could’ve told you Krow is the type to maj himself. And why knowingly put him at L-1 anyway? That’s just asking for trouble unless you wanted him to be maj’d.
@funnier6 i sort of gave a reads list are u ok with it or do you want me to make another one lmao (no guarantees on legibility. ****'s happening and i've only read it over once.)
tbh I don’t even remember you making one soo I’ll get to you in that lol.
well that's exciting.
I have things you could be replying toooo.
I have to yet to hear why from everyone, aside from ALIT posts about me. Is it just intuition and Moe’s cookies?
I wrote a really long paragraph about it on the last page or two.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Oh and this is super important, my role name has absolutely zip to do with my role and I have zero clue if flavor can be used to figure it out cause I haven’t played Echoes yet so just be aware it isn’t an unusual role at all.
Feb 17, 2015
Oh and this is super important, my role name has absolutely zip to do with my role and I have zero clue if flavor can be used to figure it out cause I haven’t played Echoes yet so just be aware it isn’t an unusual role at all.

If that’s the case, give us your name instead (if you have to claim something). It’ll be easier to tell where your alliance lies or if you’re lying. In my opinion.

I wrote a really long paragraph about it on the last page or two.

I’ll look at it again.
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