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Link Should Have a Voice!


Hero of…. #s, I guess
Mar 22, 2011
I understand where you're coming from. But just because Link says "let's go right away", doesn't mean, in the game, you HAVE to go right away, now does it?

No, but it means that he has expressed an opinion with which I disagree, destroying the "Link" between me and the game and turning it into me controlling a character.

Example: I can do whatever I want in Legend of Zelda, and it's what Link does. If I am serious and go straight to my goal, so is and so does Link. If I like to play around and go on a lot of side quests, so does Link.

In, say, a Star Wars game where I am Anakin Skywalker, no matter how I feel, he's turning to the darkside (according to autocorrect, carmaker), therefore, he is the character and I am not, which takes away what makes Zelda great, the fact that I can explore and do what I want, because I am Link.

Azure Sage

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No, but it means that he has expressed an opinion with which I disagree, destroying the "Link" between me and the game and turning it into me controlling a character.

Example: I can do whatever I want in Legend of Zelda, and it's what Link does. If I am serious and go straight to my goal, so is and so does Link. If I like to play around and go on a lot of side quests, so does Link.

In, say, a Star Wars game where I am Anakin Skywalker, no matter how I feel, he's turning to the darkside (according to autocorrect, carmaker), therefore, he is the character and I am not, which takes away what makes Zelda great, the fact that I can explore and do what I want, because I am Link.

True, true. But I honestly don't play Zelda that way. But that's just me.

I guess this topic is too argued to come to a fair decision. I guess it's another hopeless aspect of the Zelda series, like the timeline.


loves cats. loves zelda.
Dec 16, 2010


It would ruin Zelda! If link talked, it just wouldn't be right.


Hero of…. #s, I guess
Mar 22, 2011
True, true. But I honestly don't play Zelda that way. But that's just me.

I guess this topic is too argued to come to a fair decision. I guess it's another hopeless aspect of the Zelda series, like the timeline.

Interesting, because to me, it's integral to the whole idea of Legend of Zelda.


Hero of…. #s, I guess
Mar 22, 2011
Yeah, well, me, I prefer an Epic Legendary Story over and Epic Legendary Role-playing game.

The way I see it, I agree with Miyamoto where Gameplay > Story. I mean, story is key too, but I would be more apt to play a game with good gameplay and poor story than good story but poor gameplay.


Hero of…. #s, I guess
Mar 22, 2011
Yeah, true. But does Link being dialogu-free really affect the gameplay so drastically?

It does to me, for reasons I've explained. Zelda is the only game series I know where I am immersed fully in the game, and I am the main character, the one going on an adventure. If Link had an opinion, yeah, I'd be controlling him, but I wouldn't really feel like I was him, which would take away a lot of the Zelda vibe.


Jan 19, 2011
I understand where you're coming from. But just because Link says "let's go right away", doesn't mean, in the game, you HAVE to go right away, now does it?

But don't you feel that it would just be wrong? Imagine your favorite Zelda game, with Link talking, with everybody in Hyrule talking... For me, this is close to a nightmare. I could never play Zelda with a talking Link.

In this sense, Link is like a dog, a happy, stupid dog. He is so much fun to play around with, and he does everything you want. I want to keep my Link dog forever... Now, if Nintendo put in voice acting for Link, he would be a fat dog that goes what he wants, when he wants...

I just don't think that voice acting is the right move for Zelda, and Aonuma thinks so too... What? Okay, Zelda Dungeons interview section isn't working... but if it was, I'd put in a link to the interview were he says that voice acting is a no no for the Zelda series...

Azure Sage

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... So true... Let's just agree to disagree on this now, okay?

But don't you feel that it would just be wrong? Imagine your favorite Zelda game, with Link talking, with everybody in Hyrule talking... For me, this is close to a nightmare. I could never play Zelda with a talking Link.

In this sense, Link is like a dog, a happy, stupid dog. He is so much fun to play around with, and he does everything you want. I want to keep my Link dog forever... Now, if Nintendo put in voice acting for Link, he would be a fat dog that goes what he wants, when he wants...

I just don't think that voice acting is the right move for Zelda, and Aonuma thinks so too... What? Okay, Zelda Dungeons interview section isn't working... but if it was, I'd put in a link to the interview were he says that voice acting is a no no for the Zelda series...

Link is a Hylian, not a dog, silly :D


For the Greater Good.
Apr 3, 2011
That place you can never find.
That's why they're Nintendo, not Activision.
Exactly. So we all agree Nintendo is not Activision?

But don't you feel that it would just be wrong? Imagine your favorite Zelda game, with Link talking, with everybody in Hyrule talking... For me, this is close to a nightmare. I could never play Zelda with a talking Link.

In this sense, Link is like a dog, a happy, stupid dog. He is so much fun to play around with, and he does everything you want. I want to keep my Link dog forever... Now, if Nintendo put in voice acting for Link, he would be a fat dog that goes what he wants, when he wants...

I just don't think that voice acting is the right move for Zelda, and Aonuma thinks so too... What? Okay, Zelda Dungeons interview section isn't working... but if it was, I'd put in a link to the interview were he says that voice acting is a no no for the Zelda series...
Jun 14, 2010
I think that Link should have a voice! If it's done right (which I'm sure Nintendo will do), it'll be like a movie in that sense and bring him to life more than ever. I think it's awkward when everyone around him's talking and he's not...


As Zelda becomes HD and more realistic and cinematic, which there's a chance it will, the cutscenes will call for voice acting.

And people saying Zelda is not an RPG are sort of contradicting when they also say the appeal of the series is that you feel as if you're actually Link.

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