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Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
2 miles in 13 minutes, zamn! Good luck, let us know how ya do. Hmm, stories about work.... it's all the same really, just putting out shoes all day, I wish something interesting would happen. I did just get another raise, but I'm also on final warning for misbehavin'. SO basically "you're doing awesome, great work, but **** up one more time and we will fire you". Not much of a problem since I learned to keep myself in line since then (this warning came 1.5 months after I did the thing) but still, an interesting juxtaposition.
Wait what happened at work?


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
daYUM, you drove straight through the night.
i blame my one friend who was MIA for like 2 hours while we all waited for her ready to leave Dallas. Fsr when I was 30~ mins from home, totally out of it, going thru woods and listening to the radio, the EMS went off without explanation and scared the tail off me. they never said what it was for
Wait what happened at work?
Screenshot 2024-04-17 220223.png


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
i blame my one friend who was MIA for like 2 hours while we all waited for her ready to leave Dallas. Fsr when I was 30~ mins from home, totally out of it, going thru woods and listening to the radio, the EMS went off without explanation and scared the tail off me. they never said what it was for

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