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Link: Good or Evil?


Spirit Tracks

Link might be evil-or not-the world may never know...although he does have good intentions, saving zelda/his sister/ kill ganon or ganondorf but he does do the stuff maikeru said.
Mybe killing ganon or ganondorf is a neutral though.
Jun 24, 2011
What kind of a question is this? So are you implying that we could be playing as the bad guy??? Link (more so in the earlier games) is the "link" to the game world for the player. Link is only evil if the player is.

In both Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time Link is a legendary hero. The very definition of a hero is basically one who does good.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Well Link does break into people's houses steals their treasure, breaks their pots, and then leaves. He's also always on the streets and armed. And look at his wardrobe in SS. It's the worse of them all. He has his tilted hat falling off of his head, the "gangsta" pants. He abuses animals, he enslaves fairies until he finds them useful to him, he finds money in grass and doesn't report it stolen or lost. I thought he was a hero? Well guess what, Ganon is the real Hero. He just wants order, but people like Link have to kill to get their way. Pfft. Link is the most hatable character in Zelda. He's the real villain. What gives him the right to steal legendary items that were hidden purposely in temples and dungeons so that no one would find them? Who the hell does he think he is? Link either has no parents or he has some bad guardians that don't watch him and let him grow up in the streets. Man I hate Link.

As you can tell that was a joke. Of course Link is good. He's the HERO!
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Master Sword13

Oct 16, 2010
South Carolina
I don't really think you have a valid argument with this. All of those choices were for a good cause, and a good amount of your statements were "if" statements. Link, constantly, only does what he thinks is right. Link never meant to do anything that would result in evil. Oh, and Link returned Midna because MIDNA WAS CURSED AND BANISHED BY ZANT/GANONDORF. Of course it was the right thing to do. When he was escaping in TP, what other choice did he have? He just wanted to save his friends in the first place. It was the only way to save them. I don't think that any of your arguments can be used to say that Link is "bad", as all of his actions were intended for good, despite what they resulted in.

I just think you're making a big deal out of nothing, all in all. Link is the Hero of Time, wielder of the Triforce of Courage, GOOD GUY. I'm sorry if I sound mean, but I still think there's no argument.
Feb 23, 2011
I think that all of Link's actions are guided by destiny with the aid of the Goddesses. Take note of how things always turn out. There's always a happy ending, even when something goes wrong and causes a major turning point in the story (Ocarina of Time-Temple of Time). The end result must always be the result of divine intervention; it is fate.
Jul 25, 2011
In the US
OoT: You have to take what she said in to account. She said if they could get to the triforce first then they could stop Ganondorf from taking over Hyrule. He wanted to protect Hyrule I don't see how that makes him a bad guy. And like others have said Ganondorf would have probably eventually found a way to get the triforce. And Link did not leave Hyrule the way it was after he woke up he did his best to correct his mistake.

He had a good reason, to stop Ganondorf from taking the triforce and ruling Hyrule.

Twilight Princess: I highly doubt he thought she put him there since there was a shadow beast near him. I would think he thought that the monster put him there. They tried to kill him he was defending himself. Weather he knew it then he would have killed them since they attacked him. That does not make him evil. She had nothing to do with it, that is what I got from it. Yes he does realize she is good after that.

I thought you had to have the power of someone from the twilight to help you in the twilight. I think Ganondorf would have already returned even without him reuniting the mirror shards.

Wind Waker: I haven't played this game but he did the right thing. He wanted to make sure she was okay and not hurt. Link ihas a kind heart that is probably why he went to check on her. And he wanted to save his sister and the only way to do that was to join the pirates. And I think it was better for Link to get involved than wait.

He is good and not evil. What you have said doesn't make me think he is evil just that he did the best he could and wanted to help others. He knew if he did not do anything then Ganondorf would have taken over Hyrule and ruined everyone's lives. I don't see how what you have said makes him evil when in the end everyone is happy and the world has been saved.
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link is good (FULL STOP)

in OoT neither him nor zelda new what they were doing... i dont believe they actually mentioned that the triforce was in the temple of time at all prior to the door of time opening. (i could be wrong)

link has the triforce of courage because he is the most courageous person in the land, zelda has the triforce of wisdom because she is the wisest person in the land... but ganondorf is not neccesarily the most powerful in the land. he just believes in power more than courage or wisdom.

for all we know there could be some character out there who embodies power more than ganon. if ganon was courageous he would have claimed the triforce of courage (even if link was more so) and this other character would have claimed the triforce of power.

....oh crap... i kinda went off on a tangent there... :P


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Link is whoever the character makes him. If you have evil intentions, such as breaking the vases in people's houses, or smashing all the Ordon Pumpkins to steal the goodies that fell out of the gardeners' pockets, then you are evil because you take them without ever recompensating anyone. And of course I speak of myself, too.
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Spirit Tracks

What kind of a question is this? So are you implying that we could be playing as the bad guy??? Link (more so in the earlier games) is the "link" to the game world for the player. Link is only evil if the player is.

In both Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time Link is a legendary hero. The very definition of a hero is basically one who does good.
Im not implying that link is bad. im doing something called stating an opinion, and yes i know what a hero is. i have played TP so i know, but im not saying Link is bad.
Sep 17, 2011
Going around, breaking some vases and being awful shoplifter doesn't necessarily make him evil in the actual meaning of the word. More of a... jerk. Of course killing people is a bit...on the neutral side of things, but it is war - so morals really do not matter. But he is still the guy who goes and defeats the evil guy.

Unless we start assuming, of course, that Ganondorf had good intentions all along, bringing democracy and free health insurance for the poor people of Hyrule. Which I do not see happening.

Spirit Tracks

Wait, democracy and health insurane? Yea, that wont happen. So Link is pretty much neutral, unless the player is evil, and i dont think ganondorf is gonna play OoT or something


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
No, I don't think Link is evil. He is determined and devoted to get done what has to be done. In OoT he is send on a mission by the Great Deku Treem and later by Zelda. Link accepts it without asking any questions. In WW his sister is kidnapped and he wants to get her back at all costs. Even if he has to work with pirates. He is determined to get her back and nothing is changing his mind. In TP the children are kidnapped and Link wants to save them and runs after them and turns into a wolf. Even with a bossy Midna around he is still determined to get the children back. Also in PH we see how Link is willing to get Tetra back and he often is told his heart is good but he acts without thinking. We see this through most Zelda games. Link acts without thinking about the risks and what path to take. If he has to kill enemies he will, if he has to cross the most horrible dungeons he will. This doesn't make him necessairly good or evil. But considering the fact he risks so much to get done what has to be done you can conclude he is a good person by heart. But he is a bit reckless and takes a lot of risks to reach his goal. We can see this in WW for example when his sister is kidnapped and he is running after her and almost drops off the cliff. One of the pirates grabs him and Tetra tells him to think straight first. And we see this in all the games. So I think Link is a good person by heart but is willing to take any risk. Even if it has to be the bad way like teaming up with pirates who are usually considered as the terror of the seas.

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