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Majora's Mask Link is NOT Looking for Navi?


Flamey-o, Hotman!
Aug 29, 2011
Halfway There
Doesn't the beginning say something about and "invaluable" friend? Hmm, Sage of the Forest, helps make a rainbow bridge, locks away Ganon, gives him Saria's Song, do these things make it sound like she was invaluable? Navi's the one who told you the door is locked (Yes, I can SEE the iron bars, Navi.). And I don't remember the beginning very well due to the fact that I was 4 years old when I made that save file (10 years and I STILL haven't beat Majora), but was it Navi's sound or Tatl's sound that replaces the "Hey! Listen!"??


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I always assumed it was Skull Kid he was looking for myself.
Doesn't the beginning say something about and "invaluable" friend? Hmm, Sage of the Forest, helps make a rainbow bridge, locks away Ganon, gives him Saria's Song, do these things make it sound like she was invaluable? Navi's the one who told you the door is locked (Yes, I can SEE the iron bars, Navi.). And I don't remember the beginning very well due to the fact that I was 4 years old when I made that save file (10 years and I STILL haven't beat Majora), but was it Navi's sound or Tatl's sound that replaces the "Hey! Listen!"??

Did either of these two leave Link after his adventure across time? I don't think so. Navi's the only accurate option.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I thought this argument would have ended after the Hyrule Historia was released.



Near the bottom it stated that Link was searching for Navi when he was wondering in the woods.
Feb 23, 2011
I thought this argument would have ended after the Hyrule Historia was released.



Near the bottom it stated that Link was searching for Navi when he was wondering in the woods.

Darn, you beat me to it; I was going to post it. [noparse]:P[/noparse] But still, I thought this argument would have ended upon the release of Majora's Mask. That is to say, I'm surprised the argument ever started.



Well I am by no means a MM expert like some other people are, I don't even like the game that much, but here's my opinion because I too have though this before.

In the end of OoT it shows Navi leaving Link when he's returning the Master Sword. In the beggining of MM he sais he's looking for a "lost friend." Sounds pretty convincing to me that Navi is the one Link is looking for.

So that right there proves why he's looking for Navi. Here's why I don't think he's looking for Saria.

Saria is a sage and even though Saria in the child timeline is not a sage because she doesn't get recognized as a sage until Link turns into an adult, there is a perfectly logical explanation as to why she would recognize herself as a sage when Link is a child. Link goes back as a child to worn Princess Zelda of what's to come in the future with Ganon and such. Well, I propose that Link also whent back to the Kokiri Forest to search for Navi and then ended up getting lost in the Lost Woods (that is where Link started off MM right? I don't actually know just assuming because of this post.) But, before getting lost in the Lost Woods he also warned Saria of what was to come in the future and her role as a sage. So since Link warned her he knows where she is and therefore there is no reason for him to go looking for her. The most logical explanation is Navi.

Please don't get discouraged with your theory though! The beauty of Zelda is finding new ways to explain things and different ideas popping up around every corner! I am by no means a Zelda theorist and I don't even think there is an actual timeline but that's not going to stop me from making little theorys like this. Hopefully an intelligent Zelda fanatic will come along this thread and better explain to you why it's Navi Link is seraching for and not Saria. (or maybe it is Saria o_O)

Saria had to of been in majora's mask beta because saria's song is in majora's mask but you need gameshark to play it and i think link left navi in the temple of time because she goes to the window then link ;eaves and closes the door then leaves and also sun's song is in it to for the beta and the beta is called zelda gaiden

Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
I think that it's fairly obvious Link is looking for Navi at the start of Majora's Mask. When you think about it there really isn't anyone from Ocarina of Time (besides the Deku Tree due to being dead :I) that Link can't go and see, besides Navi, who leaves at the end of OoT.

Saria would be back in the Kokiri Forest. She had no reason to leave, and was a Kokiri. She wasn't awakened as a sage so I don't think she would just go gallivanting off into the woods leaving all the Kokiri and Link to wonder where she went. Link probably wouldn't have been the only one looking for Saria were it her.

So besides Navi, I can't really think of anyone it could be. At the start of Majora's Mask it states that Link sets off on a personal journey "In search of a beloved and invaluable friend..." You could say that this is Saria, but it still wouldn't make sense for her leaving the Kokiri. Navi, meanwhile, had been Link's companion the whole of OoT. When he went through time and went forward 7 years, it was Navi who stuck with him through the whole thing and was there with him when he set off on his quest to save the world from Ganondorf, not Saria. Navi taught Link the fundamentals of things and skills he would use throughout his journey back in the Great Deku Tree at the start of his journey. She was there from start to finish, supporting him and giving him advice. That alone says to me, it's fairly obvious that it's Navi he's searching for. And yes, the fairy sound also helps me to think so even more. Even without that though, I still would think it was Navi. It makes a ton of sense that it's Navi, and I can't think of a reason to think otherwise. It's pretty much stacked in Navi's favor.


Just saw Djinns post :lol: darn wasted so much time! xDDDD

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