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The Mightiest Mario
Mar 27, 2020
it probably wont know who they are if theres no information about them online, give me a short description of each and i will tell the robot that with their names
Cayde: blonde haired girl with blue eyes who sometimes feels down and depends on Zerris to support her

Zerris: brown haired guy with purple eyes who would do anything to make Cayde happy


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
Cayde: blonde haired girl with blue eyes who sometimes feels down and depends on Zerris to support her

Zerris: brown haired guy with purple eyes who would do anything to make Cayde happy
In a world painted with hues so bright,
Lived Cayde, a girl with eyes like twilight.
Her locks of gold, a sunny cascade,
A heartwarming smile she always displayed.

Zerris, her beau, with a will so strong,
Vowed to make her happy all life long.
For her laughter was his cherished song,
And beside her was where he belonged.

Together they danced through life's vast array,
In fields of dreams where children play.
With every step, Zerris would lay,
Roses and promises in a love bouquet.

He'd pluck the stars from the velvet night,
To adorn her dreams with celestial light.
For Cayde's joy was his guiding kite,
Lifting him higher in love's great flight.

So here's to the girl with the ocean eyes,
And the boy whose love reaches the skies.
May their journey be sweet as the dawn's first rise,
For in each other, their true happiness lies.
here is what the computer made for you


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Not reading all that computer generated shiiiit
Ik, I'm going an entire state away, it's a miracle. Idk if I'll survive the perilous journey.
I see this just after reading a book set in colonial America with the wild frontier and stuff, and just tonight I was reading about someone making a journey in the winter and it was dangerous and cold, so it took me a minute to remember the context lol


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
quick edit, the compooter seems to think their children, can you change it to man and woman please?
In a world painted with hues so bright,
Lived Cayde, a beacon, a vision of light.
Her eyes, like sapphires, gleamed with glee,
A blonde-haired beauty, as fair as could be.

Zerris, her love, with a heart so true,
Vowed to paint her skies a happier hue.
For her smile, for her joy, he'd reach any length,
In her happiness found his own strength.

Together they danced through life's vast array,
In each other's arms, night turned to day.
For Cayde's laughter was the melody sweet,
That made Zerris's world feel complete.

He'd pluck the stars from the velvet night,
If it meant Cayde's eyes would hold that light.
Through trials and time, their love would prove,
In the quest for her joy, there's nothing he wouldn't move.
it made this


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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