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Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Vote Tally:

Zenox: 8 (Kybyrian, PK Flash, Austin, Josh, DracoMajora, Lord Death, Zenox)
Thareous: 1 (Raindrop14)

No Vote Cast: 7 (ALiT, Xinnamin, Thareous, Erebea, Keeseman, Hero of Time, Rachel)

With 15 alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch.

The village decided to lynch the man known as 'Zenox'.

He claimed he was a virgin, but a few ladies in the back of the crowd giggled and shook their heads at that notion. Preposterous.

A man stepped away from the crowed and start to tie the rope into a noose and threw it over a sturdy looking branch of the giant willow tree. He looked over to the crowd, at no one in particular, but nodded.

A group of men and women surrounded Zenox and dragged him towards the hangman. He gingerly put the noose over Zenox's head and around his throat.

Zenox stood, smiling, as the hangman and a few other villagers picked up the slack-end of the rope.

"Any last words, Wolf Man?" one of them asked.

"YOLO, *****es..."

The hangman and those few villagers behind him tugged on the rope, pulling Zenox into the air by his neck. The coarse material of the rope dug deep into his neck and his feet flailed for a little while until finally the fight had left him.

The let go of the rope and the body fell to the floor.

"Did.. Did we get one?" asked a villager.

Hair and fur started to sprout on Zenox's body until it covered him in a fine layer. His facial features were disfigured, like that of an animal who had its face caved in. His body expanded to an unnatural proportion. Though dead, an air of strength emanated from the corpse. Had the villagers encountered this beast in the night, they would not have survived.

"Yeah," said the hangman.

And with that, the villagers turned and headed home as the sun sank below the tree line and the last inklings of red and amber light passed from the sky.

The mist thickened that night, and howls were heard through out the night. No one was safe.

The Living: 14
Lord Death
PK Flash
Hero of Time

The Dead: 1
Zenox - Strong Werewolf (Modified Strongman)

Night 1 Begins
Ends in 48 hours.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
The sun rose in the eastern sky the next morning, shining brilliantly over the dead trees of the forest that surrounded the village. The men and women get out of their beds and got dressed for the day's proceedings. A blue aura surrounded each every door but as the sunlight crept deeper into the village, the aura vanished. No one in the village saw it.

The villagers met at noon in the village square, by the large willow tree. The body of Zenox was missing it seemed, but no one knew who moved it. A trail of dried blood led from the willow tree into the woods, and no villager dared follow it, even with the sun on their backs.

The villagers counted their numbers.

"11... 12... 13...14... Everyone is here!" someone exclaimed.

All the villagers had survived the night. The hangman reappeared with another cord of rope, and dropped it by the willow tree and joined the rest of villagers.

The Living: 14
Lord Death
PK Flash
Hero of Time

The Dead: 1
Zenox - Strong Werewolf (Modified Strongman)

Day 2 Begins
Last edited:


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
Sweetness, no townies died!

But no deaths at all? Should be about 2-3 nightkill roles in the game, what happened?

A blue aura surrounded each every door but as the sunlight crept deeper into the village, the aura vanished. No one in the village saw it.
Double rainbows? What does it mean?


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Double rainbows? What does it mean?

I was also curious about that blue aura. My best guess is that it's the effect of one of the Town roles warding off Night kills, as the scene suggests. That would explain the no deaths during the Night. ^^

Or PK Flash was practicing voodooism again and took control of Viral for a bit.


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
Agreed. The roleblocker's playing wisely.

If we have an SK this game there should be three nightkill roles. I wonder, what are the chances both roleblocks and the doctor all managed to stop a different kill? Or maybe we just have a global night action halting role this game, who knows.

Guess this means it's time to overanalyze last day's posts.


Feb 24, 2010
Agreed. The roleblocker's playing wisely.

Doesn't seem wise so much as it seems damn near superhuman. I doubt the whole thing can be the responsibility of the roleblocker. There should be 2 or 3 kills a night (Mafia, Vig and *maybe* SK). Somehow nothing went through. There's always the possibility that the vig got roleblocked and the Mafia targeted the same person as the doctor (maybe they went after Wyatt and the doctor actually listened), but the blue aura suggests otherwise. It's one ability, and what looks like an utter shutdown of night abilities isn't quite in the roleblocker's repertoire.

I think we're dealing with either a unique role, some sort of x-shot ability that shuts down all activity for the night or a Dreaming God role. Or maybe something just built into the game setup.
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