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Breath of the Wild Let the Countdown Begin

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Jun 5, 2015
Bakersfield, CA
So March 3rd is 5 days away.
What are your thoughts on the game as we get closer?
How are you preparing yourself for the release of the game?
Anyone picking their game up at midnight? (I know that I'm going to)
My credentialing classes were cancelled for Friday and I am super excited for what that means for my BoTW plans. ALL DAY GAMING! :pikalove:
I was all in for the story. But as the day comes closer im actually becoming more excited to play it, as in actually press buttons to do stuff and find things for myself.

Nowhere near me is doing a midnight launch so i have to wait until 9am on the day, spend 30mins getting it back to my house and probably 30mins setting up the console.

After that i have a full 5 days off of work to spend playing it. I shall not sleep, shower or waste time on cooking for those 5 days.
Jun 5, 2015
Bakersfield, CA
I was all in for the story. But as the day comes closer im actually becoming more excited to play it, as in actually press buttons to do stuff and find things for myself.

Nowhere near me is doing a midnight launch so i have to wait until 9am on the day, spend 30mins getting it back to my house and probably 30mins setting up the console.

After that i have a full 5 days off of work to spend playing it. I shall not sleep, shower or waste time on cooking for those 5 days.
Are you getting it on the Switch?
Jun 5, 2015
Bakersfield, CA
Yep. Getting BotW, Switch console, pro controller and the 5 amiibo on the day. All preordered and mostly all paid off.
I preordered a whole bunch of stuff, but then I had to bring it down to just the basics (Switch and BotW Special Edition). It made me a little sad, but that's the main thing I'm into right now. I'm waiting for Skyrim to come out at the end of the year.
Did you order any of the DLC?
Jun 5, 2015
Bakersfield, CA
I'm not sure what I'm going to need extra for my system. I didn't even think about any of that. I guess I'm going to end up kind of screwed if I get it and it doesn't come with a charger or anything of the like. I hope it comes with what I need. My fiance kind of handled the ordering of everything.
I'm not sure what I'm going to need extra for my system. I didn't even think about any of that. I guess I'm going to end up kind of screwed if I get it and it doesn't come with a charger or anything of the like. I hope it comes with what I need. My fiance kind of handled the ordering of everything.

It comes with everything you need to hook it up and play.

You can charge the joycons when theyre on the Switch itself. But the grip that comes with the console is just a piece of plastic so it wont charge your joycons as you play.

If youre playing and they run out of life you'll have to undock the switch and use it in handheld mode with the joycons on the side... and then be careful that the Switch itself doesnt run out of life.

Once the OS updates are done the Switch goes from 32gig to 25gig. So you may need a micro SD card for extra memory.

So, if youre not gonna get a pro controller and dont want to play in handheld mode i would consider a charge grip
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Azure Sage

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I wasn't able to preorder so the best I can do is go store searching on March 3rd and pray I can get my hands on a Switch and/or BotW. And I don't drive so I have to rely on others to help me do that. At least the money I'm paying for it with is mine, lol.

I've been avoiding story spoilers like the plague, but I've seen a LOT and I mean a LOT of gameplay footage on the Great Plateau. I know a lot about it. I have been watching some minimal footage of places off the plateau, and I'm excited to try and find them myself. Watching gameplay videos can be frustrating because I keep wanting them to go a certain way or do a certain thing and they don't. Can't wait to be able to actually do it myself.
Jun 5, 2015
Bakersfield, CA
I paid for all the preorders myself, but at GameStop they needed someone with an account they said. So it's all on my fiance's account. I wish you luck Azure on getting a system and a game. I'm trying to avoid all of the footage and stuff of the like, I don't want any of it to be ruined for me. That's one of my biggest pet peeves.
If they have the pro controllers at some point in the future I'm hoping that I can afford to get one. I'm hurting for money right now, but everyone I know told me not to cancel my pre-order, including my parents.


The Diplomatic Dinosaur
Jul 1, 2012
Early Cretaceous North America
I wasn't able to preorder so the best I can do is go store searching on March 3rd and pray I can get my hands on a Switch and/or BotW. And I don't drive so I have to rely on others to help me do that. At least the money I'm paying for it with is mine, lol.
Dude, this is my situation exactly. But I also need to go to the city to do this.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
It comes with everything you need to hook it up and play.

You can charge the joycons when theyre on the Switch itself. But the grip that comes with the console is just a piece of plastic so it wont charge your joycons as you play.

If youre playing and they run out of life you'll have to undock the switch and use it in handheld mode with the joycons on the side... and then be careful that the Switch itself doesnt run out of life.

Once the OS updates are done the Switch goes from 32gig to 25gig. So you may need a micro SD card for extra memory.

So, if youre not gonna get a pro controller and dont want to play in handheld mode i would consider a charge grip
Joycons have a battery life of 20 hours, so unless you are inhuman, and play for 24 hours a day, battery issues should not be a problem.
Jun 5, 2015
Bakersfield, CA
If I didn't have so much work to get done before the following week I would probably have the same thing to say too. Unless.... I can get it all done now. This site has me helplessly distracted else where


Staff member
I'm going to have to go put in a Pre-Order for BOTW on Wii U tomorrow, planning to pick up on launch day. Considering attending the midnight launch if I can get the Wii U copy of the game there.
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